
Author Topic: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.  (Read 46559 times)

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1320 on: November 27, 2006, 12:43:41 PM »
lol ok, Purposeful as i said, each to their own, but i still stand by my comments, and my view isnt the one id consider lazy. I could also get into a debate about it from sociological, feminist and psychological points of view (leaving out religious), but its really not a topic thats worth it as far as im concerned, i shall leave that to others in the world who also look down on it, but who actually care enough to waste time compiling data, evidence and information on it. I personally have a life and other things that are more relevant to me and important to do.

However im sorry you felt the need to get defensive at my opinion, since you have chosen to be in that sort of "relationship", i understand why you would be, so i do apologise PI & obviously to Dunc as well.

Peegai my dear respond however you feel, your entitled to your opinion, the same as everyone else is, regardless to whether a friend has an opposing opinion or not. Ive told you that before.


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1321 on: November 27, 2006, 12:56:31 PM »
Just to clarify I didn't say that your whole view was lazy, just the idea that a lack of sexual satisfaction of one or both partners part was the reason why people would want an open relationship of any kind is a lazy (not to mention presumptive) conclusion to draw.   Its the same kind of crap spouted by close-minded people who can't possibly imagine that there's another lifestyle that's just as valid as there's.

I also don't understand why people feel the need to 'look down' on anyone's personal choices, what does it matter to them how other people chose to live their lives? It would be interesting to see any data, although I think the fact that many people who chose this kind of lifestyle keep it fairly private simply because of judgemental attitudes like this should be taken into account when 'reading' the figures.


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1322 on: November 27, 2006, 02:51:25 PM »
Just to clarify I didn't say that your whole view was lazy, just the idea that a lack of sexual satisfaction of one or both partners part was the reason why people would want an open relationship of any kind is a lazy (not to mention presumptive) conclusion to draw. . Its the same kind of crap spouted by close-minded people who can't possibly imagine that there's another lifestyle that's just as valid as there's

I also don't understand why people feel the need to 'look down' on anyone's personal choices, what does it matter to them how other people chose to live their lives? It would be interesting to see any data, although I think the fact that many people who chose this kind of lifestyle keep it fairly private simply because of judgemental attitudes like this should be taken into account when 'reading' the figures.

The reasons for my opinions including the one you disliked most, wasnt just due to personal opinions or theories, but they also actually came from things i have witnessed or heard and the fact i was involved in a study 2yrs ago (one of the more boring ones to me whilst doing Sociology) which was on the subject of relationships, the changes and also included various relationship preferences/sexual preferences etc (open relationships were in there too) which also involved collected information (both qualitive and quantitive), not just stats, psychological views etc, theories and such, but also interviews, investigative research and a load of confidential and anonymous questionaires (to collect information not just on the individuals preference but also their opinions on other types of relationships/preferences including open relationships which from what i recall was actually the least chosen preference anyways, but was also the most frowned upon, which showed us that even though there were questions about people being more promiscuous today and people were more open to various types of sexual behaviour/casual sex etc, that they still had strong views on the traditional relationship).

And yes naturally i agree its always wise to be careful when it comes to data, figures and statistics, because there are other factors to take into account.

However like i said before in the post that you took my quote from, i think it would still be interesting to see a good study comparing NT and AS relationships/preferences etc (just out of curiousity, and to see whether it could prove or dispprove the assumptions that i mentioned i heard some people discussing etc).

As far as relationships and sexual preferences go, there are so many studys, topics of investigative discussion that im more interested in (id rather just save relationships and sex for actually doing in my personal life/real life, ;D i dont really have much of a need to discuss it or study it etc), i just sort of think to myself, with some people it just seems like they must be lacking in their own sex life, unfullfilled or whatever that they actually need to go on about it all the time with everyone or anyone that will listen, rather than actually shut up and go get down to their own business themselves. Its like the all talk no action complex. :laugh:


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1323 on: November 27, 2006, 03:27:19 PM »
The reasons for my opinions including the one you disliked most, wasnt just due to personal opinions or theories, but they also actually came from things i have witnessed or heard and the fact i was involved in a study 2yrs ago....... again cut for length....but was also the most frowned upon....

I agree that it is an often frowned on type of relationship but that doesn't mean that its right for anyone to be so judgemental and look down on anyone else for their choices.  And it also doesn't mean that the uneducated assumptions people make about this kind of relationship are actually true.


However like i said before in the post that you took my quote from, i think it would still be interesting to see a good study comparing NT and AS relationships/preferences etc (just out of curiousity, and to see whether it could prove or dispprove the assumptions that i mentioned i heard some people discussing etc).

I agree, I've seen a lot of AS people with a lot more open and experimental attitude towards sex and I wonder myself the reasons for this- is it the extreme male brain theory, the ability to seperate emotions from sex or something else entirely.

i just sort of think to myself, with some people it just seems like they must be lacking in their own sex life, unfullfilled or whatever that they actually need to go on about it all the time with everyone or anyone that will listen, rather than actually shut up and go get down to their own business themselves. Its like the all talk no action complex

You're entitled to your opinion, but it is just that, your opinion.   I personally think that its weird that people aren't more open and honest about their sex lives and desires, but I know that everyone has their own set of guidelines for what they believe they should keep private.

I disagree that its an 'all talk and no action complex'- some people are just more interested in sex than some (or more honest about it), but it doesn't surprise me that this old chestnut would be brought up in the discussion (its one that someone always comes out with when moaning about people talking about sex too much).


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1324 on: November 27, 2006, 06:40:43 PM »
Sexual preferences are such an individual thing and subjective!  It's good to see this being discussed openly and honestly!  My philosophy, is "Whatever works for everyone, as long as it's consensual and well thought out AND honest," is fine with me!  Here in the US, it sickens me to see the Government spend more time trying to legislate morality, than actually solving the social problems of homelessness, hunger, teen pregnancies, poverty and drugs, etc. >:(

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1325 on: November 27, 2006, 06:45:29 PM »
peoples rigid views on sex, i think, boils down to the teachings of the bible.  many people consider themselves religious, and/or were raised that way.  of course an open relationship is the most frowned upon.
to me, it just means that people are bound by their bias and prejudice without actually being open to things other than what they were taught or are already familiar with.

my wife and i do not have an open sexual relationship, we do not have several partners.  that is because this is the way that she prefers it (being monogamous).  if i had my drethers, then we would have an open relationship.  but i will not have physical relations with anybody else, but only out of respect for her preferences.


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1326 on: November 27, 2006, 07:40:52 PM »
peoples rigid views on sex, i think, boils down to the teachings of the bible.  many people consider themselves religious, and/or were raised that way.  of course an open relationship is the most frowned upon.
to me, it just means that people are bound by their bias and prejudice without actually being open to things other than what they were taught or are already familiar with.

my wife and i do not have an open sexual relationship, we do not have several partners.  that is because this is the way that she prefers it (being monogamous).  if i had my drethers, then we would have an open relationship.  but i will not have physical relations with anybody else, but only out of respect for her preferences.

I must confess the idea of an open relationship was in my mind too!  But, I have also seen open relationships fail miserably and I have too much respect and appreciation for my wife too.  Besides I'm too lazy to hunt around and since her sex drive is stronger than mine, at my age, it's all I can do to satisfy one woman!  And she's worth it! :green:


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1327 on: November 27, 2006, 09:59:09 PM »
PI given your preference etc i dont honestly expect you to think any other way. So its all good. Like ive said before, whether i agree or disagree with something, find it wrong or whatever etc, i will naturally voice my view but i still aknowledge the other persons right to their opinion also, and im glad your honest about yours, the way i am mine. Your entitled to your opinion and i do respect that right even though my personal opinions and education etc cause me to disagree. Its cool your also interested in the AS vs NT thing.

Ozy yes, and as for the last part of your statement i do actually sort of agree, and as far as im concerned theres not enough emphasis on teaching safe sex, sorting out the teenage or unwanted pregnancies, promiscuous underage sex (like the stuff etc we discussed a few days ago via PM), the spiralling abortion rate (which with todays contraception and advice available theres not many excuses for it when it comes to supposed multiple "accidents" etc), substance abuse fullstop, domestic violence (which is being handled better here in Scotland now due to specific systems, and special courts etc for it, but there has still not been enough education on it, or support for kids who have to suffer for their parents mistakes etc), and poverty/homelessness etc also amongst other issues that need to be dealt with or that need to get more exposure, help etc. (It actually does my tits in that the National Lottery here funds various projects, but instead of funding projects/things that are more deserving etc, they usually fund the biggest load of shit, they could even easily half or lower the actual lottery winners amount itself because its too much anyways, and instead use the rest to benefit public interest/welfare etc as a whole but no they dont do that, its so tedious.)

At the end of the day they have to teach some form of morality or such (especially if kids arent getting it at home due to poor parenting skills or simply having shit parents, poor role models etc) to solve some of these problems and prevent them from escalating, there are enough dregs in society. Even if they do try and address those problems (like our government has tried with some minor issues) they will still get whinged at by the people who do the whole "theyre just trying to control us, its becoming a police state", "we are being forcefed morality" or "its breaching our human rights" and such. Theyre basically in a catch 22 situation so to speak.

peoples rigid views on sex, i think, boils down to the teachings of the bible.  many people consider themselves religious, and/or were raised that way.  of course an open relationship is the most frowned upon. to me, it just means that people are bound by their bias and prejudice without actually being open to things other than what they were taught or are already familiar with.

my wife and i do not have an open sexual relationship, we do not have several partners.  that is because this is the way that she prefers it (being monogamous).  if i had my drethers, then we would have an open relationship.  but i will not have physical relations with anybody else, but only out of respect for her preferences.

Well McJ, i personally dont have rigid views on sex, but i have respect for monogamous relationships (when it comes to serious or long term relationships) and marriage, as far as im personally concerned if people dont have proper respect etc for those two things then they really shouldnt bother with them, should they, especially marriage (its just hypocritical), but i dont think i need to explain my position or views further etc. We are all entitled to our own opinions etc naturally, and im entitled to mine which is the above, and that is my own individual personal opinion based on my own views etc, which i did actually put aside whilst i did the study i was involved in at the time so i wasnt biased (as i tend to do all studies, as its best to detach/seperate yourself, especially with some of the topics etc that do come up), but yes even though quite a few of my views pretty much fitted in with the study results and popular opinion based on the qualitive and quantitive evidence collected and provided that we were privy to and part of, i had my own personal views before hand initially anyways, and it wasnt a case of me afterwards just simply agreeing with popular consensus or the majority. (Hey maybe the majority of them were simply just NTs ;))

The bible whats that? remember im an old school Hindu ;)  Christianity has dealt with sexuality in such a hysterical yet hypocritical way, especially when it comes to "Mary" or the feminine, the bible can be amusing, especially if you research certain elements, stories etc. However as much as i have my opinion and im not afraid to voice it, i do respect a persons faith, what they find comfort in, whether i disagree or whatever. :)

Its good you respect your wifes preferences and your vows, marriage. Out of curiousity is your wife an NT?

I must confess the idea of an open relationship was in my mind too!  But, I have also seen open relationships fail miserably and I have too much respect and appreciation for my wife too.  Besides I'm too lazy to hunt around and since her sex drive is stronger than mine, at my age, it's all I can do to satisfy one woman!  And she's worth it! :green:

:laugh: Typical man ;) We've discussed you and your wife before, and i think you seem like a wonderful couple and very well suited, its great you respect and appreciate her as much as she no doubt does you, from the way youve described her etc im sure she is worth it. As for your last comment, that did make me grin. :evillaugh:
« Last Edit: November 28, 2006, 01:31:42 AM by Hypnotica_Gaze »


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1328 on: November 28, 2006, 01:36:42 AM »
Its possible i may need to disappear for a little while, as some important things have came up that i need to sort out and focus on. Hopefully i will still have time to get online in between, but if not then all of you take care, and i should be back soon. :)


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1329 on: November 28, 2006, 04:40:28 AM »
Since you show such disdain for our relationship (using quote marks to describe at as such, saying that people who don't feel the same way about marriage as you are hypoctrites,etc) can I just point out how little you do actually know about our relationship.  Our relationship is built on trust, respect for each other as individuals, complete honesty with each other, a deep sexual attraction, an appreciation of the people we truly are not the people others thing we should be, respect for the bonds of our marriage (whether you can see that or not) and of course a strong love that has gotten us through some difficult times (and before you assume so these were nothing to do with relationship stuff).  None of this changes just because we don't fit in with what you think a marriage should be or because you think you're more educated about the issues.

Yes you're entitled to your opinion, but I can disagree that you really do know what you're talking about, especially when you chose to judge the strength of our relationship on one piece of information. Don't get me wrong I respect your right to disagree, but I don't respect your right to claim that I don't have a real relationship or that I don't respect my marriage (even if you do just hint at it).

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1330 on: November 28, 2006, 06:07:48 AM »
yes my wife is NT.

my point about the bible wasn't directed at you.  it was meant to illustrate the point that an open relationship was looked down upon, or frowned upon by more people in the studies from sociology class.


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1331 on: November 28, 2006, 08:53:12 AM »
Its possible i may need to disappear for a little while, as some important things have came up that i need to sort out and focus on. Hopefully i will still have time to get online in between, but if not then all of you take care, and i should be back soon. :)

Take care and hope that all is sorted out well and soon!


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1332 on: November 28, 2006, 11:18:06 AM »
Its possible i may need to disappear for a little while, as some important things have came up that i need to sort out and focus on. Hopefully i will still have time to get online in between, but if not then all of you take care, and i should be back soon. :)

Good luck getting it all sorted out, Hypnotica Gaze.  You take care too.


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1333 on: November 28, 2006, 11:19:17 AM »
I bought some Irish instead. Bushmills.  :glug:

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1334 on: November 28, 2006, 11:19:46 AM »
Take care, HG. I hope to see you back soon. :)