Are you open with your friends and family about your relationship? Do you ever find that people judge you because of it?
Not really with our families, no. My mom and Mordok's parents are very religious, so this would NOT go over well with them. My mom does have a clue...she knows we go to PrideFest and that prior to this pregnancy, I'd occasionally hang out at the lesbian bars with my lesbian friends. Oh, and we have gay/bi pride bumperstickers. But I don't think the concept of "open relationship" has ever occured to her. She just thinks I'm going to leave Mordok for a woman, like a friend of hers did. I suppose down the road, if we end up in more of a long term relationship with a person or couple, then things will have to be said, but we haven't gotten there yet.
Friends definitely know. Since I'm perfectly fine having just a small circle of friends, I tend to chose those open-minded enough to be ok with my choices, even if they don't necessarily "get" them, ya know? I don't find a lot of out and out judgement, just occasional misunderstandings or incorrect assumptions.