Yeh gots to factor in one pretty kitty too of course miss K

Just bought-several big cartons of rhubarb&custard boiled sweet flavour milkshake, some cookie dough 'frijj' thick milkshakes that I like to have for breakfast, a wedge of edam cheese, two blocks of blue stilton, several local special brew golden, dark and amber ales, including a particularly delicious honeyed citrusy craft brewery beer. Mmmm....after driving myself in the lab and getting not a winks sleep, and pushing through feeling kinda crappy as my last dose of my meds wore off, before picking up my refill this morning, I thinks I have earned at least a bottle of that scrummy honeyed citrus ale, a cigar, the meds of course and a block of that cheese.
Bought some mozzarella too, some cigars, and think by now after that Lestat is entitled to sit back, rest his weary feet, after flicking on the blowtorch, frazzling the end of a cigar lit and taking a relaxing draw of cold, frosty, really fucking GOOD beer, to cleanse the palette in order to receive its cheese selection treats, heaving a sigh of relief as the cold ale washes down his neck, a Katatonia album blasting in the background.
Still need to go shopping and get some more chloroform, ether, maybe running a bit low on methanol, could use some conical, flat bottomed flasks, seen some micro-size buchner filters I'd really like some of and some new round bottomed flasks. That and get to welding up the ring stand for his filtration funnels.