Author Topic: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.  (Read 46556 times)

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1335 on: November 28, 2006, 11:20:49 AM »
Wishing her a fond farewell, are we, Robert?

Sad, sad bastard. You're fucking obsessed with the girl.


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1336 on: November 28, 2006, 12:20:27 PM »
Just a quick hi, before i go set about things.

PI, im sorry you felt the need to get all defensive, but well i didnt expect us to be on the same side of the coin for every issue anyways. Do take care though.

Thanks everyone. 8)

Whats up Peegai, was Robert checking up on me again?
I was actually trying to help that sucker out, when Flo PM-d me about him, by pointing some things out and trying to steer him away from the Robert winde ups, and the aspie trash vs intensity infantile rubbish, neither site is exactly made up of saints, but its ohh so yawn and last season etc. ;)

Its alright Robert i will try find some time to get online, in order for you to get your fix, i wouldnt want to deprive you of two women. Actually Robert, if your gonna review my posts and my profile, could you maybe atleast leave a little message or fuck with my karma. ;D

Will be back when i can. :evillaugh:

Offline RobertN

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1337 on: November 28, 2006, 03:13:43 PM »

i wouldnt want to deprive you of two women. :evillaugh:

 ???wtf are you on about, bitch? ???

+10 karma to PI for standing up to the bitch. I'm fed up of seeing HG do nothing but tread on people and nobody bothers to stand up to her and defend themselves and their way of life. I know we have never been on the best of terms, PI (considering the fact that I think your husband is scum), but I support you 100% on this one. :)


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1338 on: November 28, 2006, 04:12:32 PM »

i wouldnt want to deprive you of two women. :evillaugh:

 ???wtf are you on about, bitch? ???

+10 karma to PI for standing up to the bitch. I'm fed up of seeing HG do nothing but tread on people and nobody bothers to stand up to her and defend themselves and their way of life. I know we have never been on the best of terms, PI (considering the fact that I think your husband is scum), but I support you 100% on this one. :)

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1339 on: November 29, 2006, 07:40:49 AM »

i wouldnt want to deprive you of two women. :evillaugh:

 ???wtf are you on about, bitch? ???

+10 karma to PI for standing up to the bitch. I'm fed up of seeing HG do nothing but tread on people and nobody bothers to stand up to her and defend themselves and their way of life. I know we have never been on the best of terms, PI (considering the fact that I think your husband is scum), but I support you 100% on this one. :)

I don't particularly think much about the people you choose to call friends either- but what you have to realise is that we're both guilty of judging people based soley on their actions on the damn internet.  You probably believe that we're all being unfair to you and your friends, and I feel the same way about how you talk about members on Intensity.  Doesn't it occur to you that it might be better to stop acting so judgemental and just allow other people to have differences of opinion?


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1340 on: November 29, 2006, 08:02:24 AM »

i wouldnt want to deprive you of two women. :evillaugh:

 ???wtf are you on about, bitch? ???

+10 karma to PI for standing up to the bitch. I'm fed up of seeing HG do nothing but tread on people and nobody bothers to stand up to her and defend themselves and their way of life. I know we have never been on the best of terms, PI (considering the fact that I think your husband is scum), but I support you 100% on this one. :)

I don't particularly think much about the people you choose to call friends either- but what you have to realise is that we're both guilty of judging people based soley on their actions on the damn internet.  You probably believe that we're all being unfair to you and your friends, and I feel the same way about how you talk about members on Intensity.  Doesn't it occur to you that it might be better to stop acting so judgemental and just allow other people to have differences of opinion?

I agree wholeheartedly with that statement.



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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1341 on: November 30, 2006, 11:12:54 PM »
i wouldnt want to deprive you of two women. :evillaugh:

 ???wtf are you on about, bitch? ???
+10 karma to PI for standing up to the bitch. I'm fed up of seeing HG do nothing but tread on people and nobody bothers to stand up to her and defend themselves and their way of life. I know we have never been on the best of terms, PI (considering the fact that I think your husband is scum), but I support you 100% on this one. :)

The bitch has time to post, did i hit a nerve there dear?. Aww there, there. Seriously Robert, its prob best you go commando considering your always getting your panties in a twist. You need to learn to chill out.

As for PI, i felt bad at her seeming as if she was getting defensive, and i hope i didnt upset her, but i was voicing a person opinion on a particular issue in general, it wasnt intentionally directed or targetted at her personally, it was simply an honest opinion on an issue (as im sure she herself knows), but i was so glad she voiced her opinion too and commented, thats what i find great and like most about PI, she will give her opinion etc regardless, and hasnt got problem with standing up against anyone or standing up for or defending her beliefs etc (whether its against someone she normally gets on with or not), we are probably very similar in that way.

This is the real world, and we are all presumably adults here ;) Therefore PI most likely like myself and others here will know that, you wont always agree with everyone (not even friends etc) on everything, there will be times where you agree on alot of issues or have similar opinions etc and then there will be an area or time where you will almost certainly have a difference of opinion, or different views in relation to something/a particular issue, you wont always necessarily agree with someone on every issue, and sometimes those opinions may even clash. 

Like i said to PI herself, i didnt expect us to be on the same side of the coin for every issue, and thats basically because that would be a silly thing to assume. Its natural to have a difference of opinion, and at times it can be a good thing.

As for me treading over everyone, thats interesting, i will presume that is either your imagination or you still being bitter about my honest or upfront remarks in relation to you or your "sweetie". As for others, everyone here has the opportunity to comment on whether they agree or disagree with something or someone and/or approach that person, (the same way PI did) and even if that person happens to be me. Also most people here know (even you should know), if they have any problems with me, or anything ive said etc, they can approach me publically or privately, the same way i would them, simply cuttin the BS, speaking honestly and it would all be good.

I'm fed up of seeing her do nothing but tread on people and nobody bothers to stand up to her

I also find it ironic you made that statement about me considering it was just a few months back that similar comments were being used in relation to your sweetie. <yawnnnnnnnnn>

For the record, i wouldnt at all say i tread on people. (i get why you may feel that way though) I am honest, and im upfront about things and i can voice my opinions both openly as well as privately, thats all, sure there may be people who might not appreciate that, but well some people just cant handle honesty and would rather be kept in the dark, have things sugarcoated, or would prefer people to just play along or pretend to agree with them (even though they are saying something else behind their back). Sorry but i have no time for faking. Get over it bobby, take that chip off your shoulder, i had/have nothing personal against you, and you really have taken quite a few things the wrong way, and misjudged so much, im sorry my blunt honesty etc has hurt you and may have helped make you the way you are now (bitter etc), but im not gonna apologise for being upfront, honest etc, if i did, id be lying.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2006, 12:08:14 AM by Hypnotica_Gaze »


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1342 on: November 30, 2006, 11:14:58 PM »
BTW glad to see you took my advice Robert, about either actually commenting or tampering with my karma, whilst you obsess over my posts etc. ;D


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1343 on: November 30, 2006, 11:43:46 PM »
I'm fed up of seeing HG do nothing but tread on people and nobody bothers to stand up to her and defend themselves and their way of life.

YEH!! Quit treading on people HG!! You no good treader uponer person you!!!  ::) :arrr:....... :stoned:


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1344 on: December 01, 2006, 12:00:47 AM »
Dont make me drown you in a bath full of coffee ;)


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1345 on: December 01, 2006, 12:08:54 AM »
Dont make me drown you in a bath full of coffee ;)

Mmmmm could you make it Hawaiian Hazelnut with plenty of Bailey's ??  ;) :laugh:


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1346 on: December 01, 2006, 12:14:41 AM »
haha, being the helpful person i am, id be happy to oblige ;)

I thought youd enjoy a coffee dunking. ;D


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1347 on: December 01, 2006, 12:20:37 AM »
haha, being the helpful person i am, id be happy to oblige ;)

I thought youd enjoy a coffee dunking. ;D

Anythind to warm me up right now. Brrrrr it's freezing here!!! It must be like 50 deg. or something!!  ::)


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1348 on: December 01, 2006, 12:30:20 AM »
That bad eh ;)
Thankfully im not that bad, since ive got the central heating up full.
Where are you anyways?

Offline Leto729

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1349 on: December 01, 2006, 12:39:57 AM »
haha, being the helpful person i am, id be happy to oblige ;)

I thought youd enjoy a coffee dunking. ;D

Anythind to warm me up right now. Brrrrr it's freezing here!!! It must be like 50 deg. or something!!  ::)
That not cold its 36 deg here. ::) ;D
And that without the wind chill factor added in either 25 deg with that added in. :laugh:
« Last Edit: December 01, 2006, 12:42:07 AM by kevv729 »
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