The whole idea of trolling any forum or being recruited to troll a forum because someone feels mistreated there, it's not good. I can handle the wp bashing and semitrolling, because it's been going on for what seems like an eternity. I'v sort of become numb to it.
But, to trolling AFF or for that matter any AS/autism forum makes me wonder, where does it stop? It doesn't accomplish anything except probably incur a tit for tat scenario. Seriously has the wp trolling really accomplished anything? Bashing it here or on OTS is venting, tiresome in it's the same old same old, but better than nothing.
I get the idea that a majority are not inclined to go and troll. Which is good.................. I hope!
The spambot thing is a joke...
As for trolling aspies often seem to hate each other and become tribal.
So what separates us from the NT's who also exhibit tribal tendencies.? I would think thats more a human condition! I'v never belonged to a tribe or really to any group. I hate groups, individuals, certain ideas, blah blah blah. I go my own way. And I'm kinda glad, I know people from wp, AFF, AI and of course from the "Ol aspergia". I really never had a set forum. Maybe it's because I tend to see things as a lot more grayish, than strict black and white. I'm so profound, ain't I.
As for the spambot thing, it's really hard for me to read a joke in that. But I'll take your word for it, I really don't have much choice, do I?