A freaking door.
A pantry door? The old one couldn't be fixed?
No, there is too much damage done and bits of the door were flaking off because the wood is so thin. Plus the laundry door has a hole that needs to be fixed (GA kicked the crate I use to access the dryer into that door) and so does the computer room wardrobe door which GA threw his X-Box controller at.
this anger is illogical. why break things that you will have to spend good money on to replace.
i do not condone these actions of violence.
knock it off, GA.
Easier said than done!
I once jerked a Crown DC300 amplifier (about forty pounds of sharp pointed aluminum corners and a copper core) out of my rack of equipment and heaved it over the speaker stacks, because it blew. It landed in the middle of a fancy carved oak table and busted the shit out of it and dinged up two chairs and a setting of china. I had to replace the table, the amp, upholstery on two chairs, the china and the job, because a manager saw this neurotic behavior and would not let me in the building anymore. It cost me almost two thousand dollars, back when gasoline was about forty cents per gallon.
OH, that's not to mention all the future work I missed out on in that venue! A couple of hundred bucks would have fixed the amp, but I escalated the damage with my fit of rage and took out a fancy table.