
Author Topic: What have you bought lately?  (Read 292533 times)

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8310 on: January 25, 2018, 08:41:37 PM »
Well I would keep my mouth shut so long as nobody comes and says anything about it Ren :D

Sounds like the numbers worked in your favor if it was an error. Wouldn't spend the money just yet, wait a little while just in case it both is an error for sure AND somebody catches on to the fact. Otherwise, count it as a nice little bonus. £900 isn't anything to sniff at. I could do a lot with £900..don't suppose you want to accidentally leave it at my house do you?:D

(actually if you did, I'd tell you, and/or bring it back to you Ren, rather than spend it, I wouldn't do that to a friend.)
Yeah, I think I'll keep quiet. It's quite a big saving.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8311 on: January 29, 2018, 11:31:30 PM »
Well, we spent twelve hundred dollars on our dog this month, trying to keep him from dying.

I mentioned before about his Grand Mal seizures last summer and our last attempts to secure his health using similar drugs that humans take for seizures.
He has mostly stopped eating and anything that he will eat we give it to him in quantity until he stops eating again.

He weighed twenty four pounds last year when he went in for shots, but last week he weighed thirteen pounds. He just will not eat and when he does it comes out fairly quickly from one end or the other, still liquid.

I can see all of his bones and it literally hurts to look at him. He still wants to be touched, but it is hard to do. He is so skinny I feel like I will break him just petting him and consoling him, showing him love.

My wife and I are already facing the inevitability but I am afraid the kids are going to have a rough time with this ending.

We are going to lose our little dog!
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8312 on: January 30, 2018, 03:05:05 AM »

Sorry about your dog.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8313 on: January 30, 2018, 06:51:08 AM »
Well, we spent twelve hundred dollars on our dog this month, trying to keep him from dying.

I mentioned before about his Grand Mal seizures last summer and our last attempts to secure his health using similar drugs that humans take for seizures.
He has mostly stopped eating and anything that he will eat we give it to him in quantity until he stops eating again.

He weighed twenty four pounds last year when he went in for shots, but last week he weighed thirteen pounds. He just will not eat and when he does it comes out fairly quickly from one end or the other, still liquid.

I can see all of his bones and it literally hurts to look at him. He still wants to be touched, but it is hard to do. He is so skinny I feel like I will break him just petting him and consoling him, showing him love.

My wife and I are already facing the inevitability but I am afraid the kids are going to have a rough time with this ending.

We are going to lose our little dog!

Do you have medical pot in your state??

If so, the CBD's in pot (you can also get an extract) are a miracle drug in treating seizures.

They will also give your dog the munchies so the weight will come back.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8314 on: January 30, 2018, 10:39:53 AM »
I am so sorry about your dog.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8315 on: January 30, 2018, 11:19:27 AM »
Damn DD, thats shitty, really, really shitty.

But I commend you on being willing to go that far for your dog. Too many people who could manage the money just wouldn't, and have the animal killed and get another because it was inconvenient for them to spend the money, rather than to save the animal suffering; as the last merciful resor that can be done.

Sounds like what happened to my last cat, Sasha, named after Alexander 'Sasha' Shulgin, one of the true pioneers of psychedelic chemistry in the area mainly of the psychedelic phenethylamines, amphetamines and tryptamines, but who also worked on some designer lysergamides, she stopped being able to eat properly, kept throwing her food up, eventually became unable to tolerate even the special vet-prescribed diet we were giving her, and she died. I miss having her around.

POT IS TOXIC TO DOGS! the cannabichromene, an inactive compound, to us, is poisonous for dogs!
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8316 on: January 30, 2018, 01:58:35 PM »

Sorry about your dog.
Thank you.
Hey, we took a rescue dog into our house who had been horribly abused in a former life and gave him three years of freedom from harm and lots and lots of love.
As much as I feeel bad about his illness and certain demise approaching, I have nothing but a full heart that we are making his last days as easy for him as is possible.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Offline DirtDawg

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8317 on: January 30, 2018, 02:04:09 PM »
Well, we spent twelve hundred dollars on our dog this month, trying to keep him from dying.

I mentioned before about his Grand Mal seizures last summer and our last attempts to secure his health using similar drugs that humans take for seizures.
He has mostly stopped eating and anything that he will eat we give it to him in quantity until he stops eating again.

He weighed twenty four pounds last year when he went in for shots, but last week he weighed thirteen pounds. He just will not eat and when he does it comes out fairly quickly from one end or the other, still liquid.

I can see all of his bones and it literally hurts to look at him. He still wants to be touched, but it is hard to do. He is so skinny I feel like I will break him just petting him and consoling him, showing him love.

My wife and I are already facing the inevitability but I am afraid the kids are going to have a rough time with this ending.

We are going to lose our little dog!

Do you have medical pot in your state??

If so, the CBD's in pot (you can also get an extract) are a miracle drug in treating seizures.

They will also give your dog the munchies so the weight will come back.

No possibility of medical pot in this overly conservative state.

Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8318 on: January 30, 2018, 02:15:09 PM »
Damn DD, thats shitty, really, really shitty.

But I commend you on being willing to go that far for your dog. Too many people who could manage the money just wouldn't, and have the animal killed and get another because it was inconvenient for them to spend the money, rather than to save the animal suffering; as the last merciful resor that can be done.

Sounds like what happened to my last cat, Sasha, named after Alexander 'Sasha' Shulgin, one of the true pioneers of psychedelic chemistry in the area mainly of the psychedelic phenethylamines, amphetamines and tryptamines, but who also worked on some designer lysergamides, she stopped being able to eat properly, kept throwing her food up, eventually became unable to tolerate even the special vet-prescribed diet we were giving her, and she died. I miss having her around.

POT IS TOXIC TO DOGS! the cannabichromene, an inactive compound, to us, is poisonous for dogs!

I have this personal code I live by. Once I take in an animal into my home it is part of my family. I will do anything for my "pets."

The hard part is watching him wither away. I have had best friend pets run over in traffic, shot to death, eaten by wild animals. Those losses were almost instantaneous in most cases. Watching this little guy turn into a skeleton right before my eyes over a period of months is more difficult.

I have experienced a great deal of death in my life, animals and humans, but I really thought I had a chance to make his life full and way better than what he had known before.

It is a tough time around here.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Lestat

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8319 on: January 30, 2018, 04:02:17 PM »
Yeah, its one thing if it happens fast, but watching a loved wee beastie suffer is another matter.

And I am sure you have and did make his life better than it was, especially considering it was a case of a rescue dog.  Its really hard when a loved animal slowly deteriorates before your eyes. Thats what happened to my dear Sasha (the cat, I also stole a dog once, and renamed her Sasha, again, after Shulgin, you could say I am somewhat of a fan of him and his work, especially the way that when he was alive (Sasha Shulgin died not long ago:(, a loss mourned all over the scientific community) he wrote books like TIHKAL, PIHKAL and the Shulgin Index, as easily accessible and readable by lay-people who aren't chemists, albeit the second section of the first two books, in which he actually gives literal 'recipes', procedures by which a skilled chemist can replicate his work is for people who know what they are going to be up against, chemistry wise.

 As he writes things like 'the product was reduced with LAH to the final amphetamine', which does NOT mean one just grinds up that product and throws lithium aluminium hydride at it, it means that the glassware used was carefully pre-baked in an oven until very, very, very dry, using appropriate greases, and connected to a flow of inert gas like helium or argon (I prefer argon as it forms a heavy, dense pad rather than floating up and away, plus helium is a much scarcer resource in terms of what is present on the planet and can be had), which is either bought as a canister of very dry gas or else led through first a dreschel bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid, and then another one to absorb any acid mix) and in a glove-box type setup, the LiAlH4 is opened, weighed, and a solution in pre-dried tetrahydrofuran or diethyl ether is prepared.

The solvent having been dessicated using first conventional distillation from regular dessicants, then by distillation from a sodium-benzophenone ketyl still, again, flame-dried glassware all the way and finally, stored over freshly flame-dried molecular sieves of a pore-size suitable for removing the last traces of H2O for a week or so and distilled for a last time over sodium metal, potassium etc, directly into the flame-dried receiver, and the preweighed LAH added SLOWLY, then a shunted soxhlet containing the substrate is used to slowly leach the substrate to be reduced (not the only way to do it but probably the best) into the LAH solution, kept cold, and under inert gas, because LiAlH4 is pyrophoric as fuck. He does warn of some things, like cyanide gas evolution in some processes, or evolution of boron trifluoride as a side product (HIGHLY toxic and extremely corrosive, nasty fucking stuff).

So he assumes people will at least do their research properly first before doing anything in his cook-book of magical tricks, as there is a lot more to 'substrate was reduced to product using lithium aluminium hydride' for example, than that simple sentence makes out as written.

But he helps explain psychedelic chemistry well, in a kinda quirky manner (I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was on the spectrum at least somewhere, from the way he writes) to non-chemist readers who are interested nevertheless, even if they don't plan on brewing up any of his psychedelic inventions (literally hundreds of them that he published, god only knows how many more were on his shelves, or as precursors never having finally been reduced to the final product)

There is one book that isn't really aimed at amateur interested only readers, 'SPIQ' or 'the simple plant isoquinolines', which is a reference book rather than like his other books. I have a copy, and its a long list of plant-derived isoquinolines, and its not the kind of book one just sits and reads through like a newspaper. But the rest are easy open reading for the interested scholar.

As for bought lately, lotsa lotsa lotsa nosh. Including a big tub (2.3kg), of chocolate flavour mix protein powder, in an effort to help supplement my generally low protein diet (I've been having problems with lacking/finding it very, very difficult to feel hungry, save only in the extreme, I could go a week and not eat without getting hungry, maybe eating just a bowl or two of cereal over the entire week, and not be hungry).

Also thinking 'hmmm...diphenylacetic does one prepare a tertiary amine starting from a phenylmethyl cyanide' and looking forward to the first time (for something else altogether, although what I don't know yet, haven't decided how to baptize it so to speak) in using my new 4-necked (24/40 joint-sizes for all of them) 5-liter round flask (not an RBF, since the bottom is slightly flattened. Would have preferred fully a RBF since the flattening means I can't subject it to full on hard vacuum, aspirator probably, and definitely for non-fully-sealed vac filtration in a buchner etc. without the risk of implosion. And that would be very, very bad. Partly because its a big bugger with thick glass walls

And that'd be a lot of shrapnel. And partly because said shrapnel would be VERY expensive shrapnel indeed, because that one flask alone cost me almost to just over £90. (yeah, i know, I know, I admit....I just can't stop myself from going on a good satisfying glassware shopping spree, any more than I can a chemical buying jaunt for lab supplies, and I definitely spare no expense in what  I outfit my lab with....hopefully I'll have the resources now I've been paid again, for that absolutely gorgeous technetium (as 99Tc), really well visible sample, plated onto a slip of gold I SO want that technetium, such a rare piece, and not just a tiny plating on a steel alpha-source needle for a cloud chamber etc, but something that actually displays elemental technetium metal as a good sized amount, perfectly suited for a display piece. And maybe even have enough left over for a sample of thorium and uranium metal each too :) )
« Last Edit: January 30, 2018, 04:03:51 PM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8320 on: January 30, 2018, 07:36:51 PM »

I thank you for your moment of kindness, Lestat.
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Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8321 on: January 30, 2018, 08:08:25 PM »
Well I'm an animal lover DD. Always have been and always will be. Even used to catch a few specimens of the now pretty rare 'slow worm' that we have here in these parts, it isn't a worm, or, as it appears to be, a small snake, but a legless lizard. Used to be a population somewhere behind a car lot where I used to live, and I'd go hunt for some, to catch and breed so as to try and 'sow' populations elsewhere.

Had a dog when I was a kid, again, named sasha, that I essentially resorted to bald-faced theft to acquire, although I am not a 'dog person', a cat person definitely, better personality match as a rule for me, but this dog, I couldn't leave with the 'owners' (or former 'owners' that is), they just kicked the poor wee hungry mite out and left her to fend for herself all day every day. So I stepped in, coaxed her over and showed her the kindness she wasn't given by the fucking pigfuckers that were allegedly responsible for her keep, and she decided she liked it with me better than with them, so yeah, I went and stole a dog :autism: Do I regret it? no, no I do not. And I'd do it again without hesitating for a moment longer than it would take to make sure there are no witnesses.

She eventually got run over, which was really shitty, and died, after being hit by a car.
Not as awful as Sasha the cat though, I had to watch her go through hell, not being able to eat, and eventually not even be able to eat the prescription diet she was given. Loved her to pieces, even if she was sometimes a furry little arsehole with claws, only now and then, though, but she sometimes did just decide to give people a swipe out of nowhere.

She just got sicker and sicker, eventually had to have her put down :(

Haven't had any pets/companion animals since, aside from my black widow and brown widow spiders. But the fucking pigs, they murdered my spiders during an illegal raid. My brown widow (Latrodectus geometricus, I think), had just laid two egg sacks too (and bitten me once while I was cleaning out her enclosure the little sod, resulting in several doctor visits in successive days, feeling like I'd been run over by a tank) and one had hatched, hundreds and hundreds of young widow spiders, and the fucking filth deliberately killed all of them (they were specifically warned/informed beforehand that they were there, so as to avoid confrontations. So that is the only explanation for it, that it was deliberate.)

And since then, no pets at all. Although I have been thinking about getting a Parabuthus transvaalicus (common name is, I think, the south-african fat tailed scorpion (not to be confused with those generally known as fat-tailed scorpions, the really deadly ones, those are Androctonus spp). These Parabuthus, they are unique, because like many cobra species and one viper species, it can fire its venom from its stinger of course in the case of the scorpion, rather than the fangs of cobras or the mangshan pitviper.) Parabuthus do have pretty potent stings, and its likely to put someone in hospital if they give it all they've got, but they aren't like the Androctonus fat-tails, (they can kill an adult human in about 8 hours after a sting), and also, Parabuthus have two distinct kinds of venom. One they use defensively, designed more to cause pain and drive off predators, rather than the more resource-intensive (AFAIK) type of venom they use for hunting, and intended for killing prey. Not sure which, or if they use both, if they do their spitter thing and fire their venom though.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8322 on: February 01, 2018, 04:35:06 AM »
2 packets of molecular sieves. Mol.sieves are basically beads of synthetic zeolite ceramics with precisely tuned pore-sizes, down to within a single angstrom, they are very efficient drying agents, although the action is not rapid, ideally suited for once chemical dessicants and distillation have been applied, storing a bottle of something along with molecular sieves that have been baked out dry prior to use, and they will help both keep the solvent dry, and make sure that it is absolutely anhydrous, for removal of the last tiny, tiny scraps of water, solvents etc., anything that can bind within the pores of the ceramic (they come as little round beads/pellets with little tiny pores present in the matrix, and any molecule in solution, or liquid itself, or, possibly although I am uncertain, possibly gaseous molecules, that are of a size that may fit within the pores, tuned in size to within a single angstrom, will be bound in the pores and retained until the sieves are baked out for re-use.)

The ones I got are size 3A. Meaning IIRC a pore size of about 3/7ths of a nanometer, a few hundred picometers in diameter. Not as fast by any means as conventional dessication by either chemical dessicants or distillation to dry things, but when stored in reagent bottles, they really do a very efficient job at maintaining anhydrous conditions, and of rendering the solvent or other reagent truly anhydrous.

Got a couple of big packets, and since they are reusable, those should last me a virtual lifetime.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8323 on: February 01, 2018, 10:15:58 AM »

Sorry about your dog.

He laid down and died this morning.  I knew it was going to be soon. Yesterday, he was seeking out quiet dark places to sleep. Places he never ventures in the house. He is gone now.

This morning I could see what bad shape he was in and my daughter must have as well. She just kept hugging him before school. I told her that she should say her goodbyes, not knowing that he was only an hour away from death.

Seems like every time I have to bury a pet, the ground is frozen. This will be a very labor intensive grave to dig.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8324 on: February 01, 2018, 11:51:51 AM »

Sorry about your dog.

He laid down and died this morning.  I knew it was going to be soon. Yesterday, he was seeking out quiet dark places to sleep. Places he never ventures in the house. He is gone now.

This morning I could see what bad shape he was in and my daughter must have as well. She just kept hugging him before school. I told her that she should say her goodbyes, not knowing that he was only an hour away from death.

Seems like every time I have to bury a pet, the ground is frozen. This will be a very love intensive grave to dig.

A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.
