I have already made plans to live to 150 or 160. I have another secret which I have told noone! There is more to this secret than you know. He he I now have 2 secrets.
I have something to put past you. If I was lying and toying with your minds, I would be nervous right now. I would be near running out of excuses. This another way  for me to show I am being truthful. This is one way person who is truthful could toy with you without lieing.
I could call my brother and ask him to bring his e drive. That would install my scanner and camera. The computer says the camera is installed and it needs a driver. Hmmm.. Then I upgraded to window98 se and now its not installed anymore. My brother upgraded it with his e drive. Maybe, just maybe, some one will let me borrow money lost to the internet cord. That god damn cord cannot be taken back, I threw the box out. The cord was the right one, but when I upgraded my operating system was not the right cord. Blame the guy at radio shack, who said he has 15 years experience with computers. My brother said it would not work from the begining and he did a little bit of college. My brother has less experience though. God fuckn damn it, I should have known! Either that or I would have to wait 2 weeks for my paycheck, from whenever and where ever I get a job. That would fill in the gap in my computer fund which the cord caused. ($70) Remember, I could have my brother install with his e drive again.
I would like to hear from the women, since I am so close to getting those seminude pics up. How would you like me to pose? I am getting a job, want me to buy a speedo?