Author Topic: What have you bought lately?  (Read 292826 times)

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8520 on: June 03, 2018, 02:09:29 PM »
Some rather naughty tools for relaxation. Been delaying or leaving out my rx morphine, in favour of black market methadone. Two reasons mainly, one being that the oral bioavailability of morphine is PISS poor, at perhaps 20 percent making it to the brain without being chewed to bits by the liver first, also its long acting, and as an added bonus, is a (weak) NMDA receptor antagonist, which makes it unusual among opioids in that its good for dealing with neuropathic pain, which normally, opioids aren't much good for.

I am actually considering asking my doc to switch me from oxy and morphine to methadone, not as a detox, but for pain relief purposes due to that nifty little trait. No guarantee he'll agree, but I like it far better, than the rx I'm currently meant to be using, its much, much better too at maintaining a stable plasma level, and I've a hunch that the short duration of oxy has something to do with my seizures, its wearing off as I sleep, and the drop in plasma levels seems correlated with them.

NEVER happens either if I'm awake, with perhaps one or two exceptions, and every  one of those has been when I am out of the house and forgotten to take some with me, and the NMDA antagonism of the methadone should prove to have some antiseizure effects.

And a bit of H just for the occasional toot, as there is something rather unique about the phenanthrene opioidergics that others just don't seem to be able to hold a candle to.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8521 on: June 04, 2018, 01:09:49 PM »
A Dolby Cat 85C pink noise card.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8522 on: June 04, 2018, 03:23:07 PM »
a new car radiator.

im gonna have to get a new (used) car altogether i think. transmission is really iffy. :(

OORRR i'll get an electric bike and just carpool/rent if i need to go further afield.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8523 on: June 04, 2018, 03:53:20 PM »
A six pack of Becks bottled beer, a 4 pack of one of my favourite beers, Peroni, an italian beer that I think has a wonderful flavour, after I woke up from my finally caught up sleep, which consisted of almost the entirety of the day  until 22.40pm (starting a bit after 8am lol, helped by a heavy dose of my seizure meds and two rather potent sleeping tablets with a long duration of action, namely nitrazepam.

They worked a treat, plus a hefty dose of pain medication to make sure it didn't wear off in my sleep, with some CYP-P450-3A4 and CYP-P450-2D6 inhibitor agent taken to help with that further.

Only awoke to briefly think 'fooooooood' and have a craving for kraft cheese slices, of which I bought six packs of the things and I'm plowing through them like a dying man stranded in the desert who just found himself a naturally occurring fountain of unlimited ice-cold coke, a huge stand of strong wild weed, and wandered out into civilization again to find a burger joint that does GREAT double cheeseburgers, the kind you get at the charcoal pit. And one that sells beer too. Lots of great draught ale.

Just cracking a bottle of Becks straight from the fridge, smoking a cigar while I drink my beer and watch family guy, munching packs of sliced cheese and going back for more.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8524 on: June 05, 2018, 01:50:08 PM »
A new driveway they finished about two hours ago.   Can't park on it for a week but it looks really nice
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8525 on: June 06, 2018, 03:37:40 AM »
^That's really cool.

I haven't bought anything. No money!
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8526 on: June 06, 2018, 03:52:17 AM »
I hate those times ren. *squeezes his favourite renster*

I've not bought it yet, but I'm thinking I need to buy about a gallon or two, or maybe a four gallon drum of acetone, of ethyl acetate, of xylene, benzene, pentane, heptane or isohexane and some diethyl ether.

Noticed I was running alarmingly low on isopropyl alcohol too earlier today, actually had to search for a bottle, grabbed one, and then found it was the one that I'd stuck a load of drying agent (quicklime) in a while back and left it to get bone dry, searched, grabbed what I thought was another bottle of iPA, to clean a spill, and ended up accidentally splashing toluene on the fucking carpet. Got the back bay windows open to vent the smell of tolly at the moment. And I KNOW theres at least one bottle of isopropanol hanging around in the lounge somewhere, whilst the other, is assigned to being kept in the freezer, with dessicants, for those times when I need it very cold, then and there, very dry, without waiting.

I think I've got a fair bit of shopping to do. I am happy that I found my gassing equipment though, accidentally, today while I was popping into the lab to grab something entirely unrelated, because chances are I'd have bought another set of gas taps while stalking ebay for prize finds.

Need to check my bank balance first, so I know how much I can spend and have some left for things to eat (although there IS an infants school just near here......but if they find too many sets of little tiny bones gnawed clean, they might start asking awkward questions. But how can you not...babies are so juicy and tender, when slow cooked in a casserole pot until the meat just falls right off those itty bitty bones :) )

Come to think of it....I'm kinda hungry right now actually. Just ate a pack of cheese slices, but I want something more substantial.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8527 on: June 10, 2018, 05:13:08 PM »
Another axe this one stamped  BELL SYSTEM with no maker but they always bought quality tools.  I will probably keep this one to add to my collection of Bell System tools.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8528 on: June 11, 2018, 10:36:43 AM »
A bunch of bottles of sudafed liquid nasal decongestant.

Tub of sodium bicarbonate.
Few boxes of 'paramol' OTC dihydrocodeine/paracetamol tablets (the latter ingredient is very easily separated out and discarded)

Also, bought myself a brand new gas mask, which fits much better than the newer one of the other two that I have.

Sent a certain somebody some money for an 8th of H.

Three pizzas, several bottles of 'frijj' thick cookie dough milkshake.
big carton of pineapple juice, another one of orange juice (hope its the kind with the bits in it)

Four big, juicy premium quality steaks (dead cow edition, three of them sirloin, the other one fillet)
A couple of bottles of benylin dry cough mixture (dextromethorphan based).

Two punnets of fresh, juicy cherries, at just 89p per punnet. Eaten one of the two already; lol, took the two that were placed furthest to the back of the shelf, because that is usually where the freshest ones are to be found, I reckon that shops tend to put the ones that need selling fastest, the oldest and least fresh up near the very front so people will tend to pick those up first, and the ones that will last the longest and remain edible at the back, so they gradually move down. So I always go and grab ones from the very furthest away at the back to get the ones which are absolutely fresh and sweet and juicy when I buy fruit.

Got a real nice deal on the steaks too, the fillet was about a fiver, five pound something but considerably under £6, whilst the sirloin steaks, three for a tenner.

And the guy in the welding supplies store was kind enough to allow me to try on the new gas mask for fit before I bought it, I thought ahead, and brought a pair of unused, still in the packaging clean mask scrubber tanks, so I could test the fit (you test it by putting it on, with tanks on, tightening it etc. and then putting the palms of your hands, one over each tank's intake vents, and then breathing in and holding your breath. The area over the bridge of your nose but just to the side should remain sucked in, as it ought to hold a vacuum, if it doesn't then there is a leak)

This new mask passed the test, and theres a far better fit than my other two. Other one really, since my oldest one is an old model that is no longer in service, they don't make new cartridges for it anymore, so I've kept it just for use when I'm cooking (as in, cooking items in the kitchen which are to be put in the mouth, sucked from a fork, chewed, swallowed and serve to fill one's stomach and provide nutrition), and cooking with some of my spice blends, as I've got a couple that are so fiery they will blow your fucking head off, because of all the black pepper, chili peppers, hot sauce, peppery boletus mushrooms, water-pepper plant leaves and all manner of other spices, dried wild fungi and herbs with a pungent, fiery kick to them.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8529 on: June 11, 2018, 04:38:00 PM »
Books.  :-[
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8530 on: June 15, 2018, 03:43:32 PM »
Yet another axe this one a Collins
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8531 on: June 15, 2018, 06:34:00 PM »
Passed up a designer jacket at Goodwill.  Really didn't need it even though it was less than $4.  Instead I spent $2.50 on 5 books.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8532 on: June 15, 2018, 07:55:06 PM »
I loaded up on vegan food. Also grabbed some new 6” STAR WARS figures and oil for my car.

Need to buy my plane ticket for Boston in September. Going to go see The The, one of my all-time favorite bands. The one time I had tickets to see them at Bogart’s in Cincinnati, my girlfriend and I drove up there only to find out it was cancelled. I think that was 1993 or 1994. Never had another chance until now. Added bonus of going to Boston for the third time this year.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2018, 10:51:59 PM by Trigger 11 »
Crazy, I'm halfway to crazy
Suicide would waste me
Homicide would break me
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Oh, is life as bad as dreams
I guess that's just the way it seems

Offline renaeden

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8533 on: June 15, 2018, 08:45:45 PM »
The The are still around? Wow. Hope you have a great time seeing them. :)
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8534 on: June 16, 2018, 01:19:21 AM »
My Dolby pink noise card finally arrived! :woohoo:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein