Fuck off
For God's sake, are you serious?
Just because you know pretty much, fuck all about me, you think you have the right to make a judgement about who I am as a person.
Grow up. You have NFI what my life has been like, and not even many people in my real life know either. Because the fact is, I'm not a whinger, but I have noticed how quick cunts are to make assumptions that every successful person must have had it all fall in their lap and be out of touch with reality.
That's the easy thing to assume.
Just like it's easy to judge everyone.
Uh, duh ... Hi, "Eclipse," I'm not sure where any of that crap came from, but actually, my comment was meant for Hadron and his condescending, know-it-all, stylized bullshit, which he leveled in my direction and since he seems considerately more on the ball than you, he has probably figured that out already. Since you decided to pompously intercept my returned nose-thumbing, in a totally predictable, egomaniacal display of your true colors, I will expand my comment to include you and your better-than-thou, prima dona sauce.
You say I know nothing about you and in a way that is true and on the money, since I know only what you have posted to this forum. I was ready to ignore you after our last spitting, rencontre and I've done a bang up job of it, but your continuing flag waving has caused me to look again and I may run short of politeness, soon, if we continue. So, since you seem to require that we all speak specifically to you, despite how dizzy I am from rolling my eyes, I say directly to you - fuck off, "Eclipse".