Wonder what if anything I'll get in the mail today.
Currently-got lots of nice things, although some of them expensive things. (This is to be taken more in the context of a moan than of a boast, I am not the materialistic-obsessed status-symbol worshipper type at ALL, although I do of course want enough in life to get by on and to do the things I enjoy doing, and to have good things)
Various acyl halides and anhydrides, alkyl halide (trans-cinnamyl chloride), Fe dust, nitroethane, isopropylamine, ethylamine, triethylenetetramine, no methylamine but could make it rather easily as soon as I have more money to spend if I wanted it (currently I don't), palladium (II) chloride (very expensive, and I don't have very much, about 1g give or take the few tens of milligrams I've used), platinum metal as fine dust (Might not be a materialistic kinda autie, but I'd certainly not be in the least unhappy if the weights of how much Pt dust were to be switched with the iron, or even the magnesium, aluminium or copper or nickel metal powders I have, haven't weighed it, but its a small vial rather than a kilo sack, sadly. I'd even take a half kilo without too heavy protestation:autism:)
50 test tubes.
A 50ml integrated pear shaped flask with a side-arm (male fitting), female joint on top and integrated mini vigreaux column. Its a cute looking little thing.
500g hydroxylamine, as the hydrochloride salt,
1kg triphenylphosphine
phosphorus-red, 2kg -the quantity that has been used, and some that accidentally ignited during distillation of white P when a retort broke (producing quite an impressive localized fireball, not so much impressive for its violence or size, for it was no explosion, but how bright and blazing intensity of the heat, how stray blobs if stepped on, the moment the boot was removed from the little blob of white P, it immediately selfignited again, and again, and again until it was simply left to burn (at the scale I was working on this was quite safe, assuming of course, one doesn't actually get burnt or poisoned by the stuff itself), excellent quality red P (sigma-aldrich) and at a knockdown price too (and no I don't use it for THAT reaction, I.e the breaking bad kinda thing, its main use to me is twofold-one, is to prepare other reagents because phosphorus has an incredibly versatile, rich chemistry, like sulfur, or carbon, there are just so many potential things to be done and to investigate and take good advantage of synthetically speaking, and the other will be for the element collection, since it has a collossal number of allotropes and crystalline polymorphs (such as for example, cubic white, orthorhombic white, monoclinic white, two, maybe three types of black phosphorus, one scarlet, at least one, most probably at least two types of violet phosphorus, quite a lot of different kinds of red P in terms of the structure of the polymer chains, AFAIK a vitreous form, grey in color but which I have found next to nothing ever in reference to it, bar potentially the bare bones of an outline of a production method from a specific polymorph of white phosphorus, and nanostructures such as phosphorus nanorods, nano-buds, nano-cage structures..and for the collection they are all going to have to be rounded up and put on display, sealed in glass amps under inert gas (as with all the samples for the display case I intend to make, for all elements that can be stored, and bar fluorine for which glass cannot be used)
800g of KMnO4 (potassium permanganate), accidentally ordered it on ebay, added it to my cart by accident when I was window-shopping with regards to pot perm. Still, it was't hugely expensive, and its something I have plenty use for.
A few hundred grams of fine, fine nickel metal dust, so fine it looks almost black, although not as fine as Raney nickel, or Urushibara catalyst, which are ultrafine forms of precipitated nickel, and in the case of Raney nickel, its pyrophoric the grain size is so small, it can ignite spontaneously on contact with air. Both Urushibara and Raney nickel are catalysts, non-noble metal-based (I.e not platinum-group metal based) hydrogenation catalysts, made by treating an alloy of aluminium and nickel with caustic soda solution which eats away the aluminium and leaves behind, once the catalyst is cleaned, the nickel, dissolved out from a solid solution resulting in ultra-fine particles.
about 800g copper dust, and a kilo each of very fine magnesium powder, and some 30 micron aluminium, which is very, very reactive stuff compared to coarser Al dust or Al grains, foil or turnings. A spatula of it dropped into caustic soda solution doesn't so much hiss and melt away generating hydrogen, but it goes up with a poof of steam from the water of the caustic solution instantly boiling)
5 liters of glacial acetic acid (water-free vinegar basically, or very little water content), couple of liters of concentrated sulfuric acid, either 96% or 98% H2SO4, need to titrate that and find out.
A bottle of iodine monochloride, which I made myself (and put the video up here somewhere too) containing about an ounce of the substance in a chemically-resistant capped glass bottle with the threads wrapped tightly in teflon tape, kept in a fridge and the danger of the chemical clearly marked so no stupid copper if they ever illegally enter the place again opens that and tries to 'take a sample', not if they value continuing to breathe and remain sighted

That said, they are welcome to go and take a big huff directly from the bottle so long as their next of kin reimburse me for the cost of more iodine and suitable gas mask cartridges, and chlorine gas with which to prepare more ICl.
100g sodium borohydride.
4 gallon drum of industrial-strength sodium hypochlorite solution,
gallon of concentrated hydrochloric acid.
A second Soxhlet extractor with matched Allihn condenser
A sheet of graphite, 500 micron thick and flexible, for some experimenting with graphene for its interesting electrical and quantum properties and experimenting with metamaterials based on it.
And a nice sized bag of 3mm (or might be 3.5mm) wide carbon rods, for electrolytic cells as electrodes.
Not here yet-a new, spare thermometer, this one with a wider range than my others, going from -10 'C (although I'd have preferred one going down to at least -100 'C to -150 'C, goes up to +350 or +360 'C (forget which) and a short 24/40 size adapter for plugging it into my glassware's sockets for my regular sized setup. Still need one for my microscale kit though and an adapter for the intermediate smalll scale bits I have.
Some solvents I was running low on or out of.
Next on the shopping list as soon as I can afford it, seen these dry ice making machines that connect up to a simple CO2 cylinder and churn out bricks of dry ice 'on tap' essentially, whenever wanted. So no ever having to order it and wait, pay shipping etc. just use cheap CO2 canisters and cast the dry ice into bricks at home whenever I want some dry ice. I REALLY want one of these, that way I could build a cryostat and run it (one with magnetic stirring would be really neat. Think like a magnetic stirrer-heating mantle or hotplate with mag stirrer, only a 'coldplate' instead of a hotplate. and of course, buy a CO2 tank (would sooner buy than rent).
Also want a rotavap, a better vacuum pump than the current one I have.
Oh that reminds me, bought a new buchner funnel with ground glass joints to replace one fucked up by the filth. I had a spare, but its just a ceramic type that takes filter papers or other filter media, this one is a replacement for the one I had with a fine disk of glass frit built in and a takeoff adapter to hook up to my vacuum pump for those pain in the arse reactions that give a pasty or granular slurry or something like that thats otherwise intractable to filter to any extent at all because they just clog the filters straight away. Vacuum filtration gives the chemist the edge they need on such mixtures from hell and use a vac pump or water aspirator to slurp the liquid fraction through in moments. This even comes with a nifty little hand-operated vacuum pump. Not as powerful as my mains-powered electric pump obviously but nifty and ideal for many filtrations, and for some vacuum distillation on microscale equipment with the right adapters bought, or made myself if needs be.
Was recently bought a fridge too by my old man so I have somewhere to keep the more volatile of my solvent selection in, and he can keep his fishing maggots and other bait in. But he even said he knew full well that I'll be the one who gets the most use out of it by far. Already am and already have

I am so glad I am not a blowfly maggot (or any other kind of maggot for that matter). As if it wasn't bad enough having a hook stuck up your arse, and slowly drowned so a fish can suck out your insides; in my fridge they have to share with all manner of acids, ammonia, solvents of lesser or greater degrees of toxicity, oxidizing agents, reducing agents and assorted non-classified miscellaneous volatile nasty things like alkylating agents and halogenating agents. Not a good place to be a maggot, somehow I have a feeling that the odds of ever seeing a little blowfly-sized birthday cake and a candle in it are about as optimistic as the human life expectancy in an african famine during somewhere about the time of christ:autism:
Grey area-why not make your own vape juice? I do. That way you can customize the strength, blend flavours, and a good idea health wise is to use just propylene glycol as diluent for the nicotine rather than a mix of it and glycerine, since glycerine can easily undergo thermal cracking and dehydration to acrolein, a carcinogenic, highly toxic, acrid substance that additionally, behaves like tear gases. I'm using a 50mg/ml or so lemon and lime flavour one in one of mine, and something similar with a touch of cherry menthol in the other of my 2 e-cigs.
Its cheaper just to get say half a liter of propylene glycol (of food grade or meant for e-fag juice), bottles of flavouring and of nicotine and blend your own, better buy bulk whilst you still can, before the govt cracks sticks their fucking bastard noses in any further than they already have. Stupid shitheads have apparently already begun to ban tanks over 2ml in capacity. What on earth is the cunting point of that? for shitessake. Regulation for the sake of having something they can get off on banning and on pissing users of E-cigs off whilst accomplishing precisely nothing that benefits a single living human being possessed of both a mind and a soul. I.e, only for politicians who have the former occasionally in a vestigial kind of sense and wouldn't recognize the latter if you rolled it up, hammered nails through it and used it to hit one in the pencil-dick until a little tiny shrunken, empty raisin-like organ ruptures in a squeal of agony and transient puff of elemental stupidity, spontaneously igniting with a sickly, pathetic drawn out mewl when it breaks out and enters the presence of common sense.
Vaseline glass? might be worth checking with a geiger counter too, as isn't uranium glass similar color? can't remember if its fluorescent under UV though. Wouldn't mind getting a UV torch myself. Could do with a shortwave UV irradiation box or at least the bulbs and ballast for it, both for sterilizing things, and at lesser exposure levels and intensities, for mutagenesis without the need for what are almost always some singularly noxious chemical reagents.