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Offline Natalia Evans

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Movie screening
« on: July 26, 2007, 11:44:51 PM »
Has anyone on here ever been to a movie screening?

You get to see the movie for free but you need a movie pass to get in. I happened to have one for The Simpsons movie I won on July 8th at the Pioneer Courthouse Square. Here it is here:

I took it with my dignital camera and posted it there. There was an event going on there with the couch and that couch was at the theater today when I went. I finally got to sat in it once I went inside but I only sat there for less than a second and got up. I didn't sit on it at the square because of the line and I certinally didn't want to wait. I didn't have anyone anyway to take a pic of me sitting on it. But today I wished I had my camera because then I could have had the guy take a pic of me sitting on it.

I could only bring one guest so I invited the guy I met downtown to come and see it with me. I get to the theater at three and call him to tell him I am already there waiting so he doesn't need to worry. There were a few other people there too already. I was surprised he came early just to be with me.

*Spoilers alert*

The auditorium was packed and the movie was real funny. I liked how they had The Simpsons seeing a movie screening at the beginning and Homer complaining about the Itchy and Scratchy movie they were seeing and then the movie starts for real and Bart writes on the board "I will not download this movie illegally" something like that. It was funny.
They even did To be Continued in the middle of the movie and then the next words say Immediatly. They also had a Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader reference except it was Are you Smarter than a Celebraty. The words go across the screen at the bottom saying it and saying tune in on fox Wednesday like, you see normally during a TV show of fox channel.

My final words for the film is when the credits roll, stay and watch them because Maggie says something. The guy and I were one of the very few people who stayed and saw the credits just for the part. He told me Maggie says something at the end after the credits but my spoiler is she says it during the credits and also at the very end, the movie janitor is cleaning the auditorium and he complains about his job and the lines are real funny. The credits turn into a theater screen during it and the seats appear at the bottom of the screen every now and then during the credits.

*end spoilers*

I should go to more movie screenings because I get to see them free but arrive there few hours early. I got there fours hours early before the movie started but lot of people didn't actually start showing up till around 5 and 5:30 PM. People actually brought their camping chairs, board games, books, videoagmes to play as they waited. Some even left their stuff and did other stuff as they were waiting. I left my coat and backpack behind and the guy and I went into the mall that was right across the street and were in it for an hour and a half. Then we walked back to the theater and waited some more for another half hour before they let us in. I was very surprised people here don't even take your stuff and I found out some people don't even lock their cars because people are just too nice to go in your car and take stuff. I will still lock mine though because I won't take chances. I had the nerve to leave my Harry Potter book in my bag when I left it. It was book 6 so I didn't think anyone will take it or go in my bag and snoop in it. Only thing I took with was my purse.

So that was my experiance with the movie screening. Now I can tell everyone in the future I have been to a movie screening but the problem is you have to get there few hours early and wait so bring some entertainment along and a chair to sit on. Board games, videogames, music, book to read, anything that will keep you entertained.