Although your underselling by a long way, I'd sure not be stupid enough to do myself out of money when there is a bargain. Although, as I remember your remark of some time ago 'pure and chaste', your going to have to be satisfied with 'genuine' 'not the exploitative type' and 'got your back' '
I've been meaning to put some security measures in place for the lab in any case. Although the kitchen and the fridge would need a pretty thorough going-through considering some of the things that are hanging around in beakers and other containers, some of which aren't labelled, since *I* know what they are, and my old man knows that he'd be a complete idiot to drink or eat out of a vessel containing anything he didn't put there himself.
Lets just say that when lab space has been tight, things have often migrated. Xylene and ethyl acetate in the fridge, ergot sclerotia in the fridge, or there were a while back, something that needs analysis done on it to determine exactly what went on during a reaction but otherwise a golden-amber looking thick oil. Beakers of H2SO4 that have become colored and look like a soft drink (not kidding, it does, now bright red and could easily be mistaken for something drinkable if it wasn't in a lab beaker and you didn't know of my inclinations towards chemistry, pharmacology and bio), a cylinder containing white phosphorus under water....(highly toxic, bursts into flame on exposure to air and gives off a shitload of acidic P2O5 smoke, that looks way out of proportion for the size of the quantity of phosphorus that produces it when burning)
I do keep most of the lab escapees in their own spot though, and the spice rack has been emptied and repurposed to serve as a reagent bottle storage rack instead

Which is pretty much what you'll have to make do with it.
I'd argue for more than £20, if it was somebody else's wallet. But thats again because of her worth, and because no matter what someone is buying they would be a fool to argue for themselves having to fork out MORE than the asking price. I'm autistic, not stupid