Author Topic: What have you bought lately?  (Read 293336 times)

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8070 on: August 16, 2017, 11:59:59 PM »
Some dirt cheap Dolby stuff from eBay.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8071 on: August 17, 2017, 01:52:23 AM »
John Deere tractor

'Sec' three words there.. but since nobody bothered to ask I'm going to.. Why? What for? .. or.. A toy version? Or, are you going to grow corn next year?
For the acreage. It has multiple attachments. Mower for the lawn. Snow blade to clear the driveway. But most importantly I needed something with enough power to tow the log splitter. We have a ton of wood left in various places around the property from the previous owner that we can slice up and store properly to dry. They left it to rot and it's a waste of good wood because we need it for the wood stove for heating in the winter and next year when we buy a pool heater, it's wood fired as well so we can put that to good use.

Ah, okay.. that's cool. I have no use for a tractor but now I want one too. :laugh:

Um, sounds cosy and nice with the wood stove in Winter and with wood heated pool in Summer. Glad to see you living the 'good' life.   
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8072 on: August 17, 2017, 08:51:25 AM »
John Deere tractor

'Sec' three words there.. but since nobody bothered to ask I'm going to.. Why? What for? .. or.. A toy version? Or, are you going to grow corn next year?
For the acreage. It has multiple attachments. Mower for the lawn. Snow blade to clear the driveway. But most importantly I needed something with enough power to tow the log splitter. We have a ton of wood left in various places around the property from the previous owner that we can slice up and store properly to dry. They left it to rot and it's a waste of good wood because we need it for the wood stove for heating in the winter and next year when we buy a pool heater, it's wood fired as well so we can put that to good use.

Ah, okay.. that's cool. I have no use for a tractor but now I want one too. :laugh:

Um, sounds cosy and nice with the wood stove in Winter and with wood heated pool in Summer. Glad to see you living the 'good' life.   
Uhm...I'm a bit of an odd duck. I'm more excited about the tractor than I have ever been about any car I've owned. :laugh: It arrives next week.

It is a cozy place. It's not very big at all but just enough for everyone to have a bit of their own space. We don't rely on the city for anything other than electricity and garbage pick up. We have propane and wood for heat and our own well for water. It's nice to be a little more removed from the grid. Thinking next year about growing more of our own food and I'm hoping to get egg laying hens.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8073 on: August 18, 2017, 02:26:21 AM »
A tractor is way more fun to drive than a car.

Or would that be because I started driving a tractor when I was still in primary school?
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8074 on: August 18, 2017, 05:24:35 AM »
I bought clothes baskets, a bucket for the mop (the other one broke) and a better mat for outside the back door.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8075 on: August 18, 2017, 11:15:32 AM »
A tractor is way more fun to drive than a car.

Or would that be because I started driving a tractor when I was still in primary school?
Right? I come from a long line of farmers. Driving tractors is something we all learned. This doesn't look like a traditional tractor because it's smaller. It's considered a sub compact tractor. It's exactly what we need though.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8076 on: August 19, 2017, 07:22:09 PM »
A couple Popular Mechanics Shop Tips magazines from the 40s
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8077 on: August 19, 2017, 08:57:22 PM »
6 chocolate iced, custard cream filled doughnuts
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8078 on: August 20, 2017, 06:01:55 AM »

I bought medication, milk and cereal. I have to go back to the chemist tomorrow for one of the meds because they didn't have it when I went there.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8079 on: August 20, 2017, 08:10:09 AM »
A can of Fluid Film a rust preventative and lubricant made out of lanolin that I spray on all my outdoor tools and ones going to the market

"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8080 on: August 21, 2017, 04:52:47 AM »
^That's some handy stuff.

I technically didn't buy the drink and sandwich I had today. The EFTPOS machines at the college cafeteria weren't working. The lady behind the counter gave me a docket detailing what I bought so I have to go back tomorrow and pay for it.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8081 on: August 23, 2017, 11:19:19 AM »
MMmmm QV..need any help with making those disappear suddenly?:P

Today, was less about buying things than it was about harvesting them, rooting them out from the leaf-litter whence they poked up from, or nipping off infected heads of grasses, Although for the walkabout I did buy a few things, some bags of wine gums, a tin of small cigars (just reminded myself about those with this post, could go for one now come to think of it), 2 bottles of banana milkshake and some food, by way of a couple of boxes of cereal.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8082 on: August 23, 2017, 12:57:57 PM »
Sorry Lestat.  I'm a compulsive eater and they went in one sitting.  But maybe Krispy Kreme will cross the Pond some day.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8083 on: August 23, 2017, 02:24:06 PM »
They already have. The local supermarket sells both boxes of varied selections, and pack-your own, or invidivual donuts.  *mental homer simpson ''mmmmmggghnnnhh doooonnnnuuuuttsssssss *drooling noise*ssssssss' moment*

I love the custard filled ones especially, custard-vanilla cream filled ones are so damn good. I can go through a bag full of those containing (forget which) either 9 or 10 in about as much time as it takes to bite around the doughy but and nibble  away as much as possible, until there is left behind a thin wall keeping in a big glob of custard cream in place long enough to scarf them down in a couple of big bites.

Got some big chewy soft giant cookies here though for snacks, along with some banana milkshake left and drinking a bottle of elderflower cordial. Not hungry right now though.  But thirsty, yes. Been exerting myself a lot today. And its hot tonight here.
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Re: What have you bought lately?
« Reply #8084 on: August 23, 2017, 05:32:24 PM »
Now I can come back to Englad and be happy.  Yeah doughnuts. 

Is there any place that sells beignets?
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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