
Has fluorescent ever won an argument or 'burned' anybody?

5 (26.3%)
0 (0%)
I can't tell, I don't understand anything he says in the first place.
3 (15.8%)
Everything he says makes him look like an idiot, so i'll go with no.
11 (57.9%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Author Topic: Fluorescents success.  (Read 4527 times)

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Offline Nomaken

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Fluorescents success.
« on: May 20, 2006, 12:32:26 AM »
This may answer the question, do i ever get pissed at anybody.  And it also may dispell the notion that I never want to fight with anyone, and i'm just interesting in sucking up and kissing ass.
But mostly i'm posting this, because i'm curious if i have gone insane and what he is saying does make sense, and more than that, he is right about what he says.  Because he seems stupid, or confused, or stupid and confused.
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Offline CuriousPrimate

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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2006, 01:52:37 AM »
Having spent several years as a secondary school teacher, and having studied educational psychology, I'm afraid that I have to confess that much of what Fluore writes makes a kind of sense. (For example, I got the phone call thing straight away.)

This kind of gainsaying and bravado is common in the schoolyard as children work out the pecking order

It could be that experience has given me certain insights, but that would be to suggest a developmental and maturity level which Fluore may take exception to, so perhaps somewhere inside I'm just a twisted morass of darkness and dispair.

(Statistically speaking, your poll is heavily biased to no votes, having three options to one in favour of your hypothesis. Hardly sporting old chap. Pip pip.)
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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2006, 03:54:57 AM »
i just don't think that it is wise (during a debate) to advertise what you are doing and what you are all about.
it seems like he does this everytime he puts a sentence on the board.
also i am concerned by two of his tactics.

1.) his grasping for supporters when things aren't going his way.
seems like he is scrambling for friends to get his back.? first he started sucking up with odeon.? and then when it was apparaqnt that odeon didn't want to hitch hisself to that pony he started sucking up to me.? could be bi-polar issues.

2.) also i am not fond of the way that he plays the martyr role.?
previously he was dying of skin cancer, and now he has particular issues with being made fun of.? also he mentioned that he studied up on AS traits to be prepared.? one thing i have noticed with AS people is that they have endured alot of bullying.? so by saying that he has issues with getting made fun of he is both, trying to gain supporters and sympathy.

but by him even mentioning all the things he has, and taken in total, i am less likely to feel sympathetic towards him, or ally with him.? now if he would be more genuine and honest, then i would ally with him

i reserve the right to vote until later.? it seems like it is all tactics with him, and unfortunately i am beginning to understand it.? let me have a little more time to de-code his ways, then i will judge him.

Offline Merry Widow

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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2006, 04:16:45 AM »
what i don't understand is why so many people insist on winding him up, when he's clearly not functioning very well. if you find what he's says to be so foolish etc, my advice would be to not respond to him and let him be. i understand that you are trying to make sense of it, but i think you're just going to have to accept that some ?things simply don't make sense.

also, i want you to consider the words "Will" and "Freund" and then ask yourself whether it is worth getting so infuriated with him.


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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2006, 06:13:47 AM »
mm there's some kind of language problem there with fluoro, i don't know what it is, but he's got one. He doesn't get under my skin, but i haven't had a lot to do with him. i think he may be one of those people that gets banned from everywhere.


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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2006, 08:04:36 AM »
I vote #3, though occasionally I can understand him. 

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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2006, 09:16:01 AM »
There is no problem with language, I am having trouble with truama. It is severly fucking up my posts, but? I am trying to fuckn edit it. I am hyperaurosed and therefore some cognitive function suffers. I am an idiot because you don;t understand?? No offense.? I have seen trouble with pronouns alot. I was not loosing.? ?I only want sympathy, after I have done my part.? I just wanted to let you know to be patient. Fuckn truama is difficult without meds.? I thought having good mood maid everything alright, but? I am still having problems. That is why I might need meds.? Mc Jagger I was being sincere, you gave me a run for my money, I had a good time. I boast because I feal threatened, again truama issue.? ?I was not trying to suck up to odeon, I was trying to envolve him him my jokes. I do this with everyone, although not always bad.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2006, 10:03:25 AM by fluorescent »
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2006, 10:18:30 AM »
Bipolar? Half right.? I have discrete personality disorder, and it is subset of complex post truamatic stress disorder. My mom has bipolar disorder, and I act like her to give her a distraction from her depression. In this case, distractions means trouble. She also makes her own distractions. So she and I both give her shit to distract her from her depression, caused by bipolar disorder. I was just following the script.? Distractions maid living with her easier to deal with.

All of this is all my work, (hypothesis) except the discrete personality disorder.? My clinical social worker thinks I am correct.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2006, 03:08:51 PM by fluorescent »
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2006, 01:38:52 PM »
I vote #3, though occasionally I can understand him.?

I also voted number 3. The way he posts you know it's not a grammar problem, but something along the lines of a disorder or medications. That's why I don't mess with him, and hope that someone posts after him that understood what he wrote. The reply makes it easier for me to understand what Fluor writes.
George:I'd say I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not. I excel at not giving a shit. Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation, and expectation beget disappointment, so the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C Equals A, or whatever. I also don't have a lot of interest in being a good person or a bad person. From what I can tell, either way, you're screwed. Bad people are punished by society's laws, and good people are punished by Murphy's Law

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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2006, 02:11:39 PM »
Most of the time I am a nice person and have real controll over this issue. That is why I ask them to respond in callouts.  Simple verbal abuse is not going to do much to me, I have plenty of self esteem. Theory of mind help me to gain back compassion I already have, and not repeat behaviors that got me in trouble.  Positive visualization exercises will make sure I am not low in mood for long.
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

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Offline Nomaken

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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2006, 03:06:12 PM »
I do understand what fluorescent says, in meaning if not literally.  But he annoys me because of a bunch of behaviors I can't quite describe, Mcjagger mentioned 2 things.
I wish like hell he would be more honest and I would so have sympathy for him, and patience with what he says.
And i wouldn't say people just rile him up which causes him to do things which piss us off, he seems like he riles himself up a lot of the time.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2006, 05:34:00 PM »
I tend to agree with CuriousPrimate's analysis; Fluorescent is basically a kid, or acting like one. The schoolyard variety, that is, which, considering his reported age, is not necessarily far from the truth. Maturity does not necessarily coincide with leaving one's teens.
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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2006, 05:51:48 PM »
Nomaken, here is the problem. I post the answer to your troubles already. I just said, ?I expected sympathy, after I did my part. It would be manipulation if I used it only. I am being very honest, I will put pics up of my cancer scars.

"And i wouldn't say people just rile him up which causes him to do things which piss us off, he seems like he riles himself up a lot of the time."

That is partly true at wrong planet. I acknowledge I rilled myself up, but others aggravted it. They aggravated it because they don;t know the social rules like I do. I keep forgetting that, and I appologize. ?This is what I meant by idiot comments, Nomaken.( Social rules) ?I learned I have to tell them, so I can get by, otherwise they continue to disrupt others. I am doing them and everyone else a favor. I do it ?tactfully too.
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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2006, 05:54:13 PM »
Your analysis is faulty, I would not expect you to get.  I already maid that mistake,( expecting too much of others) and it got me in too much trouble.
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

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Re: Fluorescents success.
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2006, 07:15:21 PM »
what i don't understand is why so many people insist on winding him up, when he's clearly not functioning very well. if you find what he's says to be so foolish etc, my advice would be to not respond to him and let him be. i understand that you are trying to make sense of it, but i think you're just going to have to accept that some  things simply don't make sense.

also, i want you to consider the words "Will" and "Freund" and then ask yourself whether it is worth getting so infuriated with him.

By stepping onto Intensity he has opened himself to people's honest and insulting responses. If this were in the WP haven and I were still a mod, I would have put a stop to it a long time ago. But I think McJagger and others have made it abundantly clear what this site is about, and it's not pussyfooting around people who have issues. So whether or not Fluorescent is stable enough to take it, we have the right to dish it out.
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