You are not me. My clinical social worker got mad today, and he said I don;t have bipolar disorder. He says my symptoms are a complication of discrete personality disorder. You mimic the behavior of the person who is making your life extremely difficult. This person is mom, who has bipolar disorder. I am acting like her to make dealing with her easier. He does not recommend meds for bipolar disorder. He recomends meds for the overstimulation, and those meds he thinks I should have are aderall. Psychostimulants have terrible side affects, so I think, my psychiatrist decided to give me an antidepressant instead. It feals like my mood is boucing around, about every half hour. I used the meditation and everything I got ,and I fucked up anyway. I get into trouble because of the overstimulation or hyperaurosal. The hyperaurosal, if it gets too high, will cause me to loose some cognitive function. My body must be in fight or flight mode. I don;t believe I can afford meds. The adjustment period cost too much money. This is no fun, and is making me open up to suicide.