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Are gluten and bikinis your only kryptonite?


--- Quote from: Pyraxis on May 30, 2006, 08:00:10 AM ---Why did you skip jman's question about the most bizarre case?

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because i have adhd and after i wrote a detailed response to the question that thing about someone else posting while i responded came up and i pushed the wrong button. >:(
i will do it again.


--- Quote from: McJagger on May 30, 2006, 01:22:33 AM ---why do you use the wolf as your symbol?

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real white fang by jack london to find out.
the wolf is not a symbol, it is a portrait


--- Quote from: Pyraxis on May 30, 2006, 08:00:42 AM ---Are you healthy enough to return to the "Assign a theme song" thread on Neurolands?

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yes, if i can remember to go there (takes out appointment book and writes...)


--- Quote from: shima on May 30, 2006, 08:36:08 AM ---Are gluten and bikinis your only kryptonite?

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gluten is a serious hunk of kryptonite
bikinis are merely temptation
put the bikini on an intelligent woman and all is lost...


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