Oh, am I getting recognition for my hard work? I see a six pack starting to form.? It lights up when I am working out. I have big arms and legs too. A theroy goes around, that if large muscles, cut off blood vessels and thus reduce endurance.?I wanted to make sexual pics, but not total? nudity. I need my brother's girlfriend to take pics on her phone for now. She does not mind if I take my shirt off.? My brother and I are friends, so he knowes I mean nothing by it. If I get upgraded to windows 98se however, somebody try and stop me!!!? ? Shima, before you get any ideas,? I am 23.? I brought up skin cancer after they really pissed me off.? I wanted sympathy after I? did my part. I behaved and those stupid fucks would not give in. The mods did things to me, there was a misunderstanding, and certain social issues were not taken care of. See "Ask Flourescent Anything" where I tell you what happened.? I do theory of mind and that gives me? more controll over my behavior.? Theory of mind is hypothesizing reasons for yours or someone else's actions.? I gain back my fealings as a result.? It basically reduces hyperaurosal or pstd.? I have a resentment issue, from getting maid fun of continuously, when I was not prepared to deal with it.? I had a mood problem before it, and was already in distress.