Author Topic: Childhood memories  (Read 705 times)

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Re: Childhood memories
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2007, 09:59:52 PM »
argh, why do i have to reply next to a lesbian.. anyways my earliest memories were of alabama and my dads uniform :laugh:

You used to live in Alabama, Richard?  I grew up there.


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Re: Childhood memories
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2007, 10:03:03 PM »
argh, why do i have to reply next to a lesbian.. anyways my earliest memories were of alabama and my dads uniform :laugh:

You used to live in Alabama, Richard?  I grew up there.
yes i lived i dothan, and have family (grandmotherside) near mobile

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Re: Childhood memories
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2007, 11:06:32 PM »
I have very few childhood memories.
I have nerve damage in my head that affects my long-term very little remains.
How did this happen?

And nice picture maldoror. :)

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Re: Childhood memories
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2007, 06:21:19 AM »
I can remember loads of stuff, right back to when I was about 3, and can recall the memories easily.  I have an extremely vivid recollection of places, and can recall most places that had any significance to me in full 3D colour detail, which I can mentally move through, view from different angles and interact with.  My recollection of people is much more vague, and I tend to mix them up.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: Childhood memories
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2007, 06:32:59 AM »
My house when I was nine months old.  Can describe the whole thing which freaks my relatives out because we moved when I was one.

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Re: Childhood memories
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2007, 06:43:30 AM »
I can remember loads of stuff, right back to when I was about 3, and can recall the memories easily.  I have an extremely vivid recollection of places, and can recall most places that had any significance to me in full 3D colour detail, which I can mentally move through, view from different angles and interact with.  My recollection of people is much more vague, and I tend to mix them up.

Wow, same here, in a lot of ways.
I have extremely detailed picture memory, but I would call it 4D, since I can move through them in time and space, like re-living them. I guess I was fortunate in that I had quite a bit less than a normal amount of people contact when I was a small child. I do associate some people with abstract emotions, though. I can never interpret the concept of kindness or do something "kind" for someone without seeing my grandmother's face in my mind. There are many emotions I associate with people from my childhood. Maybe that was the best way I could learn about abstract emotions, by personifying them, somehow.
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