
Author Topic: Happeh is right once again. When will you stop fighting and accept it?  (Read 6947 times)

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Offline Happeh

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I would have read your message PeeGui, but you change my quotes in the first line. You lie. You are a liar. You have no morals or ethics. You cannot be trusted. Forming a relationship with you would be nothing but grief for me.

I have lied before, so what?

So what? You are untrustworthy. Anyone that lies as easily as you do will lie about anything. To you, lying is power. It is power. You can get lots of stuff by lying. Look at George Bush, Tony Blair and WMD in Iraq.

What makes you so fucking holy? ?

I never said I was holy. You will find after awhile that people never forget anything. Not even after decades. I will never forget that PeeGui is a liar, even when I am 70 years old. By telling you that you are a liar and that I don't want anything to do with you, I am training you for all the other people in your future who will hear your lies, then choose to walk away from you.

This world that you are being brought up in today is about lies. You are being taught that being an aggressive, lying jerk is the way to get ahead. It is to some extent. Look at the news anchors on FOX. They lie, they are aggressive, they are jerks and they are rich.

By teaching you to be an aggressive lying jerk, it is ensured that you will never listen to people that can show you a better life. How good life can be if you behave and think and act in a certain way. You will meet these people, you will be aggressive and lying with them, and they will walk away and leave you behind. Can you blame them?

The sooner you learn that lying etc drives away the people that can improve your life, the sooner you will form a relationship with one of these people and start learning from them.

Oh, the fact that you can come up with false accusations that I'm without any morals or ethics??

Except it is not false. The sentence above is more of your lies. In the first sentence of your post, you quoted me, but you changed what I said so that it says something derogatory.

"You guys know that "Show me the evidence" is part of the plot for Happeh to cover up his asinine theories, don't you?"

There it is right there in front of everybody. You changed that sentence so people think I said that. That is immoral. It is not me judging you. No one on the planet earth except evil thinks it is OK to change what people say so they look bad. Then you turn around and immediatly lie again by trying to deny you behaved immorally and accusing me of making false accusations. That is why no one likes to hang around liars. Everything, no matter how trivial, is a lie. If you ask them what time it is, are they lying? If you ask them if the phone call is for you, are they lying? If you ask them if there is a booger hanging from your nose, are they lying? Who wants to voluntarily live with that stress?

Give your god-complex a rest -- you're not chosen, you just think that you are to validate your empty life.

Where does this stuff come from? Really? God complex? Chosen? I have no idea how to respond because I have no idea where you got those ideas.

Fucking homo-sapien that thinks he's above it all compared to the rest of the human gene pool.

I know I am smarter than you.

Offline Happeh

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Here is an example of Israeli World Domination that I don't think even simpletons can overlook.

A British teachers union wants to boycott Israel for mudering Palestinians. The Israelis have used their control of higher education all over the world to bring pressure on these British teachers to prevent voting for the boycott.

The Israelis did the exact same thing with another British union. The Israelis got their tools from all over the world to bring pressure to bear on the union. As usual, the Israelis got what they wanted. The boycott did not happen.

"The row surrounding the proposed boycott of Israeli lecturers who do not publicly oppose "Israeli apartheid policies" escalated yesterday after it emerged that thousands of international academics had signed a petition opposing the plans."

Think about it. What would you think if you read that thousands of people around the world put pressure on the local Garbage Workers Union that was going to vote to boycott Israel? Wouldn't that seem weird to you? Why do people around the world care what your local Garbage workers are doing? Why are foreigners trying to control your garbage people?

The answer is they don't and they wouldn't. Nobody gives a damn what foreign people in a foreign country are voting on. Unless their Israeli masters tell them that they need to do it as part of their employment for Israeli World Domination. They are called Sayyanim if you can be bothered to research.

Organised by the Israeli-led International Advisory Board for Academic Freedom, the online petition calls on the 69,000 members of the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (Natfhe) to reject the boycott motion when it goes before delegates at the union's annual conference, which begins in Blackpool today

The International Advisory Board for Academic Freedom has organised a network of 500 academics throughout Europe and the US, lobbying colleagues against the Natfhe resolution.

There it is. In black and white even for feebs. An INTERNATIONAL group is working to stop BRITISH people from doing what they want to do. Or worded another way, ISRAELI WORLD DOMINATION is working to stop BRITISH people from doing what they want to.,,1784282,00.html

Offline Happeh

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Olmert was given a hero?s welcome when he entered the House of Representatives. If anyone in the audience had read the Amnesty International report issued earlier in the day, they certainly didn?t let on. The report stated that, ?Israeli soldiers, police and settlers who committed unlawful killings, ill-treatment and other attacks against Palestinians and their property commonly did so with impunity?.Investigations are rare, as were prosecutions of the perpetrators, which in most cases did not lead to convictions.? The report suggests that severe human rights abuses are being carried out against Palestinian civilians that go completely unanswered by Israel. These issues are taken seriously nearly everywhere except in the US congress where human rights abusers are revered as the champions of liberty.

Congress applauded Olmert?s plan. UN resolutions mean nothing to them. Just days earlier, they passed The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act; a piece of legislation that was vehemently opposed by centrist Jewish groups in America. The bill cuts off all US aid to the cash-strapped PA ensuring that innocent women and children will continue to suffer from the blockade. The bill ?shuts down all Palestinian diplomatic offices in the U.S., denies visas to PA officials, and?declares Palestinian territory to be a ?terrorist sanctuary?? (Jim Lobe)

Olmert?s speech should have been denounced as a cheap appeal for more hostilities. Instead it was praised as inspirational and statesmanlike. The passionate reaction from congress implies that we have reached another milestone on the winding path to war with Iran.

Are we really ready to sacrifice American lives at the request of Ehud Olmert?

Offline Happeh

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The IDF raids are relentless ? 4 killed in Ramallah today, a woman in a refugee camp looks out her window in Nablus and is shot dead ? children picked off like ducks in a shooting gallery ? and Olmert gets a standing ovation demanding that Palestine renounce violence?!!

But worst of all, she explained, were her experiences on Israeli tour busses. The guides would point out the lavish lifestyles of the Israeli settlers and then point to dilapidated Palestinian homes. The Palestinians would be ridiculed in the vilest of terms and of course declared to be terrorists. The irony of Israel creating the Palestinian destitution due to continued land and resource theft was lost to them ? as well as the American piggybank that supported the luxury.

Is America becoming like Israel? Are we assuming the values ? the cruelty of deliberately holding people down, destroying them, and then laughing and ridiculing their fate? These are not the values I was taught ? though my ancestry is in part ethnically Jewish. The NeoCon/ancient alien socio-pathology seems to be sweeping the country.

Offline Praetor

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If you refuse to believe things without what you feel is incontrovertible evidence, you will never learn anything

Bit like people who have faith.

So happeh you have faith do you?

So by your way of thinking not only is the jeudo-christian conspiracy wrong despite the millenia of technological development of europe from the collapse or Rome but the Greeks also got it wrong as well?

So the solution happeh is? Well you basically want a war of annihilation don't you so just skip to the chase

After reading that, I can authoritatively say that the claim that Asperger's people have superior intelligence is false.

After goading you publically and delighting in your dementia I can conclude you ARE Jewish arn't you?

Offline Praetor

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By the way in case you forgot you've got an debate to resolve


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Where does this stuff come from? Really? God complex? Chosen? I have no idea how to respond because I have no idea where you got those ideas.

These assumptions are based upon my observations of how you are portraying yourself on this message board. You dismiss people's opinions as utter garbage because they do not happen to agree with yours, not to mention your assumptions based upon me: that I'm a liar, that I lack honesty. Sorry to say, but you're wrong in that regard; despite my faults, I have given support to people that needed help so far in my life. And you also went far too deep into something that wasn't there: I have lied, sure, but not to the extent of exploiting other people's trust of me in order to get rich of of them. Why would I be doing charity work if I was a completely dishonest person when I know that I'm not a completely dishonest person?

The irony of this is is that you were making up stuff about me based on how I have portrayed myself online without knowing the facts to back up your accusations towards me. Surely that makes you a liar now, does it not?

Another reason why I think you have a god complex is this:

I know I am smarter than you.

Now this small sentence bears significance to your god-like behaviour. Starting with the pronoun "I" followed by the transitive verb "know", you immediately assume that you are smarter than me when you don't know anything of what I'm good at or bad at. I find politics to be a very boring subject to indulge myself in, but does that make me better than anyone else because I find something that I'm not interested in? No. So why does it make you better than anyone else because you think you have it all figured out with this big global conspiracy you have constructed by yourself in order to validate your presence via the internet with your half-assed attempts at making controversy? You can try and be a champion of justice all you like, but the reality is is that you are an attention whore trying to make money out of honest people who would believe in your bullshit from your book. You are no different than the corrupt politicians because you are using the same art of rhetoric as they are, trying to make me out as if I'm an evil person with your lies of me online.

EDIT: I notice that one of the admins has slightly altered the title of this thread, in order to be so clever. :/
« Last Edit: May 27, 2006, 12:38:21 PM by peegai »

Offline Lucifer

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Here is an example of Israeli World Domination that I don't think even simpletons can overlook.

A British teachers union wants to boycott Israel for mudering Palestinians. The Israelis have used their control of higher education all over the world to bring pressure on these British teachers to prevent voting for the boycott.

what utter pants - i happen to be a member of that union, and know a lot of the "high ups", and know of no such "pressure".


Offline Beowulf

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I know you are all kids but still......Instead of telling me I am wrong, why don't you consider I have been here for years more than you so I have seen years more of things than you have. Maybe I saw something you haven't seen yet?

I imagine you are older than me, but I very much doubt you are the oldest person who posts in here.

How about you tell us your age and prove me wrong. If you won't do that, then maybe you can stop droning on about how much life experience you have.

And by that I mean your age in earth years, not Happeh years.

(P.S. In earth years I am 28.)
"Someday a real rain will come ..."

Offline Praetor

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June 6th 1974 is very old apparently  ;D ;D ;D

31 years old.

Tell you one thing though if you can get those books published shit anyone can get anything published

You need to talk to a fella called Maurice who goes by the name of aspieknee you and him would get along fantastic

Offline McGiver

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  • Do me.
do you prefer:
a.) man-loving
b.) female-loving
c.) no-loving
d.) self-loving

are you, by birth:
a.)  euro american (caucasian)
b.) jewish
c.) black
d.) middle easterner
e.) other (including, latin american, asian, alien, etc...)

Offline Happeh

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If you refuse to believe things without what you feel is incontrovertible evidence, you will never learn anything

Bit like people who have faith.

So happeh you have faith do you?

So by your way of thinking not only is the jeudo-christian conspiracy wrong despite the millenia of technological development of europe from the collapse or Rome but the Greeks also got it wrong as well?

So the solution happeh is? Well you basically want a war of annihilation don't you so just skip to the chase

After reading that, I can authoritatively say that the claim that Asperger's people have superior intelligence is false.

After goading you publically and delighting in your dementia I can conclude you ARE Jewish arn't you?

Did you pat yourself on the back after goading me? You sound so proud.

Weird. I didn't even notice. ;)

Offline Happeh

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Looks like the low life scum are playing their game again. The title of the thread has been changed by a child masking as a forums administrator.

"Lord Black, the disgraced Tory peer and former owner of the Daily Telegraph, has been named in a series of letters surrounding the 'cash for peerages' police investigation.

The Observer has learnt that Scotland Yard is seeking information on Black, who is facing a multi-million-pound fraud trial in America. Last week, his name featured in a letter written by Tory chairman Francis Maude to former party treasurers asking for information about the investigation."

Conrad Black is a ancient alien.

You can now return to your childish game of changing people's posts.

Offline McGiver

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  • Do me.
do you prefer:
a.) man-loving
b.) female-loving
c.) no-loving
d.) self-loving

are you, by birth:
a.)? euro american (caucasian)
b.) jewish
c.) black
d.) middle easterner
e.) other (including, latin american, asian, alien, etc...)

you can run but you cannot hide.
i think you can learn a great deal about a person by these two simple questions.  i want to learn, but have as of yet proven your point.  you cannot claim that you are right yet again because you use a photoshopped picture to prove a point.

will you answer the two questions, please.

Offline Happeh

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Here is some more proof losers. Read it and weep. You can make all the personal comments you want. Nothing changes the fact that I am right and you are wrong.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said an "active worldwide network of ancient aliens" was trying to prevent his possible trip to Germany for the World Cup and expressed new doubts over whether the Holocaust happened.

In an interview with Der Spiegel magazine, Ahmadinejad also said he doubted Germans were allowed to write "the truth" about the Holocaust? and said if Nazi murder of European Jews really happened, Jews should be moved from Israel back to Europe.

"We say if the Holocaust happened, then the Europeans must accept the consequences and the price should not be paid by Palestine," he said in a rare interview with Western media that was published on Sunday.

"If it did not happen, then the Jews must return to where they came from."

"I believe the German people are prisoners of the Holocaust. More than 60 million were killed in World War Two... The question is: Why is it that only Jews are at the centre of attention?"

"How long is this going to go on?" he added. "How long will the German people be held hostage to the ancient aliens? ...Why should you feel obligated to the ancient aliens? You've paid reparations for 60 years and will have to pay for another 100 years."
« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 09:33:34 AM by Happeh »