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Offline garmonbozia

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Rude kids in restaurants
« on: July 28, 2007, 07:48:54 PM »
:finger: :finger: :finger:  Fuck Hungry Howie's!  Or rather, fuck the other customers who happened to be there.   :finger: :finger: :finger:  I had to get out of my damn apartment for a while, so I went there for supper this afternoon after finding my favorite pizza joint closed (the sign said something like "away for a week").  I should have kept on driving when I saw a church bus in the parking lot.  I had to wait in line behind some lady who smelled like she needed hygeine lessons.  Should'a left.  They couldn't keep the pizzas on the buffet fast enough to keep up with everyone.  It was mostly a bunch of rude kids who would cut in front of adults and not watch where they're going, and also reach right over my tray.  I was careful to use my left hand when handling the spatula at the buffet, and my right hand for touching the food at my table.  If you'd have seen those kids handling the spatulas, dropping them and re-using them, etc., you'd know what I'm talking about.  Not just the church group, but also at least one other party that thought the restaurant was their babysitter.

Other honorable mentions include a pregnant chick walking around who looked a bit too young to be pregnant, and yet another young-ish looking mama changing a baby's diaper in a booth.

At least once, I had to resist the temptation to pour my drink on one of the kids at the buffet line.  That's wrong, I know, but that's what I was truly thinking.   >:D

Anyone else have a restaurant brat experience they'd like to share?

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2007, 07:52:27 PM »
Now that most restaurants have abandoned the smoking section, I think they should use it as the "People with annoying little brats section". 
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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2007, 08:13:49 PM »
Now that most restaurants have abandoned the smoking section, I think they should use it as the "People with annoying little brats section". 
yep.  and the black people.

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2007, 08:49:36 PM »
Exactly! The Ferry I go on often has place called a "quite room"  where children aren't aloud in but it costs money to go in their. The Children have a play section with a slide and television with weird cartoons playing on it.  I have to be in the play area cause I go on the ferry with my sister-in-law and toddler nephew but it annoys her more than me EVERYBODY has to have a big fucking picnic on the ferry they bring all their own food and chew loudly and that annoys her. Last time there was a big Asian group with their kids and they were very loud and eating ginger snaps. Yeah I can't stand it when kids are screaming at the top of their lungs for no reason.

anyways Mc Fuck blacks arn't that annoying It's those Asians with their high pitched voices! That bother my over sensory problems.

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2007, 08:56:01 PM »
I can't comment, since I am one of the parents with a daughter who can sometimes be annoying to others in restaurants.

We try to teach her how to behave properly, but she has autism and pretty significant sensory issues.

My question is how can one expect these children to learn to behave properly if we don't keep trying to teach them?  She has gotten better.

Offline garmonbozia

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2007, 09:09:48 PM »
Actually, the people in H.H. were half-and-half between white and hispanic.  They could have been half-and-half between plaid and argyle for all I fucking care.

I've been subjected to the high-pitched Asian voices at least once.  A couple years ago I was in the mall, having just left Ritz Photo and contemplating the buyer's guilt on the camcorder I had just bought (basically walking like a zombie in my own little world, just me and the buyer's guilt).  Then suddenly I was jolted out of that by this loud, piercing EEEEEEH-EEEEEEH!!!  It must have hit resonance with my eardrums because it was slightly painful.  I look over and it's this little Asian girl a few feet away, her parents leaning down to try to resolve whatever brought out that shriek.  Just kind of startled me, that's all.

I realize it's necessary to include a bit of field work in teaching manners to kids.  The issue I had this afternoon at H.H. was the way these kids were zooming all over the restaurant and touching all the stuff on the buffet.  YOU KNOW that few if any of them probably washed their hands last time they took a shit.

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2007, 09:28:38 PM »
I can't comment, since I am one of the parents with a daughter who can sometimes be annoying to others in restaurants.

We try to teach her how to behave properly, but she has autism and pretty significant sensory issues.

My question is how can one expect these children to learn to behave properly if we don't keep trying to teach them?  She has gotten better.
I have no problem with parents trying to teach their children how to behave.  What bothers me is when the parents could care less what their kids are up to.  The kids are playing tag in the restaurant, throwing food all over the place, yelling and screaming for their parents attention who ignore them. 

Of course, I don't have kids, so I really have no grounds for chastising anyone.
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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2007, 11:22:46 PM »
I can't comment, since I am one of the parents with a daughter who can sometimes be annoying to others in restaurants.

We try to teach her how to behave properly, but she has autism and pretty significant sensory issues.

My question is how can one expect these children to learn to behave properly if we don't keep trying to teach them?  She has gotten better.

Mine have gotten a lot better, too. We gave up trying to eat out for a long time, but finally decided that we were not doing our kids any favors, almost like giving up on them. We started going out again, by just going for desserts, which they loved. We would just order coffee or tea and pie, while the kids got milk and cake or ice cream. There was no pressure to eat anything completely or focus, since desserts are like a bribe, anyway, and they had already had a balanced meal. We used the outing for sweets as a reward for various things, too.

The biggest problems I had were that my daughter would not eat more than a bite or two, because she was so excited that she began to imitate all the people around her. My son would get so overloaded that he would become a dinosaur and start waving his claws at people and growling. I'm sure we were quite popular with the other patrons.

Now, we make it all the way through the whole meal before my son starts to stim too much or turn into an animal, but he does get a little loud sometimes, waiting on his sister to finish. My daughter is able to cope better, too, as long as we keep bringing her focus back to the food. She has a rough time with ADHD, in general, and she is very self centered, so she flits through what ever enters her mind.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 11:36:20 PM by MarkingDawg »
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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2007, 11:29:16 PM »
Now that most restaurants have abandoned the smoking section, I think they should use it as the "People with annoying little brats section". 
yep.  and the black people.

I'm never quite sure if this is all
sarcasm, or if you're really racist.  :minus:

But, equating the two is ridiculous.
If adults acted the way some of these
kids do, they'd be asked to leave, EVEN
if they were black.

I think it depends heavily on the type of
establishment. Someplace called Hungry
Howies, sounds like one should rather expect
there to be kids about. But, it can ruin the hell
out of a good meal, and I think that finer dining
should do more to prevent this.

Used to be, the smoking section was a good
way to avoid the little shits. Well, unless the
parents were like my mom.

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2007, 11:30:43 PM »

I have no problem with parents trying to teach their children how to behave.  What bothers me is when the parents could care less what their kids are up to.  The kids are playing tag in the restaurant, throwing food all over the place, yelling and screaming for their parents attention who ignore them. 

We need more collective responsibility.
If a kid is misbehaving that badly, any
adult should just whallop them. That's
the way it used to be.  :green:

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2007, 12:49:23 AM »
My mom is an ECE (Early Childhood Educator) and she says some of the kids she has worked with are wild and rotten to the core. I go to the daycare she works at and one kid said "Exuse me" while running right into me......haha

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2007, 02:45:10 AM »
cheap buffets + Customers = trouble.

I work in one. They attract the worst kind of people.

I call them pig troughs.

Mainly because they just seem so open to disease and all the people there seem to be there to have a gorge.

But as for the children.  Everyone was a kid once.  Kids need to learn how to behave in those situations and the only place they will learn it is in the real scenario and with responsible parents.  Sometimes the parents shouldn't even be there!

Nappy changing in a public booth is unacceptable however.

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2007, 03:05:34 AM »
Diaper changing, doesn't bother me. I don't even watch or pay attention to it. I mind my own business.

When I was a kid, my mother always had my brothers and I have good table manners. Eat with your silverware, no playing with your food, no running around, no making lot of noise, feet in front of you and elbows off the table and of course wait your turn.

I remember when I was seven or eight, some little girl ran into me literally at a Sizzler as I was walking back to the salad bar for more food.

But yet, I never really had troubles with kids in restaurants.

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2007, 04:17:54 AM »
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: Rude kids in restaurants
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2007, 04:23:44 AM »
Diaper changing, doesn't bother me. I don't even watch or pay attention to it. I mind my own business.

When I was a kid, my mother always had my brothers and I have good table manners. Eat with your silverware, no playing with your food, no running around, no making lot of noise, feet in front of you and elbows off the table and of course wait your turn.

I remember when I was seven or eight, some little girl ran into me literally at a Sizzler as I was walking back to the salad bar for more food.

But yet, I never really had troubles with kids in restaurants.

I think we already knew you would say that SG.