My wife was a waitress through high school and college. She has some atrocious stories involving kids, diapers and dinner. Soiled diapers left ON the table for her to remove. Turds left under the table.
I was at a restaurant the other day when I heard a child literally yell at the waitress. "This is a hamburger, I wanted a CHEESEBURGER!" The mother did or said nothing.
We need more collective responsibility.
If a kid is misbehaving that badly, any
adult should just whallop them. That's
the way it used to be. 
I saw this happen once. It was on a city bus, a child was stomping up and down the aisle yelling, and being a general nuisance. The mother was ignoring the scene. An older gentleman took the kid by the arm and told it to go sit down. The child spat in the man's face. He smacked the kid across the face. The mother continued to ignore everything.
I was stunned.