"..............There are commonalities between these last two groups ? their inability to question ? this comes directly from an over-exposure to the propaganda, and lies that buttresses how they think they think; and by which they embrace the choices they routinely choose. Mostly this group has been indirectly told what to think, programmed by a system that has re-written history to reflect very little of what-really-happened anywhere: Imagination in too many with this mask, has become a quick-sand of indecision, a dead-pool where the fertile parts of being human goes to die."
That is you guys. Programmed, told what to think, doing what you are told.
" Another disconnect that ties these last two groups together is their willingness to let others do their deeper thinking for them. In every generation there are always some who question, some who challenge and some who can lead the larger population to new highs. These individuals have been targeted for elimination. In most other places that process has been brutal and is blood-soaked round the world."
You guys are the ones let others do your thinking for you. If the media says WMD in Iraq, you believe it. Doesn't matter if it is true or not. I am the guy who questions. We know that because I am "targeted for elimination". Post after post after post talking about me, who I am, what I look like, how I think. Completely ignoring any factual material I post. Or calling it spam or ravings or any other word to belittle the truth that you do not want to accept.
Here is some advice.
"This ?life? that is given to each of us, this fantastic personal mystery that we did not choose for ourselves is not something that ?others? should be allowed to trash with such vehemence on the one hand: and with such contempt on the other. The artificial hierarchical ladder of superiority is nothing but a construct ? because in nature there is no real difference that is bequeathed by birth. NO people are intrinsically ?better? than any other people. "
Why do you let liars tell you what to think? Why do you allow criminals to trash your life and treat you with contempt? You are just as good as they are. The only difference is you are trained to obey them, but you refuse to admit it. Or you are so scared of thinking on your own, that you would rather cuddle up with someone that lies to you and uses you for their own ends.