
Author Topic: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.  (Read 47054 times)

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1020 on: September 28, 2006, 04:31:02 AM »
bitty... :P

Offline McGiver

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1021 on: September 28, 2006, 06:15:24 AM »
bitte shon!

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1022 on: September 28, 2006, 08:08:50 AM »
 ::) that supposed to be germaneze? ::) :P
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Offline Jizz

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1023 on: September 28, 2006, 10:01:03 AM »
Right across the street from me as I sit here and type, I can see Wee Tommy and May talking to each other.

Wee Tommy seems to do this quite regularly, as if he times shaking his dogs blanket over the wall with May putting her washing out or cutting her grass etc. Do you think I should have a quiet word with Mays husband Davie and tell him about Wee Tommys behaviour?

Thing is, Wee Tommy allows May and Davie to use his driveway as the drive was there when he moved in but he doesn't own a car.

I am confused and feel I should intervene...I think they are having secretive sex with each other.

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1024 on: September 28, 2006, 10:17:10 AM »
Salems lot, Hmmm ive heard of it, but i cant remember, i dont recall watching it.

Refresh my memory.

Would you remember if I do a James Mason impression?

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1025 on: September 28, 2006, 10:29:49 AM »
Salems Lot wasn't that up to much. The wee guy appearing at the window was kind of creepy, but the rest was just meh.

I bought the DVDs a few months back.

First night I ordered stuff from the kebab shop too...what a special occasion! ;)
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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1026 on: September 28, 2006, 11:57:04 AM »
Its not that i dont consider myself worthy Kevv, i think there would be too much conflict etc and the forementioned reasons. ;D

Nah peegai, i think the salems lot im thinking about was actually a book mum had, i cant recall watching the movie nope. I rewatched Red Dragon again the other night followed by The Dark though.  :P

Nah Milla its just random rambling. ;)

Kenny what you gonna tell Mays husband, wee Jimmys shaking his dog haired blanket all over your missus? If your really just wanting entertainment, steal mays underwear off the washing line and stick them thru Jimmys letter box, then next time theyre talking as hes handing her intimates back take some random polaroid shots that could be easily misinterpreted by a jealous partner, then send them to Mays husband. Watch the sparks fly. :angel:

Nah Peegai can you just do the psycho impression instead. :laugh:

Yes yes Jizz, the night you lost your virginity to the Kebab shop, i remember. ;)


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1027 on: September 28, 2006, 12:22:54 PM »
Wee Tommy (not Jimmy) has actually entertained us before.

His missus (before she died in the kitchen) came home from the club one night pissed as a fart and was locked out. She was convinced that Tommy was in though and stood for an hour kicking the door and shouting to let her in. Eventually someone came past and said "Tommy still up at the club", she disappeared and came back with the key and the rest is history.

That was entertaining! :)
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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1028 on: September 28, 2006, 04:27:55 PM »
Do you believe that some people are unredeemable? As in their existence is worthless and they may as well be dead.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1029 on: September 28, 2006, 07:23:30 PM »
I believe all natural life (yes even animal life) is a gift and a precious one but i do indeed believe some peoples lives are more precious than others (nothing to do with social class, race or disability or anything like that, just incase you wrongly assume so) and id be lying if i said otherwise.

I do think Hitlers ideology of getting rid of what he deemed human scurge as sick as it was did have some merit on some level and i could understand the process of "cleansing" humanity in a sense, (after all if you could get rid of what you personally consider the burden of humanity, a social evil, or a group that you believed were the scurge of humanity, as much as a decent person you may be could you honestly say you wouldnt think about it? (lets face it some countries already do it in a sense with their death penalty system) most wouldnt be able to go through with it (and quite rightly so) but would you think about it?, and think about what the world that followed would be like even just for a brief moment? a world where those such as smackhead junkies, drug dealers, paedophiles, serious sex offenders, child murderers, prostitutes, black market criminals/certain organised crime rings and those who were a danger to public safety or threat to society were some of the undesirables that could be removed).

However as much as i could get the jist of his plan i did not agree with his selection process, or all his methods, the man was just deluded and derranged. I also believe as much as some lives are more precious than others, we need balance, and even the scurge of humanity play an important role in that. If we got rid of all the evils of society, all the undesirables etc, what would be left? what type of world? what could we learn then? what kind of power struggle would be left? who would be on top and who the bottom? how would we distinguish classification systems then? what hidden evils would then be unearthed? would they be worse and harder to get rid of than the ones we tried to eradicate? what and who would be next? the questions would be endless.

But yes anyways as much as i believe some people are more precious than others and there are groups id like to disappear some that i believe are worthless or a disease of society etc im more interested in problem solving and investigating the minds of some of the evils of society (especially criminals, specifically psychopaths and killers) in order to understand them and also to use the knowledge to help with working out why certain people do certain things and the way they do them, how to catch them out/trip them up and punish them if they havent already been so, and even how to use that information to detect future criminals and to try prevent certain incidents, even to use it to help survivors of crimes or those who are left behind such as the loved ones of victims who have been murdered etc.

I apologise im not on form tonight, however felt i should answer anyways incase im not online in the coming few days. I have finals (major exams and assessement) for the 3rd part of my degree later on today (friday) and possibly some things over the weekend.

Hope that answered your question slightly though Pyraxis.
I now must dash.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2006, 07:26:29 PM by Hypnotica_Gaze »


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1030 on: September 29, 2006, 03:20:58 AM »
I have to disagree with your idea that mediation has to mean sitting on the fence and not solving anything,simply forcing people to get along.  I believe a mediator should keep themselves openminded, but I don't believe that this equates to fence sitting.  The fact is in cases that need mediation (especially so for the kind that might be needed on Intensity) it isn't always a case of black and white, one party isn't always completely innocent.  To me a mediator will listen to both sides without letting their preconceived notions of either side's character colour their judgement- I don't call that fence sitting or wussing out and I actually think that more people should try to do that.  Sure a mediator has to try to be unbiased but I don't agree that that means you can never stand up for those who need you to- which is why I think two mediators working together is a much more workable idea than one trying to argue the case for both sides.

I also disagree with you that honesty isn't a neccessary quality for a mediator (I realise you didn't explicitly claim that it wasn't but you did imply it by saying you were too honest for the role)- I believe a mediator has to be honest, especially with themselves- even, no especially if that means they have to look at a situation objectively and realise if their feelings towards a person involved are getting in the way of them making a honest assessment of the situation.  There's nothing honest about 'convicting' someone with no evidence other than your gut instinct-especially if both parties involved seem to have something against the other.

Offline McGiver

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1031 on: September 29, 2006, 08:34:30 AM »
may i add/

i also think that a mediator (here on intensity) has failed in their job if anything ever really gets to the point of them HAVING to make a decision.
their job is simply to monitor and try to massage issues before they become problems.
a mediator is the site fluffer.  how much more honest can you get?

i will agree that the term mediator isn't quite appropriate for the job at hand.
would you feel more comfortable with the title: site fluffer, or even diplomat?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2006, 08:36:28 AM by McJagger »


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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1032 on: September 29, 2006, 02:40:36 PM »
Purposeful, I was referring to the role of mediation in general especially in RL usage and the way the role is used and notions surrounding it in practice. Which you obviously seem to have no experience of, otherwise youd understand what i mean, no offence intended there.

BTW are you aware of the use of mediation in rape cases, and the roles played etc? I am and let me tell you, it doesnt fit mine or your ideas of what a mediator is and what the role of mediation should be not even in such seriously sensitive issues as that.

I believe a mediator should keep themselves openminded, but I don't believe that this equates to fence sitting.  The fact is in cases that need mediation (especially so for the kind that might be needed on Intensity) it isn't always a case of black and white, one party isn't always completely innocent.  To me a mediator will listen to both sides without letting their preconceived notions of either side's character colour their judgement- I don't call that fence sitting or wussing out and I actually think that more people should try to do that.  Sure a mediator has to try to be unbiased but I don't agree that that means you can never stand up for those who need you to- which is why I think two mediators working together is a much more workable idea than one trying to argue the case for both sides.

I also disagree with you that honesty isn't a neccessary quality for a mediator (I realise you didn't explicitly claim that it wasn't but you did imply it by saying you were too honest for the role)- I believe a mediator has to be honest, especially with themselves- even, no especially if that means they have to look at a situation objectively and realise if their feelings towards a person involved are getting in the way of them making a honest assessment of the situation.  There's nothing honest about 'convicting' someone with no evidence other than your gut instinct-especially if both parties involved seem to have something against the other.

Yes Purposeful i can agree with most of that ideology, and find that great if thats the way you would like to see the role of mediator be used, but that isnt really the way the role was meant to be used, or is considered and that isnt the way it is normally used or works in practice, im afraid, which is what im trying to say and that is indeed why it is considered by most who are aware of its old school rules and the way it works in practice (me being one) as a total cop out. Mediation in its typical usage and role is pathetic, it is fence sitting (which is different from being open-minded), no forming of opinions, no taking sides, it is a completely neutral role which is meant to STAY neutral, no emotionally or actively getting involved and yes alot of massaging/fluffing, manipulation and encouraging. Nothing like the way we envisage it could be used or the way we would like to use the role. My views of what i would consider a "better" approach regarding the role of mediator/mediation i have partly already stated and they are in alot of ways similar to yours.

One reason (besides time commitment etc that i already stated) i wasnt interested in putting myself forward for mediator here is because to be quite honest im actually unsure of how many people here are actually aware of the way mediation works in practice, and the way the role is interpretated by them or how many people support that old schooled idiotic approach where being HONEST, outspoken and making your voice heard in relation to situations, which  sometimes means taking a side after evaluating etc is considered the wrong thing to do and an abusal of the position and what it stands for (which is why i statedi would be the wrong person for the role due to that, if people here were taking and supporting an old school approach). I was also unsure of how many people would share my defintion of a more modern "evaluator" approach to mediation and support that view. So even if i did find the time, it could have been a waste of it and a tad akward, if i had been nominated especially when it came to teaming up with someone if both didnt share a similar foundation or grounding of what the role of mediator should be etc even though it would be natural they may possibly still both have different approaches in dealing with any conflicts etc, (it would also be frustrating if one was an old school moron and the other more interested in a more modern adequate use of the role which had potential to be more than fake BS and softsoaping). Also yes i too agree that two mediators are better than one especially if they both have a similar outlook regarding the role.

Mcjagger your old school view of mediator as being a "fluffer" or "massager" has basically just lost you any possibility of getting my vote completely, sorry mate. Purposeful however gains my vote and support along with my respect (which can sometimes be hard to acheive ;)) due to her comments. +1 purposeful good luck with the campaign, and i genuinely mean that, i hope you have a better understanding of what i meant, and you see my comments werent meant in a disrespectful way etc.

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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1033 on: September 29, 2006, 02:57:07 PM »
I gave you a YAY for having the attention span to type all that.

Next question...

Will you send me your underwear for giving you a YAY?
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Re: God, go on then, you may aswell ask.
« Reply #1034 on: September 29, 2006, 03:06:22 PM »
You mean given i only had 2hours sleep.

You want me to give you my agent provocateur panties!!!!!???? NEVER!!!!!