Cucurbitaceae make good cakes? come to think of it, a watermelon or cantaloupe melon/galia melon cake sounds really good, although it might take a bit of chemistry as well to get a proper concentrate of watermelon. Perhaps some synthetic watermelon essence would need creating, even. Bet its just a matter of digging up the info on the right ester or esters and then a bit of practical fiddling with the balance if its more than one. Esters generally make for strong and distinctive scents or occasionally stenches. n-amyl (amyl=pentyl, the 5-carbon radical corresponding with the saturated hydrocarbon pentane, of all the simple unsubstituted alkanes, pentane has the lowest boiling point and is yet a liquid at room temperature, albeit a very volatile one, which makes me prefer it over isohexane (n-hexane is unusually toxic for a hydrocarbon as it gets metabolized to a diketonic compound, hexan-2,5-dione. Other similar diketones of simple saturated alkane hydrocarbons where the carbonyl groups are each in what would, if viewed from the end closest to either, be the beta position of that C=O are also similarly toxic, making n-hexane quite unpleasantly neurotoxic, although not acutely extremely toxic, its a cumulative neurotoxin, or rather, its metabolite, after primary metabolism to an alcohol, hexan-2-ol, followed by further metabolism via cytochrome P450 pathway enzymes, then oxidation to the aforementioned diketone is, and causes a polyneuropathy by interacting with axons of the peripheral nervous system, specifically by forming an imine with lysine residues within the proteins of the nerve cells, this imine then cyclizes to a pyrrole and this is oxidized, screwing up the conformation of the proteins attacked by 2,5-hexanedione rendering them unfit for performing their requisite duties. The end result, is a sensory polyneuropathy and eventual degeneration of the nerve axons potentially causing paralysis and/or severe wastage and atrophy of the nerves, typically of the lower body, legs etc.
So despite its widespread use as a solvent, I prefer to use isohexane if I'm going to use hexane at all, since the other isomers of hexane do not possess such a toxicity. I rather like pentane though, because of the ability to rapidly strip it away with nothing more than a warm water bath, which is extremely useful if the compound or imtermediate you are working with, or the rxn in which pentane is being used as a solvent in is very temperature sensitive. n-pentane being nontoxic, no more so than any other hydrocarbon of the alkane series especially and a volatility not that far removed from butane. Best cooled down before opening containers though rather than opened at RT due to its low boiling point. But that does mean even without a vacuum one can rapidly strip pentane and its isomers, cyclopentane is a little more convenient to handle, since its boiling point is slightly above it, and isopentane is a little lower boiling. with n-pentane boiling at 35.9 'C. Which reminds me, I need more cyclopentane and n-pentane. As well as some hexane and heptane.
What I bought most recently, were several bags of jelly babies, both basset's, the powder-coated ones and some of the non-powdered sugar-covered haribo ones, since these seem a bit more heavily flavoured. I compromize between texture and flavour by buying both. Although I've never yet tried eating both of a same color/flavour together to see if the compromise works both by buying both kinds and eating separately, or eating both together. I just murdered several large ethnic minority families. Killed a bunch of black babies for fun, I ripped their faces off an broke their legs and left their still-twitching soon-to-be-carcasses to steep in acid to get rid of their little negro bodies. (I like the black jellybabies best, followed by green ones, although what ethnic minority those are..seasick babies maybe-s or martian perhaps:P Followed by eating the chinky kids, fuckin little yeller bastards

Although I am partial to eating a white baby now and then, biting off their little pink toesies one by one. Or pulling a little wog nipper's head off or crunching its little toddler skull between my teeth. Easier to do with babies than biting an adult's head, because the fontanelles, those soft spots where the skull has gaps to allow brain growth, at least in babies I haven't murdered, have not closed.
One mixed-race family of small children murdered, on to the next massacre. The last one obviously had just come back from a family outing to the seaside. That trip was its last. Now I'm sucking a baby off, before I slowly dissolve it. Just as well this room is soundproofed well.
Also bought some 'KA' grape soda, some of the delicious although increasingly difficult to find barr brand bubblegum pop to wash down the dead, dying and soon to be dead cannibal preteen feast.
Ok, so I have a dark sense of humor, I admit it. Oh well, too bad, on with the slaughter of family no.3. Got a couple of bags of 'lion' gums, dark, sort of tough and quite chewy liquorice gums, and very very tasty, one of my favourites. As well as some rolling papers and a pouch of my favoured brand of tobacco and got some more e-liquid for my e-cig *gulps down two more wogs and a martian exchange student* although the e-liquid was free, since I had my old man make it up from nicotine, dissolved in propylene glycol because I don't want to take the chance of the regular stuff proving just as carcinogenic in the long run as cigarettes, due to the use of a mixture of glycerine and propylene glycol as diluents for the nicotine. This is some sort of mentholated fruit flavour, quite agreeable.
Its the glycerine thats concerning since it dehydrates when heated too much (too much in the context of using an e-cig, rather than the lab setting deliberately of course) to produce prop-2-ene-al, or acrolein as its commonly known, which is horrible, horrible stuff and powerfully lachrymatory to boot (like tear gas, only in this case, awfully toxic to boot)