
Author Topic: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!  (Read 7521 times)

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Offline Walkie

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Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« on: August 02, 2007, 11:19:17 AM »
But, treating the denizens of Intensity like lab rats is worse in what way than treating each other  like punchbags? (undoubtedly , the most popular local sport) 

I think you're very out of touch about what Intensity is like now if that's what you think.

You could well be right about that. But, on the other hand, I still find I have to wade through page upon page  of puerile mudslinging in my efforts to follow some purportedly serious discussion. If some kind of radical change has occurred  around here, can you blame  for failing to detect it? (I’m on dial-up, for  Pete’s ’s sake. And I’ve actually read a great deal more than my post count suggests. ‘cause I’ve got this stupid fetish for reading the whole of the thread before I post, if it’s a half-way serious issue. And most of ‘em defeat me. Guess why.)

Don’t get me wrong. I once  pushed for an unmoderated sub forum on Aspergian Island , in spite of the obvious drawbacks (and we wound up with something that called itself an “unmoderated forum” but wasn’t really. Ho hum.)., so I ‘m surely  not about to say: “Ban the puerile mudslinging”. I might even join in, now and then. I just wish I could filter it out, sometimes. (Hmm. I should think that’s technically feasible, but then some poor sod would have to devote their whole life to indexing the stuff)

Anyway, the only change that’s leapt out at me is McJ’s new username. Gotta say it really suits him. He didn’t need the “Mc” part, IMO, he was instantly recognisable, just  from a glance at his avatar. Plus ca change, as they say.

Btw, on the "lab rat" issue, i think I ought to add that I see no reason to to suppose that's what Pyraxis is doing right now

what do you have against me?

I’m temped to repond with: Nothing at all, not even in my dreams. Dunno about yours. But heck, I think you were actually serious (wouldn’t be the first time)

So you’re taking my observation that your username suits you as some kind of insult, hmm?
Maybe you should change your username, if you’re so ill at at ease with whatever-you-think-it –implies . Sheesh. I surely would. 

I suppose you  want to know what I think it’s supposed to  imply? OK, here goes. I have several alternatives in mind:
A) McFuck is obsessed with sex
B) McFuck is a dickhead (if that’s saying something different)
C) McFuck is well-intentioned prat who couldn’t McFuck a fly, except by accident
D) McFuck is stupendously accident prone Flies beware!
E) All of the other above, though not necessarily with any conscious intention on McFuck’s part.

I think A is surely indisputable, but overall  I favour E

I might add that your current avatar comes unnervingly close to paedophilia for my tastes.  But maybe it’s my own sick imagination makes that girl look roundabout 10 years old

 What was on my mind when I posted? Nothing much, except that the world’s leading exponent of mindless mud slinging could surely cope with a little bit of friendly  ribbing. Oh! And I was a little bit friustrated at the way you (and others)  interpose these mud slinging matches between  me and the end of a possibly interesting thread, But, if you read my post carefully (I mean, if you read the bits that don’t actually mention you by name) you’ll see that I made no secret of that.

End of. I could come up with some serious gripes , if pressed, I suppose. But there’s nothing I’m itching to raise; nothing that really seems remotely relevant right now.  If your Paranoia has a different idea, I’m curious to hear what it is. I know we’ve (privately) disagreed on some issues, in the past; but in the end, I thought you concluded, as I did, that there’s no real point in continuing those discussions. ‘cause neither of us was ever likely to budge.. That still how I feel, and I’ll be breathing a great big weary sigh if it turns out that you really feel a burning need to resurrect some past disputes.

Yeah. Hmm. I really do believe that you’re well-intentioned (unlike certain others whom I’ve publically clashed with on other fora), but I find you one heckova a frustrating person to talk to, that’s a fact.

Hmm. So this isn’t much of a call-out really, is it? Not unless your Paranoia demands more satisfaction than I’ve given it here. It might just turn out to be another damp squib, where everyone goes “Huh? What’s the issue here?” including the protagonists (um, that means  you and me, in Plain Simple English). But at least it’s out of the Peanut Gallery.

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2007, 11:28:55 AM »
sorry.  i thought we got along.

perhaps my non interest in doiung more than the minimum requirement to help neuroman is where your problem lies..

seriously, i just don't know why you singled me out in that thread.  i hadn't even responded to any of your site wide accusations.  even though i thought they may have been shortsided and unfounded.

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2007, 11:30:45 AM »
i also forgot to mention that i couldn't be arsed reading all that....i skimmed.  but still, my mind was elsewhere.  i was thinking the entire time, "i wonder if she'd give me a lapdance."  :laugh:

Offline Walkie

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2007, 12:31:12 PM »
sorry.  i thought we got along.

me too. Chill out, huh?

perhaps my non interest in doiung more than the minimum requirement to help neuroman is where your problem lies..
hold on...
the above tirade was my long-wibnded way of saying that i don't actually have a ptroblem with you.  But maybe you couldn't be arsed to read it. Or it's too subtle. Or summat. My only half-way problem is that you keep on thinking that i have a problem.

Srtiill , I'm glad you mentioned neuronman. 'cause the neuroman debate was exactly what i had in mind when i said i thought that we'd agreed to disagree. I don't actually thnk that you should or could have done more to "help". I think you tried too hard, in a sense, and just leaving it alone was the best policy. I was frustrated becuse we had such different ideas about what the basic problem was, and neither could talk the other round, that's all.  But i don't want to go through all that again, especially not in public. But i noticed your speculatuion that the Vivi/Pyraxis call-out had something to do with neuroman, so. naturally  I wondered if he's playing on your mind, still.

Maybe you feel gulty, or anxious, or something. . If you do, and if you want to offload, i'm willing to make myself available. But let me say plainly: I don't bear any grudgeson that account ; and if anybody else bears a grudge, they haven't mentioned it to me. Has that gone in?

seriously, i just don't know why you singled me out in that thread.  i hadn't even responded to any of your site wide accusations.  even though i thought they may have been shortsided and unfounded.

I think "accusations" is rather too strong a word. Honestly, I singled you out 'cause you have a lot of presence on this board, quite enough to be dubbed the chief "mud slinger" I thought you'd probably take it as compliment.  *Sigh* wrong again, huh? I'm not taking exception to people fooling around.  I just get a bit pissed, sometimes,  when the interesting stuff gets buried.  "shortsighted" is right though, cause  far too often, I can't see past the latest smart-arse slanging match. even though i might spend a whole hour  optimistically loading page after page, thinking it might revert to the original topic any time now. That's why i got bored with Intensirty, before and probably will do again.I really like the idea of Intensity. I'm sure it can be and is much more than just a pllayground, but it's such hard work uncovering the evidence.

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2007, 12:35:11 PM »
dammit.  another essay.
and right before i have to go back to work.

i promise that i will read everything later.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2007, 12:37:30 PM »
i also forgot to mention that i couldn't be arsed reading all that....i skimmed.  but still, my mind was elsewhere.  i was thinking the entire time, "i wonder if she'd give me a lapdance."  :laugh:
:clap: Ahh. That's more like the McFuck we all know and....erm...
The short answer is No, but if that means we're still on friendly terms, then ummm, thanks

(Heck did i just thank McFuck for one of his insanely sexist propositions ? Holy shit. Get me outta here))

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2007, 06:05:44 PM »
Maybe you feel gulty, or anxious, or something. . If you do, and if you want to offload, i'm willing to make myself available. But let me say plainly: I don't bear any grudgeson that account ; and if anybody else bears a grudge, they haven't mentioned it to me. Has that gone in?

nope.  no guilt.

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2007, 06:07:31 PM »
the above tirade was my long-wibnded way of saying that i don't actually have a ptroblem with you.  But maybe you couldn't be arsed to read it. Or it's too subtle. Or summat. My only half-way problem is that you keep on thinking that i have a problem.
actually i am flattered each time my name is tossed around out of the blue.  gives me a heightened sense of importance.   even bad publicity is good publicity and all that.

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2007, 06:09:16 PM »
Srtiill , I'm glad you mentioned neuronman. 'cause the neuroman debate was exactly what i had in mind when i said i thought that we'd agreed to disagree. I don't actually thnk that you should or could have done more to "help". I think you tried too hard, in a sense, and just leaving it alone was the best policy. I was frustrated becuse we had such different ideas about what the basic problem was, and neither could talk the other round, that's all.  But i don't want to go through all that again, especially not in public. But i noticed your speculatuion that the Vivi/Pyraxis call-out had something to do with neuroman, so. naturally  I wondered if he's playing on your mind, still.
not really playing on my mind.  i'd say, "no."
i was just curious as to why he finally added a link to intensity on the neurolands.  and the write up makes it seem like it was his idea....i know we came from the neurolands, and the neurolands came from me.

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2007, 06:09:59 PM »
i am glad to hear that we remain on friendly terms.

why won't you give me that lapdance?

Offline Walkie

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2007, 06:34:51 PM »
i am glad to hear that we remain on friendly terms.

why won't you give me that lapdance?

'Cause I want to be faithful to my own sweet ego , of course   :angel:
(besides, the silly bitch would get jealous  ::))

We can shake hands, though, provided you wash 'em first  :green:

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2007, 06:51:57 PM »
i am glad to hear that we remain on friendly terms.

why won't you give me that lapdance?

'Cause I want to be faithful to my own sweet ego , of course   :angel:
(besides, the silly bitch would get jealous  ::))

We can shake hands, though, provided you wash 'em first  :green:
i just took a shower.  how about a hug?

Offline Walkie

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2007, 08:00:03 PM »

Umm…hang on McJ. I gotta hug Callaway first (she just sent me my secret decoder ring AND gave me a shiny new custom title)

Aww, nah, that’s mean isn’t it? (where the heck did  that mental picture of puppy-dog eyes suddenly spring from?)  C’mon, then


(Hmm now, do I have to take a shower,  before I hug Callaway?)

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2007, 08:03:54 PM »
no.  i just took a shower.

:grabs DW butt and squeezes: 8)

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Re: Walkie calls out McFuck’s Paranoia Yeah!
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2007, 10:46:18 PM »
I might add that your current avatar comes unnervingly close to paedophilia for my tastes.  But maybe it’s my own sick imagination makes that girl look roundabout 10 years old

That avatar is fucking hypotizing me.
!!Super atomic enema!!