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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8190 on: October 16, 2017, 06:00:48 PM »
Cereal, drinks (cans of Coke Zero), ice and a cheese and olive bread loaf for Kayleigh. I do not eat olives, ew.

That sounds good. I've never had olive bread.  :orly:

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8191 on: October 16, 2017, 11:49:35 PM »
Cereal, drinks (cans of Coke Zero), ice and a cheese and olive bread loaf for Kayleigh. I do not eat olives, ew.
That sounds good. I've never had olive bread.  :orly:
It looked nice and was freshly baked. If only I liked olives!
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8192 on: October 17, 2017, 01:59:12 AM »
You don't eat olives? damn! how can ANYBODY not LOVE olives!?!  *lestat looks at the Renster, shocked and apalled :P*

Excluding those horrible purple calamity olives or however its spelled, with a 'K' I think, olives are great, I love pickled olives, or olives sliced up and distributed throughout the melted cheeses on a pizza, every  time I get a pizza, I ALWAYS order it with olives, and double extra olives on it. And when I get my favourite subway sub sandwich, (meatballs and all the available types of cheese with at least quadruple extra servings of cheese for each kind they have) I always have no salad, I don't DO vegetables, but I do have the olives, and I'll keep saying 'no, more, please' to the person serving me until they say that they'd get in trouble if they give me any more, and even then try to wheedle a few more big sly handfuls out of them if there is nobody watching them so they can't get in shit for giving me more, and I don't stop until they get to the point where it turns to 'we have to leave SOME for other customers to eat, sir' although I'll still try it on for just that extra handful more, and am not satisfied until it gets to the point where the sub is quite literally, incapable of holding one single slice of olive more, and needs to be lifted, bit by bit, up from the wrapper to take a bite without it falling to pieces :D

For pickled olives I prefer green ones, pizza and sub sandwiches etc. I prefer black olives; and the pickled ones...once I open a jar, it usually doesn't ever get closed again until the jar has been washed out and assigned to storage of chemicals of sorts that won't corrode the lid and/or melt the glass; because once I start a jar I just can't stop until they are all gone, and its by no means uncommon for me to go and get a second or third jar full and eat those too.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8193 on: October 17, 2017, 05:45:39 AM »
As I said, if only I did like them...

Today I ordered off eBay a soft toy Cheshire cat for my friend for her birthday. Didn't really want too get her yet another stuffed toy, she has a huge mound of them in her room. Literally a mound. That takes up half her floor space.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8194 on: October 17, 2017, 11:03:26 AM »
Love black olives.  The best kiss PA ever gave me was when he'd drunk quite a lot of beer (unusual for him) and he tasted of black olives.  If I had been a black olive vampire I would have sucked the life out of him.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8195 on: October 17, 2017, 12:22:25 PM »
Two 3 inch how saws, an arbor for them and an extra pilot bit
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8196 on: October 17, 2017, 02:22:23 PM »
She autie/aspie? that her 'speshul 'thing' ? if so then why not? thats the kind of thing that'll likely bring her delight and joy if that is correct and she is and they are.

If you want to make a spazz happy for b/day/xmas then get them something related to one of their 'spazz-things'. My old man for instance, he knows what'll go down well, such as for one b/day, got me a vacuum pump. Most kids and the like would unwrap that and their face would fall like a turd plopping out of an arse and into a sewer..but me? sniper rifle, point blank range, bullseye and splitting the bullet with a second shot, the second being a quart of good quality pump oil for it. He doesn't know anything about chemicals, at least, not much, there are things he'd hear me so much as mention and take off running in the other direction and not come back for the next six months, and lesser things that he'd certainly make sure he didn't open any house windows or the back door if I mentioned I  was working with them in the back garden, and is no glassware expert, but he can still manage, and if needs be find something more than suitable, and he knows I can always use more flasks, condensers, hotplate-magnetic stirrers and electrical this that and the other. I'd really like a new multi-tapped variable output  constant-current power supply (that is to say, can take more than one output at a time, and one can vary the desired current but the voltage is regulated automatically so as to always deliver the set amount of current, if resistances change, such as in electrolytes when the chemistry of whatever is in the cell changes dynamically with time and of course, heat making a difference also, so the power supply automatically applies voltage regulation in order to keep the set amperage flowing regardless, especially handy with heat-sensitive processes such as electrolytic production of sodium or potassium for example, from their hydroxides, since there is a narrow window between melting point of the caustic, and once it has melted into a liquid at several hundred degrees 'C, in the case of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda/lye) IIRC its 20 or 25 degrees 'C between first melting at around 300-something degrees C, during that window you can, with a cell built suitably to exclude the air from the metal and prevent it exploding (even little blobs of Na will do at the temperatures required for electrolysis of caustic soda in the presence of any oxygen or atmospheric water vapor, a piece that would just skitter around on the surface of a tank of water on fire, going out with a final 'pop', when its been heated to over 300 'C its another animal entirely, and it goes apeshit, to put things very mildly indeed. It'll explode with a loud bang in a fraction of a second if it hits air. I've run a strong current (around 60 amps IIRC) through a bath of molten caustic soda before without attempting any control of atmospheric conditions and once the caustic melted, turned on the power and turned the hotplate off. The moment the switch was flipped it started instantly to start cracking and thumping and blasting bits of molten, flaming metal across the kitchen, and I had to cut the power at the house circuit breakers because it was too intense by far, created an absolute firestorm of molten sodium blobs being formed and catapulted accross the entire room, sounding as though somebody were firing an automatic pistol in the kitchen, even from the next room, such was the rate the blobs of sodium were forming and then being blown out of the cell, on fire, and shooting through the air, I couldn't even get near it, to turn it off at the wall switch, although it was DAMN fun to watch and listen to, whilst wearing heavy protective clothing, thick, heavy leathers, heavy gloves, goggles and a blast-shield over my face, head and neck down to my chest to protect against the machinegun-esque banging and cracking, with intermittent pounding as larger globules coalesced and then went off with an earsplitting thump, as if the electrolytic army I'd raised had a sniper or two taking potshots with a .50 caliber barrett in amongst the tracer-fire of flaring sodium blobs flying around the room, glowing a bright orange tinted with yellow, just like the color of street lights (those being in fact due to sodium themselves, as the old sort, where they haven't been replaced by those dreadful LED panel bright white abominations use sodium vapor lamps. A walk at night then was a pleasure, rather than a chore, the ambient dimmer, orange light from the characteristic visual emission spectrum of ionized sodium I like, those filthy modern LED panel things might take less energy and be cheaper to run but they give off a nasty kind of light, like those rotten bloody energy-saver bulbs (which I refuse to use in my bedroom, and definitely won't tolerate in the lab, it'd get on my nerves no end, the rest of the house has the horrid little things, although not due to me, I'd not buy them, and if incandescent bulbs were ever banned to (temporarily of course) sate the ever-unsatisfied governmental hunger for new bans and prohibitions, I'd end up either making my own, or even switching to bloody candles, save for in the lab of course when obviously I am not going to have a naked flame in there save for certain highly specific instances  where deliberate flame pyrolysis is an intentional objective and planned for technique used as part of a synthesis.

For example, although I would only use this, as a method of recycling otherwise waste salts rather than use my glacial acetic acid (~100% concentrated acetic acid) to make them, pyrolysis of either the lead or calcium salts of acetic acid can be employed to decompose them and produce acetone as a result. The yield is not fantastic, but a DIY'ed temporary and throwaway (at least when using the calcium salt, obviously one does not simply 'just throw away' items contaminated with heavy metals such as lead, or worse. I, certainly, do not) metal still made from a tin can welded to a piece of copper pipe, bent and led through a tank of coolant water with some silicone rubber etc. sealant on either side of the tank-to-pipe connections and roasted from the outside with a propane torch will decompose the calcium acetate to form the corresponding ketone. Similar reactions are possible with other carboxylate salts. It is one way, for example, that if starting from phenylacetic acid, some people on a breaking-bad kind of undertaking, after producing the nasty-smelling phenylacetic acid (smells like rancid cat piss) could use exactly the same process, forming the lead, or calcium salts (there are higher yielding processes though than these) and subjecting them to what is known to chemists as 'destructive distillation', that is, heating something, generally dry and not highly volatile, in a still beyond its decomposition point, dry, usually, and collecting the distillate of the decomposition products. Calcium or lead acetate would give acetone, and phenylacetic acid salts of the same metals would give the corresponding ketone also, in that case, phenylacetone, otherwise known as P2P, or 1-phenyl-2-propanone, a favourite precursor for amphetamine cooks, as, although unlike the methamphetamine produced by methods involving reduction of pseudoephedrine the product amphetamines are racemic rather than enantiopure D-methamphetamine, however it is on the other hand, much more versatile, pseudoephedrine is good for making one amphetamine and one only-meth. Although it can also be subjected to oxidation instead of reduction, giving the corresponding beta-ketoamphetamine, this is also an active stimulant, and is known as methcathinone, a synthetic (or if the pseudo/ephedrine were to be extracted from the ephedra plant family from whatever species, or from other plants which produce it, it could thus be considered semisynthetic) version of cathinone itself (unmethylated, although being a beta-keto primary amine it is unstable, its produced by and is used as, the shoots and young, tender leafy top shoots of the khat plant, Catha edulis (Celastraceae), in a similar manner to how unprocessed coca, the plant which is the natural source of cocaine, in high, mountainous areas thin in oxygen to help combat oxygen deprivation in areas such as colombia, peru and bolivia, especially AFAIK in peru, the inca peoples chewed the dried coca leaves, which they would carry with them in woven bags over the shoulder, hanging at the waist for easy access, to enable the inca tribesmen to survive and work at high altitude, as well as to give them stamina during their long, arduous tough uphill treks to fetch resources. Khat is similarly chewed, although unlike coca, no base needs to be added to form the freebase, and in the case of cathinone, unstable as it is (khat must be fresh, within a few days the cathinone will have degraded to cathine, nor-ephedrine/norpseudoephedrine which is much less pleasant or desirable) and it is either chewed or brewed into a tea, the latter called 'miraa', and the plant/chew 'khat, 'qat' or 'Qot' in the african regions which have suffered infestation with islam. Since the koran forbids drinking alcohol, they use qat/khat/Qot (pronounced like our 'cat' as in the furry cute things that purr, scratch people on a whim when they feel like it, or get stolen by my psycho-fucking-hell-born-bastard-creature whoreson of a cunt former housemate, the bipolar, borderline PD bitch from the abyss, and which are kinda like mini-renaedens wearing fur coats, in that they are cute as hell, absolutely adorable and have a way of giving a death-stare that goes right through you. [got to admit ren, you would look great with a tail xD ]

Since booze is forbidden by the overblown egotistical psychotic pork scratching going by the name of 'allah', allegedly at least, the islamfestation of countries such as somalia, yemen and a few neighboring countries has actually resulted in the formation of a large industry centered around its cultivation and rapid distribution before its degredation, where it is used, usually communally and chewed as a social stimulant.

I've got some seeds for the plant to try and get some established myself when the winter is over, also bought 2 bags of rowentrees fruit-gums, 3 'meal in a can' milkshakes (about 5100 calories in total so I'm good for the day) , couldn't find the multipacks of coke cans so had to settle for a couple of bottles. One bloody annoying thing is now its nearly impossible to find 2 liter bottles of coke, don't know if its a combination of product shrinkage and cost inflation or some enforced healthy diet push of some sort. Either way its a pain in the fucking arse. Bought the cigars too and all in all (already had the khat seed, didn't get that today) came to just under £20. Thats way too fucking much, its obscene; prices are going way up, repeatedly, and the income isn't.)

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8197 on: October 17, 2017, 10:21:30 PM »
I haven't worn a tail before. :zoinks:

My friend isn't autistic, she is a hoarder though and so I'm not really doing her a favour!
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8198 on: October 18, 2017, 11:15:08 AM »
B'fast - oatmeal, yogurt parfait and coffee

Trying to be healthier.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8199 on: October 18, 2017, 09:16:39 PM »
Going to buy cat food and meds (again).
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8200 on: October 19, 2017, 04:03:23 PM »
31.26 gallons of gas
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8201 on: October 19, 2017, 05:20:04 PM »
Bought a ceramic balloon dog knickknack for the oldest as a birthday gift. First saw an eyesore of a rhinestone encrusted camel; it was so hideous it was wonderful and was going to buy it, thinking we could start passing it back and forth and stop this present giving crap. Then saw the balloon dog and it won me over. Will wait until the gift is opened to explain the inspiration for buying it. The gift is an knockoff art copycat. A few years ago, read an article about the artist Jeff Koons. At the time he was the highest paid artist in the world. He creates large metal sculptures that look like balloons and people pay him millions to have them. Jack thinks they're awesome and hopefully the gift will be well received.

Here's what the gift looks like; it's about 12 inches tall.

Here's a picture of Koons:

« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 05:26:01 PM by Jack »

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8202 on: October 19, 2017, 05:22:50 PM »
Can you give it to me stuffed with $100 bills?
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8203 on: October 19, 2017, 05:57:34 PM »
Can you give it to me stuffed with $100 bills?
Gave money too, but felt obligated to also send an actual gift as this year it's not only birthday but also graduation. Due to timing of school and upcoming winter, the kids almost exclusively received clothing or money for clothing for birthdays, even from extended family, with the understanding Christmas would bring no clothing. As adults they want clothes for their birthdays. :laugh:

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8204 on: October 19, 2017, 08:34:36 PM »
There is not a single thing*edit' wants less than he does clothing.  It is so low down his list of things wanted he'd sooner just have the recipt so he can take it back for a refund and buy something he actually might own a serving of french-fried sticks of greasy fuck he could donate Some scrappy excuse for a charity for the prevention of cruelty and deprivation when there is really bugger all better to do whatsoever for the feckless fuck-less.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 09:36:53 AM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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