Author Topic: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)  (Read 3216 times)

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Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2007, 06:15:53 PM »
OK, in the interest of fairness, PLEASE do not troll AFF.  They are a more reasonable and a better alternative to WP.  It is a very serious AS/Autism site, probably too serious, BUT, they are not devious and dishonest like WP.  PLEASE.  I do have a better feel for Amy and GAreth then anybody here.  I'v been registered there since they started.  I have spoken with Amy and GAreth many times.  Trust me, they are not anywhere near as bad as TheInfantKingAlex.  I know Anbuend as well, I like her and she is not a bad person.

Please think, before you do anything.  Otherwise I may do some thinking myself.  Consider this, they have no love for "Alex" either.  And, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."  --anonymous 

Fair enough, ill leave them. Do you think if Amy and Gareth had the power and media coverage that Alex (Captain) has, that they would use it in a better manner than he does?
Dunc, if you want a more deseving target ill could find you someone on the student room to flame  :)

Yes, Amy and Gareth are sincere and have used their power better than Alex does.  To be honest, they have made questionable decisions that I have had problems with in the past.  BUT, they are AS/autism like many of us, and who among us has made 100% perfect decisions in our past.  They are a real advocacy site and not a "PET" project like WP.  If you want to check out places to troll or flame.  Go to the link to other AS sites and go to FAMsecretsociety and check it out.  Tell me what you think.   You want to talk about the abuse of power by Alex, take a gander at Zoologist/Tom there.
Ok, ill look at that place to troll when i next feel hungry  :green:  I would be very worried however if Gareth and Amy got some real power, while they have the best intentions, having looked at what they have written and their website, i think anything they do would blow up in our faces, they just are not political operators unfortuantly.


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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2007, 08:52:16 PM »
Oh give me a break.  If your looking for the perfect forum...............created by someone else............then you are headed for a lifetime of bitter disappointment.  There's no such thing..........unless you create your own........and then it might be a forum of one, you, yourself and you.  AFF is not perfect, it's not a place for me anymore.  But, it's a place for others.  And Amy and Gareth are not exactly playing for rank and privilege, like the infantking.  Say what you want about them, but, they are regular folk like most of us, trying to get by, like most of us.

And I hate to say this, but, AFF is THEIR forum.  Like wp, which is Alex's forum, it belongs to them, their rules, their vision, you join, you agree to abide by their rules.  Unlike Alex, they are pretty up front, but, they move fast and direct at threats to THEIR forum.  And unlike Alex, their forum is a much safer place for younger aspies like my daughter and it is NOT a place where a pedophile can have free rein.

If I2 is going to be a launch pad for troll attacks on ANY forum that displeases or angers newbies, then I am in the wrong place, again!

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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2007, 10:20:51 PM »
I actually got banned for this:


I got a big kick out of this, I just love stirring up the (jrrational) masses sometimes, it's fun.

I found this to be esepcially funny:

NEVER!  :emb:
Like I said it wasn't even that funny, I just like stirring up the masses :evillaugh:

Their millitant stance is outragiousily funny and ridiculious

That is fucking hillarious what you did! I don't know why it's funny but it is. Some Aspies n Auties have a wacked out abstract sence of humour.
God that was funny! i was thinking wtf....OH It's a prank!

Yeah i got unfriendly responses from AFF I told them that my darkest thoughts were starting a holocaust and killing all the normal people so Aspies will no longer suffer socially....... They all said "You need help" well duh I am a diagnosed Aspie of course i'm getting help so shut the fuck up. I never told them that but I know the average Aspie would  have dark thoughts against NT's but would never start a fucking holocaust. I told them it was a dark thought. They told me "You shouldn't think like that....Thoughts can come real...you should get help"
I gave up posting on that site ever since. I know there not Aspies but normal people who seek individuality....they are so stupid i have known some pretty plain old boring Aspies. You don't need to be Aspie to be unique. Individuality is like Rythem you got it or you don't .

oh yeah sorry about spelling "rythem" wrong spell check is a fucking nutcase  and won't correct it.


Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2007, 05:12:51 AM »
Oh give me a break.  If your looking for the perfect forum...............created by someone else............then you are headed for a lifetime of bitter disappointment.  There's no such thing..........unless you create your own........and then it might be a forum of one, you, yourself and you.  AFF is not perfect, it's not a place for me anymore.  But, it's a place for others.  And Amy and Gareth are not exactly playing for rank and privilege, like the infantking.  Say what you want about them, but, they are regular folk like most of us, trying to get by, like most of us.

And I hate to say this, but, AFF is THEIR forum.  Like wp, which is Alex's forum, it belongs to them, their rules, their vision, you join, you agree to abide by their rules.  Unlike Alex, they are pretty up front, but, they move fast and direct at threats to THEIR forum.  And unlike Alex, their forum is a much safer place for younger aspies like my daughter and it is NOT a place where a pedophile can have free rein.

If I2 is going to be a launch pad for troll attacks on ANY forum that displeases or angers newbies, then I am in the wrong place, again!
Its not their forum that concerns me, its their political ambitions. Announcing "War has been declared" on your website is inviting trouble the next time the wrong jounalist sticks your head round your door. As for a paedophile having a free rein on WP, why havent you reported anyone you strongly suspect to the authorites for them to investigate?


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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2007, 06:15:44 AM »
Oh give me a break.  If your looking for the perfect forum...............created by someone else............then you are headed for a lifetime of bitter disappointment.  There's no such thing..........unless you create your own........and then it might be a forum of one, you, yourself and you.  AFF is not perfect, it's not a place for me anymore.  But, it's a place for others.  And Amy and Gareth are not exactly playing for rank and privilege, like the infantking.  Say what you want about them, but, they are regular folk like most of us, trying to get by, like most of us.

And I hate to say this, but, AFF is THEIR forum.  Like wp, which is Alex's forum, it belongs to them, their rules, their vision, you join, you agree to abide by their rules.  Unlike Alex, they are pretty up front, but, they move fast and direct at threats to THEIR forum.  And unlike Alex, their forum is a much safer place for younger aspies like my daughter and it is NOT a place where a pedophile can have free rein.

If I2 is going to be a launch pad for troll attacks on ANY forum that displeases or angers newbies, then I am in the wrong place, again!
Its not their forum that concerns me, its their political ambitions. Announcing "War has been declared" on your website is inviting trouble the next time the wrong jounalist sticks your head round your door. As for a paedophile having a free rein on WP, why havent you reported anyone you strongly suspect to the authorites for them to investigate?

As for political ambitions, I'm only aware of stuff they have organized to present to politicians in the UK and the US for "Autism Rights".  They are more militant than other forums.  The "pedophile" comment was directed at the stuff I heard around Graelwyn and her pursuit of an underage boy.
There was a time several years ago  that after my daughter joined wp, she got 2 very aggressive pm's from 2 men.  One of whom, "TheASman" was a legitimate organizer for autism protests for autism rights.  The other was just creepy, I pm'd Alex immediately and he took care of it then.  But, the stuff I have heard lately makes me think otherwise at the moment.  I probably overstated my case in my post.  I ws pretty wound up when I posted.

Since I haven't been there in a long time and even when I did go it was to briefly scan for things that interested me.  I missed the "War has been declared" on your website stuff.  I know they have had a long running feud with wp and on a lesser scale with tom of the famsecretsociety.

Whatever, after sleeping on this issue, I'm going to bow out of the discussion and keep an eye on things to see what happens.  I do stand by my beliefs that AFF should not be "trolled".   Criticizing it is one thing, free speech and all that.  But, trolling does not accomplish anything except give the source of the trolling 0 credibility in most peoples eyes.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2007, 06:30:34 AM »
Oh give me a break.  If your looking for the perfect forum...............created by someone else............then you are headed for a lifetime of bitter disappointment.  There's no such thing..........unless you create your own........and then it might be a forum of one, you, yourself and you.  AFF is not perfect, it's not a place for me anymore.  But, it's a place for others.  And Amy and Gareth are not exactly playing for rank and privilege, like the infantking.  Say what you want about them, but, they are regular folk like most of us, trying to get by, like most of us.

And I hate to say this, but, AFF is THEIR forum.  Like wp, which is Alex's forum, it belongs to them, their rules, their vision, you join, you agree to abide by their rules.  Unlike Alex, they are pretty up front, but, they move fast and direct at threats to THEIR forum.  And unlike Alex, their forum is a much safer place for younger aspies like my daughter and it is NOT a place where a pedophile can have free rein.

If I2 is going to be a launch pad for troll attacks on ANY forum that displeases or angers newbies, then I am in the wrong place, again!
Its not their forum that concerns me, its their political ambitions. Announcing "War has been declared" on your website is inviting trouble the next time the wrong jounalist sticks your head round your door. As for a paedophile having a free rein on WP, why havent you reported anyone you strongly suspect to the authorites for them to investigate?

As for political ambitions, I'm only aware of stuff they have organized to present to politicians in the UK and the US for "Autism Rights".  They are more militant than other forums.  The "pedophile" comment was directed at the stuff I heard around Graelwyn and her pursuit of an underage boy.
There was a time several years ago  that after my daughter joined wp, she got 2 very aggressive pm's from 2 men.  One of whom, "TheASman" was a legitimate organizer for autism protests for autism rights.  The other was just creepy, I pm'd Alex immediately and he took care of it then.  But, the stuff I have heard lately makes me think otherwise at the moment.  I probably overstated my case in my post.  I ws pretty wound up when I posted.

Since I haven't been there in a long time and even when I did go it was to briefly scan for things that interested me.  I missed the "War has been declared" on your website stuff.  I know they have had a long running feud with wp and on a lesser scale with tom of the famsecretsociety.

Whatever, after sleeping on this issue, I'm going to bow out of the discussion and keep an eye on things to see what happens.  I do stand by my beliefs that AFF should not be "trolled".   Criticizing it is one thing, free speech and all that.  But, trolling does not accomplish anything except give the source of the trolling 0 credibility in most peoples eyes.

Hmm, well if alex dealt with the problem then i cant see the fuss. As for a female Paedo, i think that is just plain unexpected. What age was this boy, out of intrest? The war has been decleared was an attack on NT's, rather than another forum, if the daily mail had got hold of that one we could have been in for a rough time. As I said, i wont troll AFF, ill find somewhere else for my next exploit...


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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2007, 07:04:29 AM »
The female pedo, has been discussed elsewhere on I2.  It's an old discussion of about 2 months or so ago.  The "was has been declared on NT's" is a very stupid thing to do.  But, thats life for some aspie's!   All or nothing, going from one extreme to the other.  If things are really like that on AFF, I may have to rethink my defense of it.  Either way, AFF shut down for a week or so last year after a mega-flame war and troll attack was launched on it by some "Kill all NT's" assholes.  And they'v been having problems ever since, once every month or two it mysteriously shuts down and restarts for no reason.  They have switched hosting services after the BIG shutdown.   I just can't be bothered going back there, I'm too busy here and on my other forums.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2007, 07:22:21 AM »
The female pedo, has been discussed elsewhere on I2.  It's an old discussion of about 2 months or so ago.  The "was has been declared on NT's" is a very stupid thing to do.  But, thats life for some aspie's!   All or nothing, going from one extreme to the other.  If things are really like that on AFF, I may have to rethink my defense of it.  Either way, AFF shut down for a week or so last year after a mega-flame war and troll attack was launched on it by some "Kill all NT's" assholes.  And they'v been having problems ever since, once every month or two it mysteriously shuts down and restarts for no reason.  They have switched hosting services after the BIG shutdown.   I just can't be bothered going back there, I'm too busy here and on my other forums.
Ok, ive had a look at this dear Graelwyn, this guy doesnt seem to be underage (16 is lawful in the UK). The war has been declared thread was saying that NT's that have declared war on us, not the other way, seemed to me to be a hell of an exageration to me (it was when the US spent $1bn on autism research). I wonder how come they ended up with a flame war.


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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2007, 07:38:29 AM »
The female pedo, has been discussed elsewhere on I2.  It's an old discussion of about 2 months or so ago.  The "was has been declared on NT's" is a very stupid thing to do.  But, thats life for some aspie's!   All or nothing, going from one extreme to the other.  If things are really like that on AFF, I may have to rethink my defense of it.  Either way, AFF shut down for a week or so last year after a mega-flame war and troll attack was launched on it by some "Kill all NT's" assholes.  And they'v been having problems ever since, once every month or two it mysteriously shuts down and restarts for no reason.  They have switched hosting services after the BIG shutdown.   I just can't be bothered going back there, I'm too busy here and on my other forums.
Ok, ive had a look at this dear Graelwyn, this guy doesnt seem to be underage (16 is lawful in the UK). The war has been declared thread was saying that NT's that have declared war on us, not the other way, seemed to me to be a hell of an exageration to me (it was when the US spent $1bn on autism research). I wonder how come they ended up with a flame war.

Yeah, but he's an American, so it's illegal over there.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2007, 07:41:10 AM »
The female pedo, has been discussed elsewhere on I2.  It's an old discussion of about 2 months or so ago.  The "was has been declared on NT's" is a very stupid thing to do.  But, thats life for some aspie's!   All or nothing, going from one extreme to the other.  If things are really like that on AFF, I may have to rethink my defense of it.  Either way, AFF shut down for a week or so last year after a mega-flame war and troll attack was launched on it by some "Kill all NT's" assholes.  And they'v been having problems ever since, once every month or two it mysteriously shuts down and restarts for no reason.  They have switched hosting services after the BIG shutdown.   I just can't be bothered going back there, I'm too busy here and on my other forums.
Ok, ive had a look at this dear Graelwyn, this guy doesnt seem to be underage (16 is lawful in the UK). The war has been declared thread was saying that NT's that have declared war on us, not the other way, seemed to me to be a hell of an exageration to me (it was when the US spent $1bn on autism research). I wonder how come they ended up with a flame war.

Yeah, but he's an American, so it's illegal over there.
Yeah but she is British, so what she has done is perfectly legal here, as long as they shag over here rather than over there then no problemo legally. Morally it makes me want to puke though...


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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2007, 08:13:16 AM »
As for this topic...

I'm disinclined to flame that place not because of Ozy's request (I like you, but I do what I want, when I want), but because AFF if full of boring elitism bollocks. Hardly worth the effort.


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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2007, 08:21:01 AM »
The female pedo, has been discussed elsewhere on I2.  It's an old discussion of about 2 months or so ago.  The "was has been declared on NT's" is a very stupid thing to do.  But, thats life for some aspie's!   All or nothing, going from one extreme to the other.  If things are really like that on AFF, I may have to rethink my defense of it.  Either way, AFF shut down for a week or so last year after a mega-flame war and troll attack was launched on it by some "Kill all NT's" assholes.  And they'v been having problems ever since, once every month or two it mysteriously shuts down and restarts for no reason.  They have switched hosting services after the BIG shutdown.   I just can't be bothered going back there, I'm too busy here and on my other forums.
Ok, ive had a look at this dear Graelwyn, this guy doesnt seem to be underage (16 is lawful in the UK). The war has been declared thread was saying that NT's that have declared war on us, not the other way, seemed to me to be a hell of an exageration to me (it was when the US spent $1bn on autism research). I wonder how come they ended up with a flame war.

Actually, I really don't give a horses ass about what goes on between her and the underage (for US) boy.   As for the war has been declared, well, some people see it as the money is all going to the "Curebie" groups.  Which some of it may be, but, a lot is being spent also on research for the genetic factor of it and a lot of other things related to autism.  A lot of the money is being sent on understanding autism and what can be done to help.  SOme people see that as condescending or threatening, even seeing it as the possible next "Holocaust". ::)  Hysteria knows no reason!  And not all aspies are the calm, logical, superintelligent people that some aspies like to project an image as.   ::)

So much for my bowing out of this discussion! >:D

No problem, Peegai, you have your own mind and I respect and like that.  Your no fucking sheep, thats for sure. 8)

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2007, 08:25:48 AM »
The female pedo, has been discussed elsewhere on I2.  It's an old discussion of about 2 months or so ago.  The "was has been declared on NT's" is a very stupid thing to do.  But, thats life for some aspie's!   All or nothing, going from one extreme to the other.  If things are really like that on AFF, I may have to rethink my defense of it.  Either way, AFF shut down for a week or so last year after a mega-flame war and troll attack was launched on it by some "Kill all NT's" assholes.  And they'v been having problems ever since, once every month or two it mysteriously shuts down and restarts for no reason.  They have switched hosting services after the BIG shutdown.   I just can't be bothered going back there, I'm too busy here and on my other forums.
Ok, ive had a look at this dear Graelwyn, this guy doesnt seem to be underage (16 is lawful in the UK). The war has been declared thread was saying that NT's that have declared war on us, not the other way, seemed to me to be a hell of an exageration to me (it was when the US spent $1bn on autism research). I wonder how come they ended up with a flame war.

Actually, I really don't give a horses ass about what goes on between her and the underage (for US) boy.   As for the war has been declared, well, some people see it as the money is all going to the "Curebie" groups.  Which some of it may be, but, a lot is being spent also on research for the genetic factor of it and a lot of other things related to autism.  A lot of the money is being sent on understanding autism and what can be done to help.  SOme people see that as condescending or threatening, even seeing it as the possible next "Holocaust". ::)  Hysteria knows no reason!  And not all aspies are the calm, logical, superintelligent people that some aspies like to project an image as.   ::)

So much for my bowing out of this discussion! >:D

No problem, Peegai, you have your own mind and I respect and like that.  Your no fucking sheep, thats for sure. 8)
Well as for money going to curbie groups, i dont care too much, they will spend it on idiotic things such as research into environmental causes and MMR and so on. The only thing that they could come up with is a pre-natal test, which i doubt would be a major problem, very few people would end up having it. AFF needs sorting out, if they are going to be anything that represents Aspies then they need a plan and some sensible rational, otherwise they are unlikely to ever achieve anything good for us, despite the best of intentions.


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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2007, 08:30:29 AM »
The autism community on the internet has been somewhat of a letdown for me, because it's all been segmented into different subgroups depending on your diagnostic label and your IQ level. Aspies also tend to have a complex over auties.

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Re: Wow I really am an assole (well accoring to AFF anyways)
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2007, 08:31:48 AM »
The autism community on the internet has been somewhat of a letdown for me, because it's all been segmented into different subgroups depending on your diagnostic label and your IQ level. Aspies also tend to have a complex over auties.
Hmm, true, thats probably why many people go on several aspie forums rather than one.