I was sittting on my deck just cooling down after a brisk walk, listening to my new configuration of deck sound (I have switched to an open back linear driver array, rather than the old horn-loaded system, but that's a diffferent story), enjoying a smoke and a cup of kaffa buni, just before sun-up as the sky lightened up, when a female hummingbird in the yard came up under the decking and got near me. She appproached within a foot of my face. I froze, of course, because I'm a tough old wolf and if she wanted to sample my nectar, she was welcome to some.
She just hovered there for over ten or twelve seconds, flitting back and forth, sizing me up, I guess, as I was perfectly stilll. I got an extraordinary look at her hottness, beauty and livelihood. I felt her wingwind on my face. She was a most lovely and healthy bird. She moved on.
Yes! You have no idea how it made my day. It is such a unlikely occurrence to even get a decent look at one around here. I feel like I was given a rare gift. They actually come into the yard often in the mornings, but never that close before.
Listen to me be all girlie.

Wear a red hat, tends to attract them. Had one laying lifeless on the front porch last summer, picked it up and held it in my hand for a bit, thinking such a shame it was so beautiful. Set it down again and it suddenly sat up, must have knocked itself out cold flying into something is all I could figure. It sat there and it stared at me for a little bit and then flew off.
Good score with the birdbath heater, hope it works out for you.
Went to a few sales yesterday, Atari system w/over 50 some games $5, Older Pentex SLR camera w/lenses $5, L. Vuitton makeup bag $1 (not fake), L. Vuitton hat & scarf $2 (knockoff I think, but cute), drapes for kitchen window $2