Shopping for lab glassware and reagents. Got over £1000 to spend, although limiting myself to a grand atm since I'm not quite sure what exactly I have over that much, I know its a couple of hundred, but i need to retain at least £300 for 100g of lithium aluminium hydride.
Just seen 'cow' multiple distillation swap-over devices for about £6 each, so I've bought five of them, I've wanted a cow for a while now. They allow swapping over flasks during distillations by just rotating the cow to a new flask, like a revolver magazine almost, and can be used to take cuts at different temperatures, including during vacuum distillation when one wishes to take a different cut without breaking the vacuum.
Just spent £168.70-something so far. Plus about $3-something each for the three graduated measurment cylinders (I have one, that I bought off the hellslag that used to infest my house after tellin me she was being seriously physically, mentally and sexually abused (at the time I had evidence at least of physical fighting of some nature) and some pretty nasty things being said and done to her. and as we were at the time, friends, I couldn't stand by and watch her potentially get raped 'again' by her own family. I took her in, put a roof over her head and a warm bed to sleep in, allowed her a fish tank of tropical fish, that she saved for with the allowance I gave her that came from the benefits I get, which ain't enough for the outside world. Just can't be done. But living at home, rent free at the time, I could just about keep the two of us going. Gave her a modest weekly allowance of money to spend as she would see fit.
And damned if I didn't end up having to buy litter trays, cat litter, a shite-scooper and cat food for two feline companions who she stole off a couple of people without my knowledge. No way to know their owners or trace them. Although I have to admit, they WERE cute, really damn adorably cute, and absolutely tiny little things, grey fur and always making this tiny little mewling noise to be petted and fussed over.
So, having no idea who The Bitch stole them from, I kinda adopted them and made sure they were taken care of.
Anyhow, lots of new goodies are coming my way.