I work on a farm for $10 an hour It's summer right now and its hot as fuck in the middle of the field.
i like it though the pay is pretty fair it's higher than minimum wage the people i work with have a scene of humor
the guy who owns the farm constantly farts while he works and he says "It's farm life, get used to it, you should see that cow over there."
Yes and theres a very cute steer. A steer is a male cow with no balls. He's very nice and cute, he longs for attention and moo's while i'm working.
I have another job where I sweep up garbage theres like a million cigarette butts everywhere and people in their cars get angry and impatient at me when I am doing great service at minimum wage. The shop owners like it because part of my job is to sweep in front of stores they smile and tell me how much they appreciate it, one guy who owns the sushi place gave me a can of manderan orange juice he said "Here your working hard, you deserve it, have a drink on me" Thats the good part but it it sucks because it's summer right now and the cars and impatient people have increased because where I live is a popular tourist town and the fat people in ugly fuck clothes throw around all the shit they feel like. They are lucky that New-Age Hippie people like me don't believe in violence otherwise all the country bumpkin people I know, we would gang up and ride tractors and throw shit at them literally and drive them over for treating our only planet like a trash can. The tourists have an attitude like "Oh we don't live here, putting garbage in the trashcan won't benefit us anyways some smelly lice infested hippie will clean it up for us" ASSHOLES!