what would you consider a fetish?
In a general sense, an interest in objects or activities that fall outside the "standard" P.I.ual experience.
I realize that's incredibly vague as people's experiences differ. But, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
then nothing is a fetish to the user, since they don't fall outside the standars s e x ual experience.
i love the taste of my own semen, does that count?
I can see what you're saying. And I admit, my definition is a bit week. It's also beside the point, really. You were asking about my preferences and I sidelined into a semantic discussion. My apologies. I get picky about word usage.
So, back to the topic at *ahem* hand..... Yes, I would consider that a fetish. A nice one, in fact.

As for me, I'd say my main fetish would be submissiveness.