
Author Topic: What have you bought lately?  (Read 293114 times)

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Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8580 on: July 11, 2018, 01:31:59 AM »
Not sure if I actually bought or just "bought into,"  but seeing liberal after liberal after socialist screaming and spitting on microphones all day, losing control of their eyebrows, etc, at crowds (small ones, mind you) about how they were going to oppose and even block ANY nomination by  "fucking"  Trump  to the Supreme Court. Proclaiming that the end of the world is near, blah, blah ...   Honestly, I like Kavanaugh. 

I hope he is confirmed.  I know I will get grief for accepting another "Originalist" as a Supreme Court Justice, but HELL why else are they there, but to defend The Constitution!??!!

Screaming socialists want to change our laws, then get people out to the polls and elect a new Congress. Let's see how far that goes.

The original  "originalists" put in place the perfect way to affect laws of the land in the future.

No that seems to me reasonable. The thing that I see is that there is two sets of values and one is Left and one is Right. The Left has had a great run. The last 8 years they got to do what they wanted and push their values and now the right has their turn to do what they want and push their values. The Left is screaming outrage at this. Too fucking bad Left.

Personally when it comes to the Constitution and interpreting it, I do think that the changes in society and culture does mean that the Constitution does need to fit in with the society of the 21st not the 18th Century BUT I do not think it is a "living instrument" and I do not believe that it should be supposed to have a pro-Conservative nor a pro-Liberal values platform.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8581 on: July 11, 2018, 02:28:53 AM »
Not sure if I actually bought or just "bought into,"  but seeing liberal after liberal after socialist screaming and spitting on microphones all day, losing control of their eyebrows, etc, at crowds (small ones, mind you) about how they were going to oppose and even block ANY nomination by  "fucking"  Trump  to the Supreme Court. Proclaiming that the end of the world is near, blah, blah ...   Honestly, I like Kavanaugh. 

I hope he is confirmed.  I know I will get grief for accepting another "Originalist" as a Supreme Court Justice, but HELL why else are they there, but to defend The Constitution!??!!

Screaming socialists want to change our laws, then get people out to the polls and elect a new Congress. Let's see how far that goes.

The original  "originalists" put in place the perfect way to affect laws of the land in the future.

No that seems to me reasonable. The thing that I see is that there is two sets of values and one is Left and one is Right. The Left has had a great run. The last 8 years they got to do what they wanted and push their values and now the right has their turn to do what they want and push their values. The Left is screaming outrage at this. Too fucking bad Left.

Personally when it comes to the Constitution and interpreting it, I do think that the changes in society and culture does mean that the Constitution does need to fit in with the society of the 21st not the 18th Century BUT I do not think it is a "living instrument" and I do not believe that it should be supposed to have a pro-Conservative nor a pro-Liberal values platform.

You seem to have a grip on it. Honestly, I was in my late teens and arguing with my dad for days about something nonsensical, but current for the times (so many times - as much as I loved my dad respected him - one instance for an example) when I came to realize that it IS the balance between the right and the left that keeps us strong.
I tend to lean a bit right, but by god, do not challenge my expected freedoms or you will see how powerful of a left I can throw.

I do get that a constitution is a living, breathing entity, much like the Bible is intended to be. The only issue I think is steady enough to stand upon is the written words were written for a specific reason and those who are charged with interpreting either document have a grave duty to perform.

The triple separation of our governing processes tends to maintain a kind of teetery balance, but a balance that can only change over time and due to the will of a majority of our people.

Right now (in historical terms) we (and it is not just MY country) seem to have a left that have completely lost any focus on reality and the preocess that is required to influence the changes they see necessary while some of us "old dogs" need a little coercing or cussing or something to let slip the freedoms we have enjoyed our entire lives.

It is a tough fight; I invite the whole damn thing! Let us fight this balance out until we get it right, but fuck sake you on the LEFT (edited, sorry sometimes I type dyslexically), quit spitting on the news microphones, flipping your hair, ruining your makeup and calling for your chess opponents to be harassed by people in your group who do not have the scruples to keep things civil.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 03:02:55 AM by DirtDawg »
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Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8582 on: July 11, 2018, 07:01:37 AM »
Not sure if I actually bought or just "bought into,"  but seeing liberal after liberal after socialist screaming and spitting on microphones all day, losing control of their eyebrows, etc, at crowds (small ones, mind you) about how they were going to oppose and even block ANY nomination by  "fucking"  Trump  to the Supreme Court. Proclaiming that the end of the world is near, blah, blah ...   Honestly, I like Kavanaugh. 

I hope he is confirmed.  I know I will get grief for accepting another "Originalist" as a Supreme Court Justice, but HELL why else are they there, but to defend The Constitution!??!!

Screaming socialists want to change our laws, then get people out to the polls and elect a new Congress. Let's see how far that goes.

The original  "originalists" put in place the perfect way to affect laws of the land in the future.

No that seems to me reasonable. The thing that I see is that there is two sets of values and one is Left and one is Right. The Left has had a great run. The last 8 years they got to do what they wanted and push their values and now the right has their turn to do what they want and push their values. The Left is screaming outrage at this. Too fucking bad Left.

Personally when it comes to the Constitution and interpreting it, I do think that the changes in society and culture does mean that the Constitution does need to fit in with the society of the 21st not the 18th Century BUT I do not think it is a "living instrument" and I do not believe that it should be supposed to have a pro-Conservative nor a pro-Liberal values platform.

You seem to have a grip on it. Honestly, I was in my late teens and arguing with my dad for days about something nonsensical, but current for the times (so many times - as much as I loved my dad respected him - one instance for an example) when I came to realize that it IS the balance between the right and the left that keeps us strong.
I tend to lean a bit right, but by god, do not challenge my expected freedoms or you will see how powerful of a left I can throw.

I do get that a constitution is a living, breathing entity, much like the Bible is intended to be. The only issue I think is steady enough to stand upon is the written words were written for a specific reason and those who are charged with interpreting either document have a grave duty to perform.

The triple separation of our governing processes tends to maintain a kind of teetery balance, but a balance that can only change over time and due to the will of a majority of our people.

Right now (in historical terms) we (and it is not just MY country) seem to have a left that have completely lost any focus on reality and the preocess that is required to influence the changes they see necessary while some of us "old dogs" need a little coercing or cussing or something to let slip the freedoms we have enjoyed our entire lives.

It is a tough fight; I invite the whole damn thing! Let us fight this balance out until we get it right, but fuck sake you on the LEFT (edited, sorry sometimes I type dyslexically), quit spitting on the news microphones, flipping your hair, ruining your makeup and calling for your chess opponents to be harassed by people in your group who do not have the scruples to keep things civil.

Yup I am Left of Centre but I am NOT "Progressive". Those guys are crazy. They have been getting steadily worse. I think in years to come, those on the far Left will be embarrassed at any ownership of the term "Progressive". They will disown and disavow their theatrics and hysteria.

There DOES need to be balance and I think that the Left needs a reformation. The Far Right is condemned and excluded by the Moderate Right and there needs to be the same with the Left. There cannot be two standards.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Lestat

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8583 on: July 14, 2018, 09:20:23 AM »
I know just what you mean there fur-face. I'm pretty tempted right now to go buy myself a dewar full of liquid helium and take a bath in it. Bloody roasting here right now.

Just bought a bottle of 'Lamb's' navy rum, and bathing my insides in same will have to suffice.
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Offline Icequeen

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8584 on: July 14, 2018, 05:54:51 PM »
Brushed aluminum door handles, matte black and chameleon paint to test out.

...and the full kit for the timing belt replacement that's overdue & being done on Tues.

Water pump w/metal impeller, new thermostat, pulley wheel, coolant....yadda yadda yadda

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8585 on: July 14, 2018, 06:28:16 PM »
Cheap plastic safety goggles. A confetti pop (toy). A book called "The 104 storey treehouse). A charger cable for my phone (to keep in my car).
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8586 on: July 14, 2018, 09:26:47 PM »
Brushed aluminum door handles, matte black and chameleon paint to test out.

...and the full kit for the timing belt replacement that's overdue & being done on Tues.

Water pump w/metal impeller, new thermostat, pulley wheel, coolant....yadda yadda yadda

As I put my car into reverse to back into the driveway it quit on me, blocking the street diagonally.  After a bit of fiddling it started up again.  I floored it and got it into the driveway and stopped before it hit the garport (I have a carport with a garage door put in by the previous owner.  Weird but it does offer privacy.) door.  I'll call my shade tree mechanic tomorrow.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Offline Icequeen

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8587 on: July 15, 2018, 08:50:35 AM »
Brushed aluminum door handles, matte black and chameleon paint to test out.

...and the full kit for the timing belt replacement that's overdue & being done on Tues.

Water pump w/metal impeller, new thermostat, pulley wheel, coolant....yadda yadda yadda

As I put my car into reverse to back into the driveway it quit on me, blocking the street diagonally.  After a bit of fiddling it started up again.  I floored it and got it into the driveway and stopped before it hit the garport (I have a carport with a garage door put in by the previous owner.  Weird but it does offer privacy.) door.  I'll call my shade tree mechanic tomorrow.

Hoping it just needs something cheap like a bottle of dry gas here and there like the truck. Temperature changes and condensation here. I don't run it enough.

I keep yelling at the SO for running it below 1/4 of a tank into the red, it's too damn old to be doing that shit and you can't completely trust the gauge anymore when it gets low.

Of all people, he should know better. Did that with his old car...sucked it bone dry. Cost him around $500 to get it up and running again, and he actually got off cheap.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8588 on: July 15, 2018, 11:49:55 AM »
Brushed aluminum door handles, matte black and chameleon paint to test out.

...and the full kit for the timing belt replacement that's overdue & being done on Tues.

Water pump w/metal impeller, new thermostat, pulley wheel, coolant....yadda yadda yadda

As I put my car into reverse to back into the driveway it quit on me, blocking the street diagonally.  After a bit of fiddling it started up again.  I floored it and got it into the driveway and stopped before it hit the garport (I have a carport with a garage door put in by the previous owner.  Weird but it does offer privacy.) door.  I'll call my shade tree mechanic tomorrow.

Hoping it just needs something cheap like a bottle of dry gas here and there like the truck. Temperature changes and condensation here. I don't run it enough.

I keep yelling at the SO for running it below 1/4 of a tank into the red, it's too damn old to be doing that shit and you can't completely trust the gauge anymore when it gets low.

Of all people, he should know better. Did that with his old car...sucked it bone dry. Cost him around $500 to get it up and running again, and he actually got off cheap.
It's got 3/4 of a tank of gas.  I "filled" it when it had about 2 or so gallons left in the 13 gallon tank.  The Check Engine light has been on for months, but of course I've been ignoring it.  The car is only 15 years old with about 140,000 miles, so I should expect some/lots of repairs upcoming.  BTW - It's an introductory year Toyota Matrix. 
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8589 on: July 15, 2018, 07:28:53 PM »
Hopefully all it needs is a service and maybe replacement of a few cheap things. I still need two engine mounts for my car and new shock absorbers.

On Saturday I used my credit card (I didn't want to but I didn't have the right cash on me) to buy some drinks and food from a vending machine. None of the uni cafes were open because of a holiday break. The place was dead.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8590 on: July 16, 2018, 12:34:17 AM »
Got a new pair of goggles not that long ago myself. Decided I wanted a replacement, or at least alternative option when working with things nasty and gaseous or volatile, that didn't have vent holes in the side. Really comfortable silicone rubber fittings that haven't yet been attacked even working with some rather demanding customers (interhalogens for example. Give 'em an inch, they'll take ten miles and leave it burning to the ground given half a chance, and they are bloody reactive, vicious little shits, eat more or less anything but glass and teflon that I've thrown at it, but these seem to survive too, same with a new mask.)

But one snag-when it gets hot, the damn things steam up inside, the others had vent holes so they don't, but at the same time, whilst the older ported goggles worn under a blast shield will protect against the chance of being hit in the face by all but the harshest chemical assaults, they steam up to the point I'm left wiping the insides with dishwashing detergent on the lenses before use to stop them turning into a steamy greenhouse.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8591 on: July 16, 2018, 08:02:17 AM »
The mechanic said the computer said 2 codes.  Anyways, he said it needed a tune-up, fuel filter and freon in the A/C.  When I can get it in, probably later this week, he'll do it.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8592 on: July 16, 2018, 08:47:34 AM »
Wouldn't mind finding a source for freons. That might just be a useful idea QV, ty for the hint my dear. I could make good use of the right cryogenic solvents.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8593 on: July 16, 2018, 05:28:38 PM »
Lestat, the goggles only cost $3.50. We are renovating one of our bathrooms and bashing out the old floor tiles. Bits of floor tile are sharp like shards of glass and the goggles keep them out of our eyes.

I won about $2K gambling yesterday. Not sure yet what I'll buy. I saved $500 and paid $500 off the credit card already.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8594 on: July 16, 2018, 08:08:28 PM »
Lestat, the goggles only cost $3.50. We are renovating one of our bathrooms and bashing out the old floor tiles. Bits of floor tile are sharp like shards of glass and the goggles keep them out of our eyes.

I won about $2K gambling yesterday. Not sure yet what I'll buy. I saved $500 and paid $500 off the credit card already.

You could buy me some hockey tickets. Any seats are fine. I'm not picky.  :orly: