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--- Quote from: jman on May 30, 2006, 12:43:24 AM ---what is the most bizzare case you've ever evaluated as a crisis clinician? and what was their diagnosis?

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i don't think of cases as bizarre. there are odd ones and cases that made me laugh afterwards

the one that still makes me laugh was the woman i saw in the ER who was standing against a wall. she had a hospital gown (called a johnnie) on and nothing else. she was apprehended walking down the center of the road completely naked. i asked her why she was walking down the road naked and she said, "because i have to preach the word." i said that doesn't explain why you had no clothes on. she said, "because i'm a tree." i said, that still doesn't explain why you were naked. why did you take your clothing off? she put her arms out to the side and said in a loud voice, "because i need to spread my branches and grow!"
cocaine induced psychosis

another man came in complaining of a stone in his throat. he was very distressed. the doctors found nothing. he was a very clean cut, well dressed young man. he was not at risk for harm, so we had to let him go. i could not help him. he left convinced he was going to die because eventually the stone would cut off his air supply.

i remember the funny and the sad stories, and some of the real clinical mysteries. i really dont think of any as bizzare because as they say, there, but for the grace of god, go i.


--- Quote from: shima on May 30, 2006, 08:36:08 AM ---Are gluten and bikinis your only kryptonite?

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on second thought:
gluten = kryptonite

woman in bikini = adhd

intelligent woman in bikini = the sun

Who is Lex Luther in the neuroman/ tinkerjack universe?

how many chucks could a wood chuck, chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck, chucks?

Tinkerjack has hit kryptonite.  Stay tuned to this station...



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