Been to Rapid City but only the outskirts of it. We went to the maze there and Mom got overheated and had to take the emergency exit out of the maze.
When was this.
Summer of 2002. July.
Have You seen anymore attractions in the Black Hills? When You where here in July 2002?
The Flinstones place in Custer, Mt Rushmore, one of the caverns, keystone and we ate at the Jack Daniel place where a waitress made a joke about the Keystone cops because the cook there called the police when she had customers complaining about their food not coming because people who got there after them were getting their food before they did. The incident happened on the day before my 17th birthday.
We were there between July 14th and the 20th before we left to go home. We had a family reunion down there and lot of them left on my birthday and we left the next day so the 19th then. My grandparents and my Mom's brother and my other aunt and her boyfriend and her two daughters stayed till Sunday and left.