
Author Topic: What have you bought lately?  (Read 293115 times)

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8625 on: August 04, 2018, 03:22:47 AM »
A Ravenclaw pocket watch - a late birthday present for Kayleigh.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8626 on: August 04, 2018, 06:31:03 AM »
Very cool.
My daughter has Ravenclaw  inscription pants and at times she takes her "Snitch" watch with her.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8627 on: August 04, 2018, 06:37:57 PM »
I wish we had a classic rock station that played decent music. Around here it is mostly Journey, Foreigner, very rarely something that doesn't make me just change back to a news station or fumble for a CD to put in.

Our station plays too much Whitesnake and post-Eliminator ZZ Top.

Oftentimes they will play a good selection of Rush and not the usual stuff either. Farewell to Kings and some other obscure, but good songs like By-Tor and the Snow Dog.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8628 on: August 04, 2018, 08:36:55 PM »
Went to the food salvage store.  Some really good buys: Oscar Mayer beef bologna for 50 cents, diced ham 79 cents, perch fillets 3.99, etc.

Then to a thrift store.  All clothes and electronics were 75% off.  Bought a nightshirt, an iron and a hair dryer for 2.25 each.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8629 on: August 05, 2018, 07:39:56 AM »
I wish we had a classic rock station that played decent music. Around here it is mostly Journey, Foreigner, very rarely something that doesn't make me just change back to a news station or fumble for a CD to put in.

Our station plays too much Whitesnake and post-Eliminator ZZ Top.

Oftentimes they will play a good selection of Rush and not the usual stuff either. Farewell to Kings and some other obscure, but good songs like By-Tor and the Snow Dog.

I hear too much John Mellancamp here ( local born, so of course they pollute the airwaves with the local guy - I liked his early stuff, but I am SO burned out) a lot of Whitesnake and Night Ranger, too. Both of which I did tours with in the '80s. Those tours are where I met Steve Vai playing with Whitesnake and eventually Joe Satriani through Vai.

While I generally liked pop hair metal OK at first, I am burned out on it mostly. Night Ranger especially. The fact that that pretty boy lead singer hit HARD on my girlfriend did me no favors. She was already enamored with him from MTV spots, but for him to stand in front of her doing his "act" (yeah, she was hot but he did this shit with every girl and generally succeeded) and she was star struck and weak in the knees.

I almost never hear Rush on the radio and we have three classic stations, two rock oriented and another mainly R&B (which is my favorite of the three, BTW). When I go back to Rush, I have to put in a disc. I have them all, including the recent box of live on Blu ray. Never had a chance to work with Rush, sadly.

ZZTop, the only time I had immediate contact with them was usually before they were famous. They entered a lot of "Battle Of The Bands"  things and every time we saw them pullling up it ruined our day, because they ALWAYS won, always!
Many years later Billy and Dusty appeared at many celebrity charity events where I was working and we often had drinks and played poker together or just hit on the Hollywood girls who were so far out of their elements.

Gibbons said one time in front of the massive crowd meet before it all started with the public, Something like, You when you check into your motel and your complimentary gift basket includes a six pack of Lone Star, a few oranges and limes, big bag of deer jerky and a fly swatter, You are NOT in Hollywood anymore!!
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8630 on: August 05, 2018, 09:06:42 AM »
I have to admit, the radio offerings these days are fucking garbage for the most part.

Even kerrang mostly plays crap now. Fingers down throat material like bloody green day, although if you get lucky, some  nirvana, deep purple, metallica on radio 1, but I only end up listening to it when I'm in my old man's car, oldschool rock, sabbath if you get really lucky, otherwise its generally a heap of shite on radio 1, but kerrang isn't much better anymore.

As for buying, not quite, chances are I'll either get a refund, or more ideally, get a second battery, but I have two of the same types of E-fag batteries (shut it, I mean fag in the british sense :autism:) and  recently got a letter saying there was an urgent recall of some Vype brand batteries, and I already had/have one, that needed the tank replacing, but because it was  close to my b/day, got bought a new battery, as the glass was cracked and leaking nicotine, with my having to just regularly wet the wick with fresh e-liquid, turns out, the batteries are liable to explode.

Seems like I can get a replacement or refund though on the specific batch numbers  affected, some are prone apparently, being cheap chinese shite (not intended as a racist statement, I've nothing against the chinese, bar the government and some of their industrial practices, like churning out say, fentanyl analogues that are nasty looking even for fentanyl analogues [ACRYLfentanyl...sheesh!) and  being probably responsible for my almost being doused in a mixture of boiling (125 'C+) 98% sulfuric acid, chromyl chloride and dichromate, the mixture as a whole being one hell of an oxidizer, carcinogenic and generally nasty shit, almost got the best part of a liter of chromyl chloride, dumped  down my nether regions, would have too, after shitty glass failed on me, flask bottom (1L RBF) dropped out, and it was  only the rapid reactions, honed over a legion of pyrophoric, toxic, and both- disasters that was my chemistry training as a young'un, with only books to go by. Somewhat of a trial by fire, it thankfully has given me the instincts to move bloody fast when it really counts. Probably saved my life quite a few times, what with the somewhat darwinian entry into the field, with no teacher, damn cheapo chinky glass, that accident was a real bad near miss, would have probably melted me down to the bone had I not had the instincts to run like fuck when it becomes visible all hell is about the break loose. If you buy the glassware from the right sellers, like deschem on ebay, its good, but now and then, you see a bargain and then it goes all to fuck and nearly melts your balls off)

Seems like one of the two E-cig batteries I have, I'll have to send off for a replacement, as one of the model numbers, I got a letter about and it seems they are prone to blowing your head off (it has apparently happened, where the battery has exploded and  killed the user. Worse still I can't even reclaim the fucking lithium and use  it for a Birch-Benkeser reduction, damn Li-ion polymer batteries. Short changing the customer out of a scrap of lithium metal, how cheapskate can you get....

OK, now I DO have a reason to have grief with the chinks. Li polymer batteries...fuckers. I've been saving up all my damned and damnable Li-based batteries for reclamation of lithium metal (I can buy it in 100g lots easily enough but would rather not spend the money when I  can gut a few batteries on a per-use basis,  but buggered if I want damn plasticized crap if all is going to go to hell otherwise. I'd sooner have the lithium out of the things for a Birch reduction, dissolved in anhydrous ammonia, but fucking hell...thats just annoying. Now my  only option is to send it back for a replacement, given its a Li-ion polymer battery rather than one using Li metal. And right when my supply of lithium is beginning to degrade too. (**** (shit should NOT post after a few G&Ts, almost divulged it's pseudonym on one rather..sensitive forum...) keeps it's under inert gas (argon, since it reacts with nitrogen to form an unstable, possibly explosive nitride, unlike the other alkali metals which need special high-tech methods to produce a nitride at all, Li does with atmospheric N2) and in a tight-sealed container full of a mixture of magnesium dust and anhydrous CaCl2, purged with argon) although its still degrading over a year storage)

But have heard of these Li batteries going apewaste and taking the head off unfortunate users of E-cigs.

As for the coplimentary stuff, I'd they'd swap the fly swatter for some MDphenylacetone or phenylacetone, I'd actually be quite happy with it. Maybe a bottle of spirit to make good use of the citrus fruit, bugger any fancy stuff, just a good brand of gin and some fever tree elderflower tonic, a few (good) cigars, would suit me better than a bunch of bloody flowers or whatever of the like the high-brow types are used to demanding, good enough.

Hell, I'd be happy enough just given nobody poking their nose in the room unless told to come in, a complimentary NBC suit...:autism:

But yes, these days, radio music is fucking shite. And worse, they censor anything decent, even on youtube get packs of shitheads like 'vevo' even censor the 'curse words' in songs. Turning plenty of metal to utter crap. At the worst possible times, Otep for example, censoring the word 'faggot' when the lead vocalist is herself, a carpet muncher and makes no bones about it. The track in question isn't homophobic, but this publisher censors anything remotely 'rude', it pretty much ruins metal music, if you censor every possible 'rude' word, then the entire genre goes to shit. (i'm thinking in particular 'rise, rebel, resist' by otep, they censor the line 'I'm with the freaks, the faggots, the geeks, the separatists...') the whole point of the song is a risen fist against such discrimination, yet the dumbfucks censor it anyway.  Does my nut right in, when trying to relax, listen to some decent music, and suddenly part of the lyrics are burnt out with static..enough to wake me up with otherwise relaxed and listening to some decent music. Takes me from sleep right to fucked right off in five seconds flat. If I wake up I want to wake up slowly, comfortably rather than be jerked awake due to a burst of static crap intended to cover some 'offensive' word, or have the playlist halted due to same, and be asked to login (when I don't want even to make an account, just to 'prove' I'm 18+, when any fucker with an email address could do the same, and I can't be the hades well arsed to make one.


Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8631 on: August 05, 2018, 10:04:02 AM »
I either listen to the powerhouse local "talk" radio (in the morning to get me out of bed) or the university's classical station.  The only things I won't listen to that are classical are Spanish guitar and opera.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8632 on: August 05, 2018, 11:04:59 AM »
Some small military pouches that hook to a belt or backpack and a big magnet on wheels for picking up nails and such after work has been done on a house
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8633 on: August 05, 2018, 11:06:17 AM »
a big magnet on wheels for picking up nails and such after work has been done on a house

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8634 on: August 05, 2018, 12:00:52 PM »
I've got to agree for the most part,  QV, but there IS some surprisingly good opera around.

check this out, if you think you hate it ALL. Agree most of it is intolerable, but damn, wish I could find more by this  lot. Not  the same Draconian that come from sweden, this lot are colombian, lead vocalist has a fucking fantastic vocalist though.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8635 on: August 05, 2018, 01:24:11 PM »
a big magnet on wheels for picking up nails and such after work has been done on a house

More than courteous!

Good for you Parts. Those are so awesome. About six years ago when our roof was completely re-done, the guys had one of those - first time I had seen one in action.

Those guys were very courteous. They wanted to lay down tarps to contain their messes, but were concerned about my heavily planted garden. I told them to just rock out. A day or two will not hurt the permanent plantings, but they wanted to place stakes to mark where to not walk over the tarps.
I insisted that they could not injure the perennials but to "help them relax" a bit I showed them a few places to put their stakes.

They did not hurt a single plant and their magnetic nail sucker was amazing!
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8636 on: August 05, 2018, 02:09:06 PM »
I can't but help see those sodding great big electromagnets and wish I had a floor or ceiling that could support one without it falling straight  through and punch a hole a half meter into the ground.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8637 on: August 14, 2018, 11:56:11 PM »
See the thread about the CDs.  Also a couple of books, as well as chinotto orange.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8638 on: August 15, 2018, 10:22:34 PM »
I found these interesting Japanese style kitchen knives, brand new, still in factory packaging at a yard sale for five bucks. I think they sold on television for twenty bucks.

While I am mostly looking to grab up old record albums, I always peruse kitchen items hoping to find iron ware (I have amassed quite a collection of iron cookware, just by accident, so now I am hooked), BUT I never pass up a decent blade of any sort.

I really like these things. I can not believe the balance!

Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8639 on: August 15, 2018, 10:43:40 PM »
Careful with the top one, you'll have someone's frigging eye out with that!