How many times are you going to
edit the preceding post?
As many times as I need to. The world needs a big pause button.
Has anything actually changed?
Yes. I removed the species names of the three listed predators, and clarified the last clause a bit.
Answer the question and I will answer yours.
God no, I'm not obsessed with dinosaurs. I can just name at least two off the top of my head for every letter of the alphabet, walk around any natural history museum and identify almost all of the fossils before I can get close enough to read their labels, and was the only English major in the Dinosaur Paleobiology class at BSC two years ago, who seemed to know more about the subject than anyone except the professor.
fully erect, how long is your cock?
I do not keep fowl.
I start with the letter e, I end with the letter e. I contain only one letter, yet I am not the letter e! What am I?
You are an envelope. I liked the human female better.