
Author Topic: What have you bought lately?  (Read 293295 times)

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8655 on: August 19, 2018, 10:31:58 PM »
Shit, Ren, :( not sure  what else I can say. It accurately sums up my feelings.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8656 on: August 20, 2018, 10:27:01 AM »
Be there.  Have a pint of whatever they drink in Perth.  Really though, it's not a cause for a laugh and five pints.  Just go and do the stuff.  Slope off after 40 minutes - they'll get the gist.
I went to the funeral but not the wake which was at my brother-in-law's parents' house. I like them a lot but there would have been too many people I don't know there.

My niece was a mess, I felt awful for her. My brother-in-law was too, which I found kind of strange. The service was very nice though.

This just registered with me.  When The PR was about 16 hours old a nurse came in and told me that she had "another episode of duskiness" and were sending her to a hospital with a NICU.  PA had gone home after she was born and stopped at the McDonalds to let his "gang" know she was born.

He came in a while later.  I told him what the nurse said and that they would be transferring her.  He literally looked like someone had hit him in the gut with a 2 by 4 (board of that measure used to frame houses.)  I knew then that if she died he would never be the same. Until I was released from the hospital 4 days later he visited her twice a day. 

The reason for her duskiness was PDA. 

"Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a persistent opening between the two major blood vessels leading from the heart. The opening, called the ductus arteriosus, is a normal part of a baby's circulatory system before birth that usually closes shortly after birth. If it remains open, however, it's called a patent ductus arteriosus.  A small patent ductus arteriosus often doesn't cause problems and might never need treatment. However, a large patent ductus arteriosus left untreated can allow poorly oxygenated blood to flow in the wrong direction, weakening the heart muscle and causing heart failure and other complications."  She was fine since it closed on its own.

I can totally understand your BIL's reaction.  It may not have been his child, but it was his child and grandchild.  I hope everyone will find comfort and peace as time goes on.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8657 on: August 20, 2018, 10:56:56 AM »
*sends retroactive hugs to the PR and you too QV*

Damn glad  she made it through, the world would be  a lesser place and the more impoverished for lacking her. Even if  I were to look at from a purely selfish point of view, not that I do, seeing her with a big grin on her face and obvious happiness in those rather damn cute eyes, has put a smile on my own face and in my own eyes to match.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8658 on: August 20, 2018, 05:11:14 PM »
D batteries
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8659 on: August 20, 2018, 06:00:15 PM »
Another meal out  :thumbdn:
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8660 on: August 20, 2018, 07:27:29 PM »
Meals out are good for the soul IMO. Scrimping ALL the time, well, scrimping implies one reaps a benefit from NEVER allowing for a little 'us time', bread and water and a protein/multivitamin/fat based liquid feed with added fiber could keep someone alive, but would it feed the soul? I doubt it. Thats what chinese takeout and pizza with your favourite toppings are for. So don't  feel bad, try to feel happiness at the enjoyment of the meal. It has been eaten, and paid for, so recriminations will, logically speaking, bring you nothing but unhappiness.

You've had the food, now let it FEED you m'ilady.

What did you have?

Had pizza tonight, pepperoni pizza with lots of cheese and a protein shake when I got snacky later. The protein shake stuff was pricy, about 30 quid, but that was for a big tub, nearly a foot wide if not wholly so and more than that tall, full. It's lasted me months, and still isn't gone. Running lower, but the first tub of chocolate shake mix I bought,  yeah I spent a bit on it but its meant I haven't gone without a chocolate shake, and one laden with protein whenever I wanted one ever since. I just have to be careful to check that I'm picking up the right container, that it hasn't got a handle, and doesn't contain liquid, and is indeed labelled 'protein shake XYZ marketing bollockspeak mixture' as opposed to say 'glacial acetic acid' 'methylene chloride' 'concentrated sulfuric acid' or 'methanol, 99.98%' :autism:

Bought that a while ago, but its lasted ages, reminded me because I had some earlier. Really easy to make too, the instructions say just add water and stir it all up etc. I don't, I use milk instead and its far nicer than it sounds like it'd be if water was used. Water milkshake with no milk...yuck. Chocolate water...I'll pass. I just grab a sheet of A4 printer paper that hasn't been used to measure out anything chemical, thats clean, get the scoop out of the way and pour a pile out so I can use the paper sheet to funnel it into a half-used jug of whole milk, put the top back on and shake the crap out of it. Done, instant liter jug of protein  shake. Slakes thirst AND helps kill off hunger when I get snacky but don't want to waste a meal.

And after that pizza went down, I was definitely snacky later. And snacky calls for a snack :D
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8661 on: August 20, 2018, 08:42:05 PM »
Lestat - Too many times I have been bring home fast food.  Maybe 8 to 10 lunches and dinners a week, if not more.  WAY too much $$$$$ flying out and too much unhealthy food coming in. 

The stupidest thing is that I have food in the refrigerator that I buy intending to cook, but end up throwing it away.  I just need to find my discipline.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8662 on: August 20, 2018, 08:52:31 PM »
Meals out are good for the soul IMO. Scrimping ALL the time, well, scrimping implies one reaps a benefit from NEVER allowing for a little 'us time', bread and water and a protein/multivitamin/fat based liquid feed with added fiber could keep someone alive, but would it feed the soul? I doubt it. Thats what chinese takeout and pizza with your favourite toppings are for.

Or even a good home-cooked meal.  Gammon and champ with baked beans.

It has been eaten, and paid for, so recriminations will, logically speaking, bring you nothing but unhappiness.

The recriminations start with fiery curries.  Get sat on that toilet seat, this will be a big one!

Had pizza tonight, pepperoni pizza with lots of cheese and a protein shake when I got snacky later.

You had that last night, didn't you?

Running lower, but the first tub of chocolate shake mix I bought,  yeah I spent a bit on it but its meant I haven't gone without a chocolate shake, and one laden with protein whenever I wanted one ever since.

You don't sound that well.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 09:12:23 PM by Tequila »

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8663 on: September 09, 2018, 12:56:40 AM »
That green thing looks like something the cat sicked up. Ew. What the fuck is that?

I see your point about the fiery currys etc. I happen to rather like fiery hot food, and it doesn't rip me a new set of arseholes on the way out either.

The pizza? yes, whats to say I can't eat a double-pizza pepperoni and olive sandwich twice a day and have the same thing the next few days too? Its a favourite meal for me. That and steak. But I only do steak when I've gone out hiking, so I've some wild mushrooms to serve with it. And when I do, its searing hot with a custom blend of exotic spices, szechuan pepper, which has a weird local anaesthetic type effect on the mouth, allowing for the food to be made even hotter than otherwise tolerable, even for someone who'll happily drink a shot of tabasco sauce. Cubeb, pink peppercorn, black pepper, birds-eye or scotch bonnet chili, or habanero if I can get the smoked ones, Peppery bolete, and water-pepper leaves, plus Chalciporus piperatus, the peppery bolete, mixed together and blended to my specifications with fly agaric mushroom, and an array of sauces to make a marinade.

And don't sound that well?  why? although you are correct, but why do you think so?
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8664 on: September 19, 2018, 10:48:46 PM »
A fake Rolex for the equivalent of about US$16.

It actually looks really good, I think I got a decent price.

It has an obvious quartz movement, as opposed to a genuine (or higher grade fake) Rolex which would have an automatic movement and wouldn't require a battery.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8665 on: September 20, 2018, 04:04:41 AM »
Macca's for Kayleigh and I. No more of that this fortnight.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8666 on: October 05, 2018, 01:55:32 AM »
Water. Well, the water rates which came to a grand total of $8.91 this quarter.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8667 on: October 05, 2018, 11:07:46 AM »
A book. :orly:
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8668 on: October 05, 2018, 12:27:09 PM »
No buy, but a "friend" called earlier with a short notice invitation. Have not heard from him in a month or so, but he asked if I was up for a trip to the speedway this week end.
Of course, I said something like, "Yeah, what's up?"
He has a spare ticket to the Redbull Air Race down in Indy and I am who he thought of.

YES!!  I am going!  These small plane aerobatic fliers do some amazingly crazy shit to win.

I am going!!

I have never been to this, but check the link:
« Last Edit: October 05, 2018, 12:30:04 PM by DirtDawg »
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8669 on: October 05, 2018, 03:18:03 PM »
Take away lunch
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