I think there's truth in what Omega_Female says, but this *is* Intensity, and the person in question has repeatedly stated his willingness to participate.
yes, i'm quite aware that this is Intensity, thank you very much! ?
all i am trying to do is to understand what motivates some people to treat Fluorescent so harshly. i can't imagine that he's done anything so bad that he deserves the wrath of so many people. ?
as for a person's willingness to participate, i believe there is a point at which mentally ill people* are thought to be no longer responsible for their own actions ("diminished responsibility"). also, if person "A" helps person "B" to commit suicide, person "A" is still likely to be sent to prison for murder / man-slaughter, regardless of whether or not they had person "B's" consent. i'm not saying it's right, but that's just the way it is.
just in case i haven't explained myself clearly, i am not suggesting that members shouldn't be allowed to insult those who are perceived as being vulnerable; all i am asking is that members conduct themselves according to their own moral code and take some responsibility for their own actions. of course, everybody is free to ignore my advice - so take it or leave it.
* by the way, i am not suggesting that Fluorescent
is ?mentally ill; i have no knowledge of his psychiatric history. i am just using him as an example.