when i drive somewhere with my kids we always play the let's make a new friend game.
what we do is anytime we someone on foot, i honk and we all wave.
i gotta say, most people aren't very friendly.
old people will usually wave back. black people seldoms wave back. all the other races and sexes are pretty equal at about 33% friendly.
I wouldn't wave back. fucking weirdos.
even if we were smiling?
how can you reject an earnest grin?
Yeah, but were you smiling with a goofy look and a glisten of spittle dribbling from your mouth?
me? probably.
but my kids are adorable.
Pity you perve on people's asses whilst getting your kids to smile and wave at them.
i was surprised when i took the baby to the mall the other day....just him and i. every woman in site seemed to make their way over to us and they would coo at the baby and strike a conversation up to me. and each one of them would check out my ringfinger.
See, it's people like you I look at and immediately see through the "look at me, I'm a caring kind of guy with my little baby, aren't I sweet".
You've exactly proven my theory. Some girls are just more gullible than others, I guess. On all accounts.