Yeah I went to this site called I don't really believe in that stuff but i know what the author of the site is trying to tell us. I believed in some of the stuff that was on there. However it's hard to believe that reptilian aliens rule the planet is God and Jesus...and moses and Buddha.. and that thing with eight arms or whatever it is it's hard to believe all that bullshit as well.
I do believe religion was created to comfort us in a world full of hate while the ruling elite do whatever the fuck they want with the planet and it's population. They distract us with Religion, Science and Media, sex, pleasure and entertainment to control our minds and pass it to our offspring so they won't ever think of finding the truth.
People say religion is good. I don't think so..... John Paul the pope was a nazi youth, There were never ANY other races in the bible (as far as I know), for centuries priests have molested altar boys.....some religions are sexist like the ones in the middle east.
There was this thing I read in one of my mothers People magazines when I was bored on the ferry about this strict Mormon community that marry young girls off to old men and have kicked young boys out because the boys broke rules and many of the rules are no video games, no rap and rock music, no sports so this makes me all suspicious that they came up with these rules right from the beginning and keep adding on more rules like "No video games and Rap Music" rules that these religious leaders know what the typical teenage boy is interested in and will most likely break! Just so they can get rid of all the unwanted young boys out of their religion and living quarters. I read autobiography's that this boy got kicked out into the street for playing video games at a friends house....and another from wearing a Metallica t-shirt underneath the plain blue shirt he was wearing.
Kicking boys into the street? Is that what God the person who loves man-kind wants? That seems like the devils work making up rules that the boys will most likely break so they can get the young boys out of the way so old creepy men can marry all the young youthful pretty girls. Religion is disgusting.
I WILL NEVER listen to authority figures.
The point of this is everyone thinks people who believe in ghosts or aliens in "crazy" but it's totally OK in our society to believe that there is a white man wearing a beard and a toga that lives in the sky?
The media puts out videos about for example like "Are there REALLY such thing as ghosts? and "Great pyramid mysteries" and
"Aliens: The search to find them"
Than the Science fiction stuff gets us all believing that aliens controlling the world is all a fantasy?
I kind of believe do we live in an Alien ant farm or mabe earth is just a play house for some cute little insect-faced girls to play with.
Maybe we are just little army men for the lizard boys to play with it's probably all like.......
Ben the Lizard boy: Hey I made all these little people! i made them believe in this! I think they need the invention of an entertainment device!
I'll give them all tv's that'l distract they don't think were no controlling us...than we will put things on the tv that make them think creatures like us is a fantasy!
Greg the lizard boy: BEN! what the hell is your fucking problem?

Why did you create more religions! No theres more war! I wanted to see what these hippie people would be like.....Oh's alright ben lets over populate this place and kill everybody.
Shawn the lizard boy: Guess what?

?? I got the new hurricane and earth quake play set for my birthday! wanna try it guys?
Greg and ben: Ohhhh! ok!
Ben: i wanna be like daddy someday and controll a REAL BIGGER BETTER planet!
Greg: me too!
ah shit it's dinner parents are calling me...I gotta go. Tell me your thoughts ok?