Meals out are good for the soul IMO. Scrimping ALL the time, well, scrimping implies one reaps a benefit from NEVER allowing for a little 'us time', bread and water and a protein/multivitamin/fat based liquid feed with added fiber could keep someone alive, but would it feed the soul? I doubt it. Thats what chinese takeout and pizza with your favourite toppings are for. So don't feel bad, try to feel happiness at the enjoyment of the meal. It has been eaten, and paid for, so recriminations will, logically speaking, bring you nothing but unhappiness.
You've had the food, now let it FEED you m'ilady.
What did you have?
Had pizza tonight, pepperoni pizza with lots of cheese and a protein shake when I got snacky later. The protein shake stuff was pricy, about 30 quid, but that was for a big tub, nearly a foot wide if not wholly so and more than that tall, full. It's lasted me months, and still isn't gone. Running lower, but the first tub of chocolate shake mix I bought, yeah I spent a bit on it but its meant I haven't gone without a chocolate shake, and one laden with protein whenever I wanted one ever since. I just have to be careful to check that I'm picking up the right container, that it hasn't got a handle, and doesn't contain liquid, and is indeed labelled 'protein shake XYZ marketing bollockspeak mixture' as opposed to say 'glacial acetic acid' 'methylene chloride' 'concentrated sulfuric acid' or 'methanol, 99.98%'

Bought that a while ago, but its lasted ages, reminded me because I had some earlier. Really easy to make too, the instructions say just add water and stir it all up etc. I don't, I use milk instead and its far nicer than it sounds like it'd be if water was used. Water milkshake with no milk...yuck. Chocolate water...I'll pass. I just grab a sheet of A4 printer paper that hasn't been used to measure out anything chemical, thats clean, get the scoop out of the way and pour a pile out so I can use the paper sheet to funnel it into a half-used jug of whole milk, put the top back on and shake the crap out of it. Done, instant liter jug of protein shake. Slakes thirst AND helps kill off hunger when I get snacky but don't want to waste a meal.
And after that pizza went down, I was definitely snacky later. And snacky calls for a snack