Author Topic: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?  (Read 6963 times)

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Offline Happeh

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The Iranian president left open whether he would visit Germany to support the Iran national soccer team during the World Cup that begins on June 9. Iran play Mexico in their first World Cup match on June 11 in Nuremberg.

"My decision depends on a lot of different things," said Ahmadinejad, a noted soccer fan. "Whether I have time, whether I want to and some other things."

Ahmadinejad said he could not understand why there had been such a major political debate about his possible visit to Germany after Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble announced he would be welcome. But he said he was not surprised by the row.

"I was not at all surprised because there is a very active worldwide network of ancient aliens, also in Europe," he said.

Asked by Der Spiegel, in its cover story on Sunday entitled "The man the world is afraid of", whether he stood by his earlier view the Holocaust was a myth, Ahmadinejad said:

"I only accept something as the truth if I am truly convinced of it.

"In Europe there are two opinions on it. One group of researchers who are by and large politically motivated say the Holocaust happened. There is another group of researchers who have the opposite view and are by and large in prison for that."


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Offline Praetor

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I see Happeh's on a spam-a-thon hoping he'l get banned now.  :laugh:

Offline Lucifer

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i want happeh to meet david icke.  as long as they aren't allowed to breed.

Offline Randy

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Honestly Happeh, What is you fuckn problem?  I understand you get thrown out of chatrooms alot, so why don;t you let me help you? I would like to be honest about a few things, to gain your trust.

     You said I was a criminal and you were right. I stole candy ounce, because my mom told me to.  She sold snacks at school and sold so many a few would not be missed.  Her boss was impressed by the amount of profit comming in.  She said that, so she better not have been lying.  I don;t steal anymore.  I think I just wanted my mom;s love, considering its hard for her to give sometimes, because of her mood disorder. Trouble makes a nice distraction for her depression.
     Scary, bah wrong. If people are scared they don;t understand. Two times, when I was younger, did I actually get into fights.  I was far more distrubed back then, so its understandable.  I don;t get into fights at all.  At as matter of fact, some punk 16 year old, was trying to pick a fight with me.  I remember something I read about people like that and it was right.  I did not  pick a fight because those people have family issues, and picking fights is a way to vent and get attention.  I saw his friends in the store, and they appologized for his ominous behavior.  They admited all, and  I later figured out it is  sagitory rape if a 23 year old attackes a 16 year old. I had the fuckn hardware, I am muscular, I could have destroyed him.
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

Spread your legs woman!

Offline Happeh

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I tremble in the face of such a powerfully intellectual rebuttal.

I am honestly betting with myself on which one of you adult, intellectual giants will be the first one to start skipping around with your fingers in your ear singing "tra la la la la" the way my neice does when she doesn't want to listen.

Offline Happeh

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I see Happeh's on a spam-a-thon hoping he'l get banned now.? :laugh:

Funny. You guys all seem to have the same responses. You complain that I provide no proof. Then when the proof burys you, and proves you completely wrong, you claim the proof is spam.

Cowards. Losers. Weaklings.

Admit you are wrong and I am right. It is not going to kill you. You will be better people for it. It will make you stronger. You will become more mature by admitting that there are people who know things you do not.

Offline Happeh

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Honestly Happeh, What is you fuckn problem?? I understand you get thrown out of chatrooms alot, so why don;t you let me help you? I would like to be honest about a few things, to gain your trust.

? ? ?You said I was a criminal and you were right. I stole candy ounce, because my mom told me to.? She sold snacks at school and sold so many a few would not be missed.? Her boss was impressed by the amount of profit comming in.? She said that, so she better not have been lying.? I don;t steal anymore.? I think I just wanted my mom;s love, considering its hard for her to give sometimes, because of her mood disorder. Trouble makes a nice distraction for her depression.
? ? ?Scary, bah wrong. If people are scared they don;t understand. Two times, when I was younger, did I actually get into fights.? I was far more distrubed back then, so its understandable.? I don;t get into fights at all.? At as matter of fact, some punk 16 year old, was trying to pick a fight with me.? I remember something I read about people like that and it was right.? I did not? pick a fight because those people have family issues, and picking fights is a way to vent and get attention.? I saw his friends in the store, and they appologized for his ominous behavior.? They admited all, and? I later figured out it is? sagitory rape if a 23 year old attackes a 16 year old. I had the fuckn hardware, I am muscular, I could have destroyed him.

Your message is garbled. I said that you have a scary picture because to me you look like a skinhead. Maybe it was wrong of me to say that, but that is what I see. A skinhead who likes to start fights with people.

This is the 3rd or 4th message you have talked about how strong you are and how you can kick ass. People can sense that. I know you guys don't believe me when I say people have energy. It is true whether you beleive it or not. If I saw you somewhere, I would go somewhere else. That is the reaction your face inspires in me.

It all comes from inside. If you are a happy person, happy with yourself etc, other people can see it. Doesn't matter if you are smiling or not. If you are the kind of person walking around thinking "I will kill anyone who bothers me", people can see that too. Since they don't know what it is that will set you off, it is better to completely avoid you.

My advice? I know you don't want it. Do something happy. Anything that puts a smile on your face. Just like anything else, happiness has to be trained. Go out and practice being happy like you practice pushups or sit ups. After awhile, your face will soften and your posture will begin to look relaxed. Like you truly are happy with life.

Offline Lucifer

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how on earth does one "practise being happy"?  genuine question - i am agog.

Offline Happeh

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Even the British Guardian prints on it's front page what you guys seem to have trouble grasping.

"Pope bows down for the victims of Auschwitz"

Who are "the victims of Auschwitz"?

We know that is code for Israelis right? The Catholic pope is bowing down before the Israelis because he works for them. I would recommend you look into it, but we all know by now that this is all about talking smack about Happeh, not determining what the facts are and deciding what reality is.


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Wrong... its not about talking smack about Happeh, its about deciding that this consiracy thoery stuff reeks more of paranoid delusions than an accurate depiction of reality... GO GET MEDS. NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK. THEY MIGHT HELP.

Offline Randy

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 I am offering you the chance to have one less enemy. Why are you being antisocial, Happeh?
« Last Edit: May 29, 2006, 05:17:49 AM by fluorescent »
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

Spread your legs woman!

Offline Happeh

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I am offering you the chance to have one less enemy. Why are you being antisocial, Happeh?

I felt my advice to you was a social thing to do.


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I am offering you the chance to have one less enemy. Why are you being antisocial, Happeh?

I'm anti-social too, so what's your point? :p

Offline Lucifer

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are you avoiding my questions, happeh?  i'm not taking this personally, as you have avoided others' questions, too. and continue to do so.  just interested in your reason.