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ah hell.

i went to a small private school.  with a minimal budget and a mandatory Bible class.

we didn't even have half the sports programs.
our band comprised of kazoo players.
and our drum major was a minor.


yeah right, we learned how to make balloon animals instead, and we recycled and reused the balloons.

we did have home ec though.  but all they had was an easy bake oven.  actually my senior year they got a real life microwave.  but only learnt how to make those 2 fer $1 tv dinners.

do you think mcjagger is bullshitting about his school being THAT bad?

hum - balloon animals...and isn't an easy bake oven a toy? so mcj was playing with toys while i learned to use a drill press...

i take people at their word.

casts a bit of a shadow on the machismo, dont it?

hum, lets see, drill press vs balloon animals, drill press vs balloon animals.

drill press.

what type of bit did you use on the end of your drill press?

because we had alot of those red balloons, they were always my favorite.

material or size?

drill press bits are different than hand drill bits - more tinkering with the chuck.
i know a good bit about drills...
(now you know whence came tinkerjack)

diamond or carbon steel i think back then
titanium would be choice now as i play with metal a lot.

still have some diamond bits, but alas, no room for a full size drill press. have a craftsman (at my house) and a black and decker (at my mom's house).

size depends on the project.
big hole, big bit.


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