exactley. but once friends gang up with each other, you'll get beat up for speaking about one of thier members
the gang up is a difficult fight. just try being a misgynist pig and watch all the feminazi's have their way with you. and the desperate men stand aside saying nothing, thinking that they may get some poontang.
Or better yet, don't.

that is sound advice. but sometimes people just have off the wall thoughts. it doesn't mean that they believe in them. and i think they have the right to be heard without being ganged up on.
I think I see what you are saying. You want men to be able to trash talk about women without women defending themselves or their gender.
What if someone else has the off the wall thought that people with AS cannot possibly be fit parents? Are we all supposed to just agree with them, no matter how wrong we know they are? This is Intensity² and we stand for debate and freedom of expression and people have to be prepared to back up their words or face the wrath of people who disagree with them.
i think i see what you are saying, yet you are not seeing everything.
sometimes, a member of the opposite sex is confused. sometimes they find that it is easier to understand by generalizing. all they are doing is voicing these thoughts. wouldn't it be alot more productive to talk to this person as if they just might be mistaken, rather than ganging up on them.
the example you gave is about someone taking an action against another because of misunderstanding. i am saying that men, for example, may have radical ideas about women because of experience. and it would be nice if someone took the time to explain that it was not all like that, rather than giving them the gang up, which, btw, may just shut them up but confirm their thoughts.