Most of my Christmas shopping.
I'm about to start mine. 
Ugh. You people and your preparedness.
I need to go hide under a rock for another month or two. Maybe if I wait long enough it will all go away.
If you wait long enough, yeah it will go away.

For me it's not really about being prepared as much as it's avoiding stress. I usually have shopping done by the end of November, and right now I'm just window shopping the interweb and bookmarking ideas. Plus every year I have to be on early lookout for a candy I buy. The dolllar tree always sells nice boxes of chocolate covered mint patties and I buy a bunch of them for the guys to give as gifts for their friends. That's the only store that has them and when they're gone, they're gone. Most holiday candy is feminine or childish so it's a nice manly candy they don't mind giving, while it's cheap on the budget and covers a lot of people. I'm also angry right now because I had an awesome idea for a super meaningful gift for the women in the family, but I would need Sugarbutt's help and he's saying no. Over the next month, one of two things will probably happen, either I'll talk him into it or I'll find something else and get over it. If I were under the pressure of time, I'd likely make it a fight.