Your oblivious,? I said from what I saw so far.? That means I have not encontered a better person.? That does not mean there is not one.? I am a really good troll.? I have just maid changes to lifesyle habits, from half assed to best.? That has maid a tremendous improvement in fuctional capacity.? I have final stage cancer, what do you expect.? I supposed to die in 1 year but its been 3.? I seem to be in remission because I maid a half assed effort and not a no effort.? I consider my self lucky.? That would mean internally I am sick.? ?I have saw them change dx from AS to HFA, at the same time I went down hill, with lifestyle habits.? HFA socialize less.? Well duh, if I am internally sick, then I won;t have good mood.? I need to be in good mood for socializing and handling music.? I want to see what happens, see if I cannot get out of the dx with natural things.? I know alot about natural things.