are you a hardon?
What do you mean by that?
was your name a typo? maybe you're a hardon. you know, a leather cigar...
The food thing and taking certain steps in every room sounded OCD to me.
those ARE OCD traits.

jesus christ. use that famous aspie logic. why are you so uncertain when it's so obvious???
I don't know if my thinking patterns change but I do know when I am not stressed out and depending on my mood, I can do abstract thinking. My mother also said I don’t have AS when things are going my way and things are going the way I’m expecting it.
When I’m with family and they decide to do something, I put on the “Don’t care†thing meaning I don’t care what they do because at least it gets me out of the house or out of our condo or campground, depending where we’re at.
But I have been told from other members if I were an NT, I would have gotten over my behavior a long time ago.
your mom doesn't know what she's talking about. AS doesn't fluctuate. you are what you are. the traits are different for every person and we can behave differently every fucking day if we're so inclined, but your AS doesn't just come and go, that's idiotic.
what does it matter anyway? you're a valuable human being. that's what you are. forget the labels.
my OCD thing changes all the time, it changes so fast sometimes it contradicts itself, that's why i drink so much. i'm so tired of my brain giving me stupid orders and threatening me, and then the same brain tells me not to do that thing and threatens me, and i dunno who to listen to and just stiffen up in fear. i envy those who have fixed OCD rules that don't change, at least then they have some peace of mind maybe.