How do you know I am not lying? ?Having such good sounding body gets me alot of respect, because it takes work. That might not even be my picture. I could have maid it all up, all the way from wrong planet. How do you know I am not some sweaty fat retard, who has not bathed in a week, is sitting here in his crusty underwear, and is typing on his dingy keyboard, typing right now? Because I am a joker, that is why.( That implies I have an awesome body too.) Did I get you nervous? I will bet that is baby. ?She says she sings, and the person in there, appears to be a singer. Someone wants her, so that says something. One thing you have to remember, if Jman fucks up, you should be ready. ?That means be nice to her. ?Not only that, she could be your friend, which is also a nice setup for boyfriend if Jman fucks up. ?Still if he does not, you still get something out of it, but not if you be mean.