1. i always wonder about people crossing the street when they see a black man or whatever, don't think it's really weird to cross the street all of a sudden? i'd be too mortified to cross the street if i saw someone i was afraid of. i'm more afraid of acting weird in public. i know it's sick.
2. Hardon just try being a rape victim and proving it. they put the women on trial and make them prove the rape and go through it in detail. it's not an easy thing to go through.
1. They do it intentionally, I have heard enough NT conversations to that effect over the years.
2. How about you try being someone who is falsely accused of rape. Equally as nasty. It seems we have a scenario where women are scared of men because they think they can rape them, and men are cautious of women because they know they can be accused of raping them.
i wouldn't falsely accuse someone of rape. rape victims however aren't given that many choices.
but you're right. both have something to be afraid of. men of being accused and women of ending up the accusers.
I know you wouldnt, but there are lots of unscruplous people out there. For a man to be safe in the UK, they would need to carry breathilzers to show that the woman was not drunk, consent forms, and a video camera to record that the woman didnt say stop in the middle of it. You see the problem.
paranoia - it's all in your head. 
That is what you would legally have to do to be sure of being safe. Of course if you can trust the woman then you wouldnt have to go to that level.
Or if you werent paranoid.
No more paranoid than you. Asides I was just making a point about how screwed up the rape laws are in the country.
I have schizoid personality type so yes you probably are less paranoid than me.
I thought rape was beyond reasonable doubt in this country. I don't know. I may be wrong, in which case you win - i don't know what the prize is but im trying to make some £ on the horse racing at the moment.
Obviously i am not going to get into an intrawebs arguement. 
Here, too, but that's the part that rips victims to shreds, emotionally, destroys their dignity, and prevents many from making an accusation in the first place - even after the horrid event has happened to them and there is a true criminal who deserves to burn in public.