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Prove Fluorescent needs meds

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--- Quote from: QuirkyCarla on June 04, 2006, 06:27:00 AM ---Where is Fluorescent?

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Maybe my pictures of him scared him off.

see one day, in about a month, someone, somewhere, will blame me for scaring him off.


--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on June 02, 2006, 03:34:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: SorceressPol on June 01, 2006, 12:44:38 PM ---
--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on June 01, 2006, 12:21:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: McJagger on June 01, 2006, 12:19:43 PM ---yeah and too many assholes wouldn't be able to wear white.? having been such corporate whores and all.

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Although I suppose the women could claim to be techincally virgins since they've only been taking it up the ass.

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Anal sex is sex, so no white dress.

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Well since we talking about how they have been metaphorically taking it up the ass your point is well pointless.? ?Also how many people do you really think feel they can't wear white to get married if they're no longer a virgin these days??

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I was being a smartass. I thought it was funny because it kind of rhymed.... 8)

 I highligted what you, Mc Jagger, said in red.? How I responded is in blue.? My internet was cut off, for some reason, so I could not put this earlier.

simple guy
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? ? ? Re: Prove Fluorescent needs meds
? Reply #40 on: June 01, 2006, 07:48:52 AM ?? ?

Quote from: Callaway on June 01, 2006, 03:03:27 AM
Quote from: fluorescent on May 29, 2006, 11:49:09 AM
Let me put one thing past you.? I cannot afford meds even if I changed my mind. I have medicare, but I live on social security.? I have and extremely limited income. Med adjustment may? cost 120 per month, and I get 650 per month. I don;t know if medicare will bill me. They may not? work either.

Abilify is an expensive medication, I know, but some of the new Medicare plans pay for prescription drugs now.? I wonder if your social worker could help you figure out how to afford medication.

With an income of $650 a month, couldn't you qualify for Medicaid?? Medicaid pays for prescription drugs with a very low copay.

I think you show many symptoms of bipolar along with your AS or HFA.? Maybe you are just mimicking your mother to get along better with her but it is more likely you have inherited bipolar tendencies from her and your father.? There are several medications to help with bipolar symptoms other than the lithium your mother takes.? If you are bipolar, Adderal may make your mood swings much more extreme.? If you decide to take it, watch out for this.

callaway was the person right above you in the post yo u just made, but you were responding to odeon.
re-read this post fluorescent.? and please this does not mean that you need to start sending callaway a ton of pm's.
one more time:
do not send callaway a ton of pm's. she is married and she has a husband.? married and has a husband.? she has a husband. ? [/color]

Posted by: odeon?
Insert Quote
Fluorescent, I mean no disrespect. It's just that if you really believe that it's a good idea for anyone else than a medical professional to prove or disprove that you need meds, and do that on an Internet forum, well that's actually the only proof I'd need May 31 7:10pm

Posted on: May 31, 2006, 07:16:47PMPosted by: fluorescent?
Insert Quote
Wrong again, you wish it was you.? I got info from my clinical social worker.

? ? No, you need to reread,? I highlighted an important clue, so you could understand that I was right. Odeon is who I was talking too, he has been calling me incompetent for awhile now.? I notice two things though, he does not understand and he is tactful. I also mentioned I recieve medicaid not medicare.? Both of us should not do an AS thing, and miss the big picture. That is more of a happeh thing right?? ?I want to remind you the issue is "Prove Fluorescent Needs Meds", and not who is wrong or right.? I only did that to prove I am not an idiot, but you are not an idiot either. We all were dealt unfair cards, so I believe we are not idiots.? We try our best, and that is all that matters.
? ? ?My social worker, a qualified clinical social worker, said I do not have bipolar disorder. A psychologist was seeing a person who had discrete personality disorder, and they did the same thing you are.? The psychologist was? blown away when bipolar disorder disappeared with the discrete personality disorder.? The psychologist did a mental health exam too.? ?
? ? ?You assume I cannot get better with issue of stalking.? That is not a black and white issue. Who says I can;t just move on? I did not even know callaway was a female.? I want to remind you, the issue is, "Prove Fluorescent Needs Meds."

Here is what you said, Randy:

--- Quote ---I have medicare
--- End quote ---

If you get Medicaid, they pay for prescription medications.? Why would you say you can't afford medications even though you need them?  Even if you get Medicare, they pay for prescription drugs too:

A qualified clinical social worker is not qualified to diagnose whether or not you are bipolar.  You would need a psychiatrist to diagnose bipolar disorder and prescribe medication.

--- Quote ---You assume I cannot get better with issue of stalking.  That is not a black and white issue. Who says I can;t just move on? I did not even know callaway was a female.
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Yes, I am a female.  Thanks for moving on and not stalking me. I was stalked IRL for years and I take that sort of thing very seriously.


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